Monday, December 9, 2013


     In normal circumstances, when members of Congress have differences in how things should be approached, they often times achieved an agreement by "compromising." It always worked, and America moved on each time to bigger and better things. Again, under normal circumstances, differences were always there because of each Party's methods of how Gov't should be run.
     In each case however, both Parties operated their thinking under the accepted rules of the Constitution. Often there was "well thought out" "Compromise" before coming to terms.
     I don't remember any such cases reaching the Supreme Court that weren't strenuously thought out back in the old days, and in each case, under the guidance of the rules of the Constitution before a decision was made.
     Today however, the Left has very deceptively introduced a doctrine that we had fought wars against, due to Communist aggression. A doctrine that was in no way compatible with our Constitution that has served us so well over the Centuries.
     In fact, the main reason is obvious.
     E.G.; If Democracy was introduced to China, the only way it could further itself would be if the Chinese Communists were to "Compromise" once in a while, thereby giving up a little bit of it's grip on their people through "Totalitarianism". They would still have "Marxism" as their theme.
     As long as "Marxism" remains, there will never, ever be a Constitution similar to ours allowing "Freedom" to every citizen. Certainly not without bloody rebellion.
     So although "Democracy" may be recognized as a philosophy there, it will probably never exist to any degree.
     Now, in America, the devious Left recognizes that in order to graduate this Country into Socialist/Communism, is not to introduce a third Party and call it what it really is, Communism, because it would illuminate itself as the way of life our fallen soldiers fought against, tooth and nail in past wars.
     So they're still referring to themselves as "Democrats" turned "Progressives" wanting to take America in a New Direction.  ("Progressives" was the name appointed themselves when the "Communist Party of The United States " existed back in the 20's) Instead though, in order to accomplish that, they have to "Operate outside the Box." But it really means, "Ignoring the rules of the Constitution" or erasing it all together.
     Like the "unlikely" hope of Democracy getting the Chinese to "Compromise" on Marxism, we would be absolutely stupid to think of "Compromising" anything that would permit us to eventually stray away from our "Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence."
     Why?? because there is absolutely nothing within our Constitution that allows us to take away the strength of it through "Compromise". Because of the simple fact they are already operating outside the Constitution by ignoring it anyway, we would only be confirming what they want us to do. Begin the process to abandon our Sacred rights we already have under those documents.
     The only "Compromising" they will ever do will only gain them strength and weaken ours.
      "So, when someone says, "We need a Republican President who will reach across the Aisle", which Barack has never done since he arrived in Office, EVER, close your eyes, stomp your foot and shout; "NO!! No compromising the "Constitution" our gallant warriors fought and died for".  Just sayin'.

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