Sunday, December 1, 2013


     But they're not! And if you were to question any one of them to explain it to you in 15 minutes so it could be understood, (Which it can't!) they couldn't do that either! In fact, theses so-called experts, (I promise you!) have never even read it.
     It's a sales pitch right from the get-go and it's a pitch thrown out there to confuse everyone from the beginning in the first place.
     If you were to ask any of them to take one program and show you how it works, they would not be able to do that either. Why not,??? Because it was never designed to GIVE better Healthcare. Certainly not as good or better than what we already had.
     For them to say it's meant to cover 100 million people who presently don't have it, is just another deceptive LIE!
     Then you can ask them to produce proof of anyone they remotely know, that was ever turned away from an emergency room because they needed Critical care, they will not be able to. If they try to, it'll just be another lie.
      The present and past system we had, provided for everybody on an emergency basis , anyway.
     Obamacare was never designed to remain intact. The failure of it was purposely intended to give them the one thing they have wanted from the very beginning. A single-payer system where the Government will have total control by one expanded Government Entity which, with the health care costs being 1/5th of the total yearly budget, would bring SOCIALISM front and center to America, with Totalitarianism being a lot easier to impose further down the road. That Entity will decide by a special panel which doctor and/or Hospital will be paid, and how much.
      The danger in a Gov't having total control of our lives is controlled only by the Bill of Rights and The Constitution. God help us when they succeed in getting rid of those!
      As for the sales pitch they're giving us now, I compare it to a vacuum cleaner salesman I once personally knew, that sold one to a farmer who had no electricity. He did it with the promise that one day soon, there would be a power-line coming right through his place in the near future. No such thing was going to happen. So be it with Obamacare.
      The first time I saw Obama speak about Obamacare, I was looking at that vacuum cleaner salesman.
      It's so scary to look at this man who has had absolutely no idea how to improve the living conditions in Indonesia, a country in which he was raised under the name of  "Barry Soetoro", and a country deemed to be the most corrupt country in the world, to take him and place him in control of the Greatest most successful Country in the World! And expect him to run it successfully, is beyond me, or anybody else, for that matter!. God help us, please!!!!   Just sayin'.


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