Saturday, March 29, 2014


      Obama is now wanting to bypass Congress and by executive order, place the Internet in their control.
      As he sees his numbers tanking and his Agenda headed for failure in 2014, he still intends to shove all of America's resources and authority in the hands of the UN, EU and the NEW WORLD ORDER. So when he is finished, he's making sure it will a very weak America who will not be able to defend itself against the rest of the World. Or so he thinks.
      Let's hope we're tougher than that. But it's obvious, whether he will have his legacy continued by another Communist President or not, he's hell bent on destroying everything we stand for.
      He doesn't give a darn about the affairs of our Country, never has and never will. He talks Loyalty to us and the Constitution right now but he has none. It's only lip service to delay the inevitable; his impeachment after November of 2014.
      He is presently paying all his attention to Worldly affairs, in preparation for abandoning everything here, and is counting on being the President of "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" when they seize total control.
      He knows how tough we are as a Nation of Immigrants, and will fight him furiously for our freedom. He wants us to have no resources and guns to fight him with and he will kill as mercilessly, as the Al Qaida fighting force he is backing by openly supplying them with war fighting materials as he has in the recent past.
      There is no 'In between' here. If you fence sitting Liberals who vote for him for the sake of your own personal gain are going to find he will deny that to you too!
      You're making the deadly mistake of underestimating this total Narcissist who cries for no one but himself and what belongs to him.
      His dispute with Putin is not about us or our Allies in the modern World.
      Before you condemn Aaron Snowden too much, I'm beginning to see he knew what Obama has in mind.
      There's no doubt in my mind that all the military top secrets we had were being leaked by the Obama Regime to the highest bidder in our 'Enemy' World. Snowden being aware of it, decided to spoil their operation by revealing it to the whole World including the Americans. That's why they will kill him when they catch him.
     Once Putin got the information he wasn't supposed to know about, he protected Snowden, along with making his move on the Ukraine to protect his own Country's interest in Europe. You can guess now, Russia has no intention of answering to Obama and the NEW WORLD ORDER once it happens. But I think he knows.
     I know it sounds absolutely surreal, but if we read the signal that all points in that direction, can any sane patriotic American trust Obama and his deceiving Atheist Regime? really?
     Not for a moment will I take the side of Putin because of his devious past. But this isn't a power struggle beteen Russia and the U.S., but between Obama and his intentions and Russia. Remember, Communism is in the minds of both men and if Putin can place his Country out of the reach of Obama, he would still have control of his own Country and Satellite Nations.
     Obama is trying to speed up his plan in fear of facing Treason and Jail if the Conservatives win the Senate and the House in Nov. 2014. Just sayin'.

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