This Conspiracy theory is based on a book handed to me by a friend, who had the opportunity to have a close relative on the staff of 2 different Democratic Federal Politicians from Wa. State. It was something he was aware of years before I became interested in State and Federal Politics. I read the book last year and before I got to only the 60th page or so, it was so intriguing, I couldn't wait to skip to the last few pages to read the outcome of the Agenda. To my surprise, with all of the participants in the plan, both Democrat and Republican, and all real people including some Presidents starting from before Jimmy Carter, the ultimate goal was for a one world body called "The New World Order." I suggest to all my readers of this blog to follow up my story by reading the book. It was written and published in 1973. It's titled, "Trilaterals over Washington" and contains real names and real people, some of whom are alive today.
You will find that, although it's 40 years old, you will be amazed at how similar it is to this very day.
Obama thinks he has already reduced our Country to the point he can readily hand over our Independent Country to the "Ready to Govern, NEW WORLD ORDER" that has always been his ultimate goal.
That, along with the good graces of the European Union, the United Nations and the International Billionaires including George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, JP Morgan and possibly even T. Boone Pickens, etc.. In case you haven't noticed, they have already protected their fortunes and resources from access by our Country "Of the People, By the People and For the people" or what they think is left of it.
With their incomes already coming from an International sense, they have no reason to be compassionate or loyal to any specific Country (even their places of origin) because they have no fear of personal loss.
Their thinking is, if the taking down of the United States as the current, most powerful independent Nation in the World can be achieved with the help of the over-rambunctious puppet Barack Obama, the rest of the weaker independent Nations would have no choice but to follow. Thus, the "New World Order" could then be finalized as the One Government, one body that would dominate the entire world, with the exception of Russia and it's surrounding seized Spoils of Communism such as the Ukraine, etc. (Do think maybe Putin might have the inside track on this, and that's why he's gathering the flock?)
Wouldn't that explain why Russia has again renewed it's aggression? And since the "New World Order" is intended to soon become a Godless 'pure' "Communist Government" anyway, with the International Billionaires as it's controlling body, why wouldn't Putin be allowed to have his own spoils of aggression for the time being anyway? Their philosophies would be eventually the same! Barack, on the other hand sees some loss of his total ultimate power with this happening and that would be his objection, rather than trying to save a Democratic Ukraine?
"Total Communism" is both their goals. It's only power they're tugging back and forth at!
This is just a projection, I must remind you, but someone tell me why immediately after being elected and up until now, Barack Obama has had absolutely no interest in the good, well being of the U.S., it's Constitution that protects us all, the tremendously intended reduction of our Military that has protected us from Communist Aggression until now, and the huge 'lack of jobs' situation we have here? None of which would make any sense at all, unless he, along with his Atheistic, God-hating supporters have a planned Agenda that would require the removal of God, who stands in their way. That could really be his only reason!
Perhaps now, you will be able to connect the dots although there are many questions to be answered, and you will understand I cannot totally let go of this theory.
It does answer the question as to why President Obama has been paying little attention to the negative affairs of this Country and/or shows little concern for the mistakes he has made and lies he has told to this point of his Presidency.
It will give you a better understanding as to why, whenever negative events take place here, he turns his back and quickly flies overseas to where he feels more at home. He leaves it up to his Regime to handle everything and doesn't seem to return until things quiet down. "A Country in Absence of a Leader" would make a good title for his legacy.
His only concern is for an ultimate goal that's the Presidency of "The New World Order".
I believe this is why it is so important for him to succeed with his dream of Obamacare and it's use in his future Role after Freedom and God become erased from the face of the modern portion of the globe. He thinks he has designed a program to be used all over the modern world if he can so desperately make it work. Why else would he be so insistent on it?
Islam will be affected little and left to exist unbothered in their own primitive way.
Take it for what it's worth. Just sayin'.
I hope that the "etc." at the end of your list of "International Billionaires" includes Charles & David Koch, Bill Koch, Sheldon Adelson, Foster Friess, Harold & Annette Simmonds, Jamie Dimon, Jerry Perenchio and the other billionaire backers of the G.O.P., the T.E.A. Party and other ultra-conservative PAC's & so-called Super-PAC's. Otherwise it looks like you're targeting liberal billionaires and ignoring the conservative billionaires who must also be in on the whole "New World Order" of which you speak. You wouldn't like it if some government entity went after ONLY conservative groups and ignored liberal groups who applied for, let's say "Non-profit" tax status through the IRS.
ReplyDeleteThere is another reason why Russia might have renewed their aggression in Eastern Europe. It has to do with the hundreds of years old bond between Russians and Crimea. Crimea had, until 1954, been part of Russia proper. Crimea was gifted to Ukraine, SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic) by then Premier Nikita Khruschev. Nobody, in 1954, would have nor could have foreseen an independent, democratic Ukraine and certainly not taking Russian Crimea with it.
Russia has a vested interest in the warm water ports on the Black Sea and the military installations that are on Crimean soil. As Ukraine moved closer to the West, Russia got nervous about losing access to these areas. Add to that the fact that Putin knows one thing that puts him in the cat-bird-seat: Americans are sick of endless war and have no stomach for a 'boots-on-the-ground' war with Russia.
Putin also knows that President Obama would never get an Authorization for the Use of Force (AUF) passed though this Congress short of an all out invasion of Europe a la Hitler - which isn't going to happen. Putin knows that, too.
Jim, If it takes endless wars to prevent the Destruction of Our Republic by responding with aggression time after time, so be it!
DeletePeople tired of that endless fact, should leave and surrender to the enemies of Democracy on their own. There's no need to involve us Patriotic citizens by taking us along with them without our permission. As far as I know, they didn't ask us, and we didn't tell them. There's a glaringly apparent attempt to change this Country to a Communistic atmosphere and style of living. Who ever wishes to attempt to do that is going to be under fire in my eyes. Aggression against us or any other country wanting to enjoy a free Republic needs to be answered. Barack Obama, try as he may, isn't the man with guts enough to do it. Until the "Progressives" wrenched control of our Gov't through the use of the Atheist thugs from Chicago and their fraudulent and illegal votes in 2008, we did quite well without his "New Direction". Little did the American people know what his true purpose was in mind. We do now. We all understand his purpose of "If you are too cowardly to fight 'em, join 'em." I have no use for attitudes of people like that. Neither do "most" Americans. I speak from an "Anti-Communist point of view" "Most" Americans like that too!. I do agree with your description concerning Putin and his reasons, along with mine as well .It's "all of the above".
Well, if you want our US military involved in endless wars you'd better be willing to reinstate "The Draft" and require all American citizens to serve in the US military for a minimum four years. America cannot afford to be involved in a hot war with the likes of Russia or China with an all-volunteer military. That is just plain truth, George.
ReplyDeleteHow are you going to respond if &/or when this President (or any other President with a "D" after their name) calls up the Selective Service and sends all Americans 18 - 39 years of age to boot camp?
Are you going to be saying, "Hey, that's great! All Americans need to serve their country instead of always asking for government handouts"? Or will you be one of those who oppose mandatory National Service? There are conservative voices warning about government indoctrination centers in the guise of military boot camps, "Hitler Youth" type recruiting and other sinister plots by the "Progressives" to turn our country over to "The Commies" or "The Muslims" or whatever. What would you tell your Draft-Age son or daughter if they received a draft notice?
Of course you'll also be all in favor of the huge tax increases that will be required to cover the financial cost of wars without end, right?
As to the 2008 election, McCain could have won Illinois going away but he would still have lost the election in a landslide. It was nothing like the 1960 election, or the 2000 & 2004 elections where a single state could have changed the outcome.
That said, the issue in 2008 was not "Chicago-style thuggery", is was a crashing economy. In case you forgot, it was in the summer of 2008 that the overall impact of the Bush administration's fiscal policies came into sharp focus. We were shedding 750,000 jobs per month, the Dow Jones was dropping like a rock and lost fully half it's value BEFORE OBAMA TOOK OFFICE. That is, again, just facts, you can look it up.
Remember "too big to fail"?
Tax cuts for the rich?
An unpaid for prescription drug benefit for seniors? (BTW, most of whom wouldn't willingly give up that benefit for love or money)
Two unpaid for wars - one of which was, we now know, based on lies intentionally designed to garner support for an invasion of Iraq. Over 4,000 American and more than 100,000 Iraqi men and women killed for the sake of Dick Cheney & Don Rumsfeld's egos but the neocons, teabaggers and most Republicans are so blinded by ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) that they can't see the forest for the trees. The facts are there, they just refuse to believe it. But I digress...
No, George, we didn't do "quite well" until 2008. 2008 was the ultimate proof of the fallacy of "Reaganomics" and the natural consequence of the systematic dismantling of Glass-Steagall and other post-Depression era fiscal policies designed to prevent another 1929 type crash.
The so-called "Trickle-Down" theory, or Supply-Side Economics as it is sometimes called, made the rich richer but did literally nothing for anybody else. The wealth gap between the "middle-class" and the so-called "1%" is all the evidence one should need, and the fall of 2008 just adds the QED. To be clear, it was the Democrat Bill Clinton who presided over the final end of Glass-Steagall and it was then President Clinton who signed the economically disastrous NAFTA. This isn't partisan, neither side is guiltless.
The polls are unmistakable, Americans are war weary and do not trust their government to represent their interests. More and more Americans feel that they don't really have a voice in how their government is run so they just stay out of it and don't bother to vote. They believe that the politicians (of either party) only listen to the big moneyed corporate interests, the NRA and labour unions. "They" might be right.