Wednesday, December 4, 2013


      After turning their backs on the minority Republicans at the start of the "thuggish take-over" of both portions of Congress and the Presidency, the "Mob" rushed behind closed, locked doors to dis- allow the bonafied portion of the minority Congress, (Republicans) to partake in the Constitutional process of determining the structure of the Obamacare act. (An illegal move and a "Slap on the face" the Republican Congressmen aren't forgetting. Nor should they!)
      By so doing, they eliminated the possibility of the minority to "Filibuster" parts of the Act they may have disagreed with. The minority opposition has been so distracted by the nastiness of Obama's misdeeds they haven't had the time to devise another one at all!
     Throughout the 250  years of prior Gov't procedure, Filibustering has been allowed in the Constitutional process in order that the minority, although being such, would still have a last voice in objecting to the passage of a law by a runaway majority Gov't.
     So by locking out the Republican portion of Congress, they were able to quickly pass the Obamacare act without interruption. And without any scrutiny at all, they quickly requested Socialist run Medical programs from all over the modern world to be gathered into one bunch, and we saw the birth of the "Obamacare Act"
     Because of that move, the Republicans were allowed no say in the structuring of Obamacare, nor was there time for the Republicans to offer changes in the building of such a scheme. They simply weren't allowed time to devise a more sensible, affordable plan.
     When Obamacare was enacted, no one, I mean absolutely no one including Socialist/Democrats, had ever read the twenty 27,000 page document. Even more bizarre than this, no one had suspected what that gang of Anti-Constitutional Thugs were planning; a move to destabilize the solidarity of the "American way" as we had grown over the years to enjoy and love.
     It turned out to be an assailment of our freedom that we are still undergoing as I write.
     Despite the fact that Medicare was in need of vast improvement due to conflicting policies and stories of fraudulent behavior on the part of some Medical Agencies, it was working! Once uncovered, the process of corrections would and could have been made, given a reasonable length of time. But NO!!! The birth of the "Obamacare Act" has resulted in the American people being left with "The Afterbirth" of the procedure to deal with and no doctors to clean it up and no incinerator to dispose of it.
     To make it worse, because the money simply wasn't there to squander on the start of the "Obamacare" program, they trampled all over the current "Medicare" reserve by taking 650 billion dollars out of Medicare to kick-start the future intended "Obamacare" disaster. Thus, leaving Medicare in shambles for the Seniors and impaired who were and are, depending on it. (He robbed Peter to pay Paul!)
     So now, we have the hypocritical Obama Regime and the Socialist Democrats asking the Republicans to "put-up or shut-up" with a better plan after not allowing them to scrutinize the "Obamacare Act" in the first place.
     Go back to Medicare and work on it. At least it was working in the first place! Just sayin'.

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