Thursday, November 7, 2013


     Or do you think instead, that in order to take total control of a situation, you must first erase anything in someone else's mind that ever made sense in the first place?  Something that previously worked successfully in the way they thought, but doesn't conform with the direction you would like them to go in the future?
     In the case of the Military, It's a necessary requirement, if you wish to make a good warrior who will react in a trained orderly fashion  to every demand from a senior officer, it's taken for granted this needs to be done! You break them down mentally, and then through manipulation, rebuild their thought process to suit your way of thinking.
     A brainwashing method that's gone on for Centuries!
     But in order to have an organized military system and at the same time, win over enemy combatants, it's necessary that be the case, and as mean as it seems, is a proven method of encouraging co-operation by the recipient. It's not necessarily a bad thing sometimes, but a required thing.
     Having said that, take a good look at the Obama method of operation in our Government! Is anything he's done or doing that's clear to you of his purpose since he first got into office? Except one thing; NOTHING!!!
     Who behaves this way with the determination of a "Hit-man" who could shoot someone in the head while eating a sandwich? Someone who has totally, mentally fortified himself against anything that comes his way, expresses no concern and forges on in his intent, which few people recognize as an attempt to bring America as we know it, down to it's knees, in order that he can then rebuild it to suit his and his Internationally rich backers' needs.
      Do you think that Obamacare was ever intended to make sense and be fully implemented at all? But at the same time hint that the Party in Power would really like to see a "One Single-payer" system anyway, should Obamacare fail. An oxymoron, maybe?? Do you think maybe he never wanted it to make sense in the first place?
     We already knew that the Single-payer system wasn't working well in Canada, yet he hired a Canadian Consultant firm to set ours' up down here?? Of course you do understand that the single payer will be none other than the Government itself, don't you? Something we didn't want, was total Government control over our personal lives, especially our Health care!
     This is a President who campaigned on a promise to establish more transparency than any other Administration before him! Just to turn around and create one that, supposedly was to be a Government "Of the People, By the People and For the People" and turn it exactly around to be a totally "Non-revealing, un-American, secretive Government" that never, ever answers to the people instead!! Unbelievable! From total transparency to total Secrecy instead!
     Is anybody keeping track of the money being wasted while this impossibility is taking place? Another oxy-moron?
     It's also an impossibility for an Atheist who has taken the path of Communism with his Constitution destroying ways, to expect that us who believe in God will follow him in accomplishing the task of taking God out of the picture. Stupid, isn't it?
     None of it makes any sense, and the sadder part is, that's the way he wants it!!
     So beware folks! The more confused and destitute we become, the happier he is.
     If ever there was anybody cooler and more self-assured as that guy when he steps up to a microphone, I haven't seen it! Neither have you!!
      But for this man, who America would depend on to guide everyone in being honest to them, particularly in telling the truth, to deceive us with his repeated lies the way he did and is still doing, is a far more injurious and grievous sin that could only be from representing the Devil himself.
      What a sad, disappointing time for America this is.
      Just sayin'

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