Wednesday, November 6, 2013


     For example; With the very real threat of a Republican Candidate, Ken Cuccinelli winning the Gubernatorial race for the State of Virginia against Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, the race got very close according to the polls as the race went on.
     With the realization Cuccinelli was going to pass McAuliffe in the polls, suddenly a Libertarian Candidate who never had a chance in the world to win anything, receives a tremendous financial boost to his campaign by an unexpected Donor who in fact, was one of Obama's largest anonymous donors in the 2012 re-election.
The BLAZE news letter identified Austin Texas software Billionaire Joe Liemandt as the Libertarian booster PAC's major benefactor.
     Strange, isn't it?
     When both Libertarian and Republican voters had one common goal in the first place, and that was to unseat the Democrats and get them out of office!
     That Libertarian Candidate was Robert Sarvis, a relatively unknown nobody to start with. But suddenly he's encouraged to throw his hat in the ring and for one purpose only, because he never had a ghost of a chance to win, and that purpose was to draw the Libertarian voters away from voting for Ken Cuccinelli, whom in fact, they most surely would have voted for.
     In detouring the votes from the Libertarians to Sarvis instead of Cuccinelli, and with Terry McAuliffe outspending Cuccinelli (Who only had grass roots contributions to depend on.) by 15 million dollars, he won by only 3 points.
     But Robert Sarvis received 6.7 points which surely would have gone to Ken Cuccinelli. This  meant the majority of the population did not vote for Terry McAuliffe but he still got in anyway in stead of losing by 3.7 points to Ken Cuccinelli, a Republican.
     Who was the most devious as usual? The Democrats of course!!
     Who was the stupidest? The Libertarians, even though they're the closest when it comes to abiding by the rules of the Constitution. In their hell-bent determination to have a voice in U.S. politics, they helped to re-elect the Party that is the farthest thing from the Constitution, the Communistic Democrats.
     Who was the loser once again? The Constitution abiding and freedom lovers of the United States of America.
     What's worse? Nobody, including the U.S. Supreme Court seems to give a damn!! Because nobody wants to change the trickery.   Just sayin'.

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