Saturday, January 11, 2014


     That's one of the first changes the Opposition can put on their agenda, and that's to eliminate the huge tax breaks and loop holes that those industries have been receiving in return for their significant political donations.
     It's not just the Entertainment field of course, but because of their influence in being continually on the front pages in so many ways that has the most influential impact.
     It's recently been revealed on Fox News; A major International "Green" business CEO donated $100,000.00 to the Obama Campaign. It has now been discovered his Co. received "$100,000,000.00 for operating his business considered in the "Green" category.
     Entertainment related people get rewarded by tax break "Loop holes" exempting them from the IRS, so why wouldn't they be willing to back someone who can extend those breaks back to their pocketbook?
     These kinds of people are living in an environment that, because of the nature of the Industry's provocative business, and money is no longer a problem, they live in an idealistic world to begin with. Lets' just say, it's a celebratory, "Everything goes" style of living and parties.
     I remember the now 'infamous' Robert Blake from the T.V. series "Baretta", (Filmed from 1975 to 1978) when being interviewed about the Celebrity parties in Hollywood back then said; "Half the Celebrities in Hollywood are on drugs!" He later wouldn't retract that statement!
     There's no doubt in my mind, and the antics by Madonna, Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus hold me firm in my thinking, that it's worse now by far more than before. 
     I understand that the "Sodom and Gomorrah" type parties are more and more common in the world of Celebrities than ever before. Something that I often refer to as the "Absence of God". Just sayin'.

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