Friday, March 28, 2014


     In my discussions with Catholics who have remained church-goers all their lives, and myself having been raised a Catholic in my earlier years, I, and they agreed that the Tone of Pope Francis is to be placed in question.
     With the Vatican actually being the smallest 'Country' in the World, it has enough independence and money to stay out of politics in the modern World! Considering it's ability to be so independent has a lot to do with where that wealth came from to maintain their stability. It came from poor people and well off people everywhere on the Globe.
     But although Popes of the past have always had a definite tone that was compatible with Freedom for the common people, such as is outlined in the 'Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the whole of  'The U.S. Constitution', it stops right there.
     Up until this Pope, they did not agree with Communism being imposed upon all the Religious, God loving people of the World, let alone the Patriotic Citizens of the United States.
     I object to this Pope taking it on himself to lead Catholicism "In a Different direction", so to speak. I.E.; He made me feel very uncomfortable of the fact that he agreed with a flat-out Communist and Atheist that they could work together in having a common worldly theme. At least that's what I got from it. It was as though he himself was in lockstep with Obama's infamous campaign slogan of, "A Different Direction" that had completely fooled the Catholic and Religious Electorate into mis-understanding his true intention of Communism. 
     I'm sure they voted for him with the thought of great expectations of improving on what we already had, that although the best idea in the world had it's chinks in it's armor, it was still the best but could use a little work. (That's what I first thought, anyway!)
     I guess this Pope has not heard about hatred from the Atheists for anyone who believes in God, (Whom the Pope represents) and the Radical Muslims (Of Which Barack Obama came from) who are slaughtering and cutting out the hearts of Christians around the Islamic World, simply because they believe in the same God the Pope does, and not Mohammed!
     Maybe the Pope has been in such seclusion that he hasn't been told of Obama's Devilish trickery he was about to deploy on him, and apparently did! 
     I guess he didn't know that Barack Obama was raised and trained as a Radical Muslim in his earlier years while in Indonesia under the name of "Barry Soetoro". 
     Or maybe The naïve Pope was fooled because Obama knelt down and pretended to pray with him. All for the sake of the poor, who by the way, are being misled into permanent poverty by the same man.
     From what I can see, a man of a Christian God from the Vatican has to know all that.
     So for the first time in my life, I have doubts about this Pope and his real purpose of meeting with a man who also has no use for God or Christianity and actually arms Al Qaida with our taxpayer money while they still use them to slaughter Christians. Then to turn around and begin a campaign of disarming our own populace he represents.
     Barack Obama is so desperate to keep his Worldly vision of A "One Worldly Gov't" and dreams of being President of the New World Order, that he even attempted to 'Snow-job' The Catholics of this Country by his visit to the Vatican.
      It looks to me as though he came away from the Vatican armed with a "compromise" that Obama himself never contributes, but takes away from something from the "other side".
     From me being a believer in God, Why would anyone possibly want the Pope to side with a Liar who lies every time he opens his Atheist mouth to convince us that Progressive/Communism is better than what we have.
     Note; Surely you've noticed that the Democrats have changed there description from "Democrat" to "Progressive". Well, you might find it curious to know, as I've pointed out in previous blogs, that in the early 1920's the "Communist Party of America" changed their name to "Progressive Party". Doing this in hopes to bolster their failing popularity.
     True Communism is what is intended to be established today by the Obama Regime.
     I understood that 51% of Catholics ended up voting for Barack Obama in his re-election. They can't possibly be stupid enough to think he would be better for this Nation and the World than our basic freedoms we are rapidly losing under his Dictatorial Presidency.
     "Beware of the wolves in Sheep's clothing", is all I can say.
      In case the Pope doesn't know it, God does not believe in "compromising" with the Devil and his sponsored Atheism.
     It's an Oxymoron for God loving Religions of any kind to think voting for their own selfish gains is going to be successful at the end of all this. They're going to ultimately discover that the spirit that leads their morals today will not be there to rely on tomorrow. Just sayin'.


  1. Part One:

    You need to do a little research into what "Popes of the past" have had to say about the "Freedoms" we hold dear as Americans. The only "Freedom of Religion" that fits with Catholic doctrine is that the Pope, the voice of God on Earth (according to Church Doctrine) is free to tell you what to believe and you are free to believe it.

    This is the same “Church”, you understand, that only decided to change their position on “the Heresy of Galileo Galilei” in 1992. Galileo, as you’ll remember, is the Italian astronomer, mathematician and scientist (and devout Catholic) who discovered the rings of Saturn and what are now known as the Galilean moons of Jupiter.

    Galileo died in 1642 while under ‘house-arrest’ by order of “The Church”. “Freedom of speech” isn't something that any “Popes of the past” (or present) would have anything to do with, neither is Freedom of the Press – Hitler wasn't the only one who suppressed knowledge by burning books - and there is nothing protecting anyone's "Freedom from illegal search and seizure" (4th amendment rights) in Catholic Church doctrine either.

    Do you further realize that, under the "laws" of "Popes of the past" you would be placed under "inquisition" for the “sin of Heresy”, if not Blasphemy for what you just posted about "The Holy Father"? You have decried Pope Francis' discernment and judgment, if not calling into question the infallibility of God's voice on Earth.

    Let’s be clear. You are saying that God's anointed leader, the spiritual Icon of something like one-fifth of the world's religious population, is too stupid or too blind to see, or is maybe even complicit in, some evil plot to turn the United States into a Communist outpost in some “New World Order”? Yeah, right.

    You’re more than willing to believe that, despite their collective wisdom, all their prayers, and accounting for “Divine Inspiration” by the Holy Spirit, the 100+ members of the College of Cardinals (of which Jorge Mario Bergoglio was himself a member) elected a man to the Papacy who would betray everything he believes in for the sake of some “New World Order”, twice.

    You see, somehow they’d have also had to get the now former Pontiff Benedict XVI to resign, too. How does a billionaire or even a cabal of “International Billionaires” buy off the reigning Head-of-State of a sovereign nation; and who is also the spiritual leader of a billion people and who oversees, with the power of a Monarch, the wealthiest religious organization on the planet ? This you could believe, but to entertain the idea that President Obama is anything other than what you have already determined him to be is anathema.

    It never occurs to you that perhaps The Holy Father is not a dupe in some wacko-bird conspiracy, and actually believes in a loving God who does not want humans judging the hearts of other humans. See below.

    Who exactly is the “They” behind all this again? Is it not your contention that the “they” in all this are those “International Billionaires” you mentioned in an earlier post? More on that subject later, but for the moment I have to be honest and blunt about one specific sentence in your post.

    You say: “Or maybe The (sic) naïve Pope was fooled because Obama knelt down and PRETENDED to pray with him.” (Emphasis mine)

    The Bible says this: “For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.” (I Cor. 2:11 KJV) - In other words, God Himself is the only valid judge of what is in a person's heart.

    So, is President Obama a Muslim or an Atheist? It can’t be both, but you seem to think you have clairvoyance enough to know what is in another man’s heart as he prays 8,000 miles away from where you are typing. How, exactly, do you know what is in another human being’s heart? Where do you get the authority to decide who is really praying and who is pretending?

  2. Part two:

    To your assertion: "With the Vatican actually being the smallest 'Country' in the World, it has enough independence and money to stay out of politics in the modern World!"

    What modern world are you referring to? The Catholic Church is one of the loudest voices in American and global politics of the 20th century.

    Why do you think so-called "religious institutions" and Churches are exempt, under Obamacare, from having to provide certain types of reproductive health care coverage for women in their employ? It's because of the outcry from the Catholic Church - other Christian groups were quick to jump on the anti-Obamacare bandwagon, but the main focal point of the objections comes from the Catholic archdioceses to contraception. Birth control is the issue; we're not even talking about abortion.

    However, there are all the anti-abortion 'trap' laws being enacted across the so-called "Bible Belt" - Kansas, Mississippi, Georgia, etc. that are the direct result of religious institutions lead primarily by the Catholic Church, trying to inflict their religious dogma on their respective states. Undue religious influence on politics or just "Free speech"? Which ever side of that argument you fall on, it is certainly NOT the "Church" "stay(ing) out of Politics".

    Where do you think all the fuss about defending "traditional" marriage and how the "radical homosexual agenda" is out to destroy America comes from? It's based in Judeo-Christian theological doctrine, of course. California's now famously overturned Prop 8, which would define marriage as only between "a man and a woman" was funded almost entirely by religious institutions. The Mormon & Catholic Churches poured millions of dollars into the campaign - not exactly staying out of politics is it?

    Let's not even get started on the American Christian and Catholic influence on the politics of other countries. Like the so-called "Kill the Gays" law that American religious leaders helped the Ugandan legislature write. A slightly less severe "life-in-prison" for the crime of being gay law was actually passed and the American conservative, evangelical religious leadership is thrilled.
