Monday, April 28, 2014
Why does it turn my stomach? Because nobody is putting the emphasis on how we have, due to our great Constitution, progressed in defeating 'true' racism since the great Civil War.
Yes, I agree with the criticism pointed at this man's attitude. But why are they keeping the damper on the fact that he is one of the hypocrites that are pointing at him!
Did you know he contributed to the advancement of the NAACP and supported Barack Obama in his campaigns?
So, why do a lot of people automatically assume he is a GOP 'enemy of the 'People' because he made those remarks? Because "The Marxist Left" have been painting the Opposition to be just like the way he has been portrayed to be. They have been brainwashing the "Ignorant" to think there is a mean racial discourse from anybody who objects to their attempted hijacking of the American Way.
I have to say; Since I have entered the United States circa 40 years prior, I have never heard any friends of mine talk with disdain towards someone simply because they were of any particular Race, color or Creed.
In other words, regardless of Race, Color or Creed, when someone is in the habit of doing wrongful things as a general rule within their race, it's going to come to light as a generally disdainful habit in that particular atmosphere.
I believe in the old saying; "If the shoe fits wear it!"
Because of this, it deservedly belongs to the perpetrator alone, that is, unless that instance is a repetition of what that race is in the habit of doing. White, Colored or Indifferent.
I can honestly say man to man, I have never met another man that caused me to dislike him because of his Nationality and color of his skin. Nor have I been associated with anyone who inspired me to dislike a race simply because it's different from mine.
Mr. Sterling though, is associated with a Political Party that has developed a habit of 'firing the first shot' and have programmed their supporters to do exactly that, in preparation for performing and hiding the very thing they have already accused the Opposition of doing, but in all honesty, did not.
So, I'm tickled pink to see them expose themselves as the hypocrites they sincerely are, in being confronted with one of their own kind.
It's a shame that Barack Hussein Obama has had to falsely stir up unrest with the African American Race strictly for his own personal gain. Particularly after we as a whole Nation, had already embraced equality through the establishment of our Constitution in which it states "All men were created equal."
He has opened a "Pandora's Box" deliberately, and It's my hope he lives long enough to rue the day he ever did it.
One other thing; Barack Obama seems to have chosen Al Sharpton to be his personal friend. Surely he must know Al's personal background, and also must be aware of him being caught as a front man for a major drug Ring and was arrested in a large drug bust by the FBI. As a way of saving his own butt, he was given the option of not being included in the sting if he would pose as an FBI informant. He accepted it on those grounds.
Since then, and through his earlier years, he has candy coated that past as being some hero.
Of all the NAACP members, I can't remember a week going by without him being on the Main Media and making every nasty racial remark towards the White people in general.
My question is this; Why are two standards of ethical misconduct being tolerated by the Obama Administration when it comes to race? Particularly nasty as a daily event by African Americans who can't get over the "Slavery" issue that ended 150 years ago.
Obama continues to let it go on by choice because it suits his needs for the moment.
I must remind you, Osama Bin Laden was a Billionaire who thought he could run and hide. So as rich as Obama is going to be too, the same thing applies to him when the whole population of this country realizes just what damage he has caused to the people regardless of Race, Color or Creed.
Yes, you destroyers of the Constitution, when all is said and done, you can run, but you can't hide.
Just sayin'.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
In retracing the steps of Barack Hussein Obama, what I was slightly confused about with this man has really clarified itself during his second term. Of course my conclusion is not that of mine alone, but similar to an increasing amount of whom I consider .'Normal People'.
When I use the reference; 'Normal', I exclude the ones of course who have purposely changed to that soft expression, 'Alternative Normal' from the more true, accurate, once proper names for themselves as kinky, homosexual and bi-sexual performers. ( I say 'performers' because it allows me to include many people in the T.V. and Movie Entertainment field.)
Anyway, I won't put too much emphasis on that, but thought I would include it in my blog since the ones with that particular mindset just happen to be the same people who believe in operating in the same Modus Operandi as the President. With their M.O. and help, Obama became Leader of this great land.
You see, people with those characteristics, all, through following the "Line of Least Resistance" in this particular manner, became creatures of Idealisms that they think will save them from Reality. ( Finding an Alternate route around the facts.) Then, when reaching a position of Authority in various levels of 'Career ' power, they got drunk on it, and in their greed for more power, pursued their desire to want to go in a "Different Direction"!
They implemented safeguards to 'protect the insecure', which of course, is themselves and other associates who have the same human weakness as they. It's obviously the wrong way to think or go, but to them it's; "What the hell, There is no God or afterlife anyway".
Along with that, as they got more bold in their positions, they developed sayings such as; "I don't believe in confrontation!" when a political discussion appeared to be not in their favor, or in line with their particular Godless wish to go in a "Different Direction". ( I think we mostly know by now, Extreme Socialism eventually will lead to Marxist Communism.) The handwriting is on the wall if we allow it to persist!!
But wait!!! How can they accomplish that with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights that protect the common, God believing, low thinking Sheeple, who simply don't understand how much better it will be for them to listen to the Sheeple's Leader, instead of God??
Then, as the "Perfect Storm" of weakened economies hit the modern world with the Global Industrial Billionaires all moving their economy supporting jobs to China and away from the prior productive, more expensive labor such as ours, we collapsed. Our once productive workers became the "Tea Party".
The Obama supporters don't believe in discontent against our Worldly enemy neighbors whom we have purportedly mistreated so badly in the past!
As I pointed out in a prior blog, one famous General asked, "I wonder which part of the World hates us most, the ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved them??"
So my determination is; Over recent years, as the 'Alternative Normals' through softly and silently establishing themselves in authoritative positions throughout the Constitutional system, they have found themselves in an unbelievable seat of power they had never even dreamed of before.
By lying to, and fooling the Sheeple Electorate, (US!!) they suddenly found they had overpowering influence in the whole of Congress for 2 straight years along with a Muslim, Marxist (If that makes sense at all!) President. They totally rode roughshod over our Constitution, American flag, and the God loving people as though we weren't deserving of any of it at all, and as though we weren't deserving of our comparative luxuries that other 'poor' non-productive Citizens and countries should have. Hence the infamous word, "Inequality" was brought up front and center.
They didn't care as they showed disdain for everything this great Country stood for in the last 250 years.
Of course we had better not forget the spending spree they went on that has been more extravagant and wasteful than any U.S. Government in the history of this beautiful, once Independent Country. And they did it with a smirk that they still display to the American viewers today.
It's astounding how they all smirk when they're caught at one of their many outright lies. As I pointed out several times in other blogs, how they're all so much in sync they are when caught at a lie. There's no remorse, shame, embarrassment or regret about being caught!
It comes down through the ranks from the top to the bottom, and it's championed best of all by the Leader himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
The most hypocritical thing of all is; they're the first people to attempt to hide behind the skirts of the Constitution when it's to their advantage, but totally abuse it when it comes to anybody else!
You folks reading this might want to take note of how Barack has been behaving in the Presidency. With his "I" and "My" lately and his "Worldly" addresses to the whole globe, visiting all the Muslim Countries as though he already is in charge of the World, not just the United States of America.
He talks in a manner which sounds like he's addressing the whole World and doesn't give a sweet damn about the Country he's supposed to be caring for.
I'm warning you folks, Watch this guy with the behavior of a "Hit man" spitting out gum while he steps over a body to grab another chocolate bar. Nothing bothers this man! Just sayin'.
Monday, April 21, 2014
I ask that question, because I so often hear Politicians and so-called "experts" present a proposed law in a fashion that is so "Silloueted" in gargle that common people have to read it 4 times in order to find out what it means. Even then they still have to ask another intellectual to explain it, which they then do in their own intellectual way!
I often hear people "in the know", speak to a crowd of common speaking people,(which most of us are!) but think they have to speak so intelligently that no one (with the exception of a few) can totally grasp the gist of the speech.
It's fine to appear to be so brilliant for the sake of impressing the crowd, but, as I learned in report writing, the proper way to get your point across fully, is to make the presentation to whomever it's important to see or hear it, as short and plain as possible the first time around. Business Execs prefer it that way because, as much as they want to know it, they're usually too busy in their schedule to have to read it again to be sure they understand the presentation.
After all, the main portion of the crowd generally consists of "Common" folks. Particularly when it's so important as something they will soon be required to make a decision on.
The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights within the U.S. Constitution are easy to read for anybody. Don't forget, the Constitution was written for us. Written for the main purpose of seeing to it that another Country or Countries shall never take it away from us, the Common people.
Our founding Fathers were aware of the possibility of Tyrannical Governing more than anyone else, because they had, through the War of Independence, chased the Tyrants out of the Country and took us away from the over-reaching tentacles of England.
As brilliant as they were themselves, they still realized the Constitution had to be written in such a fashion that one and all would recognize how important it was, and is!
But how would they know, that because of the truth and success of the Sacred Documents, the rest of the World who never followed through with their own similar style of Documents would dislike us for it. Instead we amassed envy and dislike simply because we had forged so far ahead, and although our brave warriors fought and died with the hopes their own countries could follow suit, they followed the Line of least Resistance instead, hoping not to have to work for their own freedom but to take us down to their styles of Government and then reap our developed Natural Resources for their use instead of ours.
Barack Obama, The European Union and The International Billionaires have been attempting just that at this very moment. They would establish a New World Order to Command it all, with the likes of Tyrants such as Barack Obama and his Regime in the lead for managing all of the Modern World to the backers' liking as a reward.
The whole works have no loyalties for any specific Country or it's Documents such as ours. In fact the Documents are the only roadblock right now to their complete victory.
They need to abolish it to succeed.
Vladimir Putin knew this from his prior collusion with Barack Obama, but has decided not to take part and is going about gathering his flock in preparation for it happening.
Obama knows that, and is using his useless idle threats knowing very well it's going to happen that way.
So do yourself a huge favor, and read the book "TRILATERALS OVER WASHINGTON" and you will realize those plans have been around since the book was published in 1973. You will think it was written yesterday. Just sayin'.
Monday, April 14, 2014
We all might as well understand by now that we have to accept several facts that are now glaringly apparent; We aren't going to change the minds of anybody who backed Obama's ideas by monetary contributions, because if the facts were known, it was their idea in the first place! The Big Union Leaders are feeling so drunk on power due to self-serving, Atheistic inspired ideas, they're discriminating against members in their own ranks who disagree with them.
So in that case, we need to expose them not just to each other of us, because we are only preaching to the Choir. There's no doubt now, knowing who they are and what their true purpose is, so we also must come up with a way to bring the truth out to the rest of the swing voters. The ones who want to know the truth but up until now, aren't getting it so they can understand.
What used to be reasonable progress and understanding of racial equality in this nation, was cast aside when Barack Obama and his Regime got into power by them falsely announcing there was rampant Inequality, and he would correct it if elected. By saying that, He gained the support of the minorities by ripping apart our Constitution and ignoring it at every turn. It began a false, but nasty Race war all over again. It turns out he studied the Constitution not for the purpose of honoring it, but for the notion to preach against it.
A conundrum (Problem that can't be solved) has been purposely created by these Tyrants to cause distraction, in order to go about their Un-American dirty work of changing our Country so strongly, it will probably take a bloody Revolution to bring it back to where it worked so successfully for 250 years.
It's not just the Obama Regime who totally created the work problems we have, because it has been brewing for half a century or more.
At this point, I ask you to read the book, "Trilaterals over Washington" published in 1973.
The "Progressives" and their "Forty thousand Thieves" have made us weak to the point that the Communistic Regime knew when to B.S. their way into power, with the purpose of finishing us off entirely for the rest of the greedy World Powers who fully intend to commandeer all of our Natural and Technological resources. The Obama Regime is going to be the Chief Distributor to the rest of the World if we don't stop him!
Sounds surreal, but it's not me that's not giving the facts. To the contrary. It's them!
So what has this man done to attempt to create honest, productive jobs in this Country? NOTHING, and he has no intention to!
In order to correct the problem, we have to install a Gov't that can reverse the trend in the U.S. from control of all our natural and technical resources being in the hands of the Billionaires of the World, back to the People of this Country.
Gradually starting sometime in the Sixties, our Gov't slowly began to ignore or change, simple Governmental rules protecting the consumers and allowing them into the hands of Corporations who gave the largest donations to the buyable controllers of Gov't.; The "Progressives" and Barack Obama.
The requirement for large amounts of money to run, or re-run for office has gotten so large now, that it's the International and Large National Corporations that call their own games in their favor, and the Politicians become the 'mentored' by their rich backers.
Include in on that, the Conglomerate of competitive industrial Companies were allowed to be swallowed up by the International Billionaires to the point they eliminated the opposition that was keeping prices competitive and necessary to protect and keep prices to the consumer under control. Our Congresses did nothing once again, to prohibit that kind of buy-out and knowingly allowed it to happen through improper regulation once again. By not allowing it, would have protected the consumer from those now uncontrolled exorbitant prices we're experiencing.
Because of that, the large Corporations engineer their own tax incentives and loopholes in the taxes, and really pay little or nothing because of their "Exempt" statuses.
Along with that came the permission to establish themselves in a much more favorable position to exploit our country by joining "The WORLD TRADE AGREEMENT" allowing not only our huge Corporations opportunity for much larger profits, but foreign Investors to help themselves to all our Natural resources for their own, hoggish liking and use them where the labor was less expensive somewhere else. Overzealous Union Leaders, wrapped up in their own greed for control, encouraged that damaging move.
I believe that Barack Obama is working for the International Billionaires to curtail the Production of our natural resources, until he accomplishes his task of putting the final touches on his expected position eventually as President of "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" that will most likely be Quartered outside of our country.
Then there is the age old mistake of allowing Federal, State and Local Government employees to unionize themselves without proper oversight, that got so rampant they have become the tail wagging the dog.
I'm not against Unions entirely, but allowing them the power to end up telling the employer what to do is another thing. Safety Yes! Decent pay, Yes! Decent hours, Yes!! But allowing any workers receiving pay from the Governments to donate money for campaign purposes through the total power of their Union, No!!
As it is, the Union Leaders don't allow their members to designate which political group they want their money to go to. The Union Leaders should never be allowed to judge outside of the workers Constitutional right to see their portion of the dues going to the Candidate of their own personal choice. Either that, or outlaw Unions Leaders from backing any Candidates at all. The Gov't. employees earning taxpayer money should be held to the rule of contributing on their own with no handling of it by the Union heads, other than to the political party of their personal choice. I think you'll agree that no Union or gathering of Unions should be allowed to tamper with a "Country of the People, By the People, and For the People".
Lets not forget how the Unions contributed to their own demise by pushing their demands so high, the Corporations exported the work they were having performed here, out of their State or out of the Country all together by means of the World Trade Agreement supported by Bill Gates of Microsoft. His interests have grown so large, he looks at economics in a 'Worldly' sense, just as the other International Billionaires do.
Let us not forget, he and Warren Buffet paid less taxes than their Secretaries they bragged about so proudly. It wasn't because his Secretaries paid too much in taxes. To the contrary; They just didn't pay enough!!
They must not have realized they were revealing to us how little taxes in this Country they are paying. Now it has come to our attention.
Don't forget; with the jobs that left this Country, So did the hard earned income taxes being paid by the workers who got laid off in the amount of 50 million people or so.
Obama recognized the Chicago "Gangster style" politics he learned, as a perfect way to seize control, and he's doing it with the help of the Chicago trained Thugs he brought along with him. He also brought along his internal Administration group of "Muslim Brotherhood" Radicals along with him.
I would like to know what phony prayer Barack Obama offers at his hypocritical morning "Prayer" breakfasts. It amazes me that the American People would buy the notion he recognizes the God we mostly believe in here.
Is he praying for Al Qaida to succeed in their wish for Sharia Law in America? Because there is now Common knowledge that he has been arming them with the latest hand held weapons the U.S. Military has, and has allowed the leaks of the latest technological information to the Countries that hate us most.
For him to be so brazen as to pretend he is honoring Christianity and our God as well, is more than a bit of a stretch.
All of that, along with the fact he has been professionally trained by, and sat on the board of an Atheist professed Academy in Chicago.
Which is it folks?? Are you naïve enough to continue to think he is all of those things?? Really??
The reality of it all is, we must work on, and vigorously turn the tide of hypocrisy they have so brazenly accused us of. Enough so, that when they accuse us first of the false accusations of Racism, they are actually committing those acts as they speak themselves. There's no stronger weapon than to make the Public glaringly aware of the truth, because sooner or later, the truth will come out. In this case, the sooner the better!!
I just can't emphasize enough, the importance of eliminating the overwhelming avenues the "Progressives" (Communists) use to inspire fraudulent voting by mail, by paid campus helpers who encourage people to vote multiple times, and actually at the Polling stations as well. It's going to be more wide-spread than ever, if we don't encourage enforcement of rules to prevent it.
How will we do that? Well,.... as a famous U.S. President said when asked what it would take to defeat the Nazis in World War 2, he replied, "Whatever it takes!!" And we won!
Can I suggest the U.S. Militias? Just sayin'.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
"There's the two Jokers missing from what used to be a full deck!"
I gotta' tell you, he had to have read my mind, because that was just what I myself, was about to say. Although we were obviously in awe of the morbid seriousness of the Security Guard behind the desk and the quietness of a full crowd just sitting there in anticipation, waiting without saying a word, we both burst out laughing to be joined by a lot of other laughter in the room.
It made my morning considering I was in the midst of trying to clarify information on both my wife and myself. The Security guard maintained his stony face though.
But it started me thinking. .....Everyone was in there in one way or another to see if they could get it straight about their incomes after having worked and paid a good part of their younger years into the Social Security program. That investment wasn't to be touched or moved for something else.
It was there for the purpose of it being properly handled and invested so that money would bring a reasonable return over the years until they could start drawing on the final benefits of it. E.G. ; With it having been properly handled, the return on their investment over 40 years accumulatively would give them three to four times the amount they originally paid in over the years.
But only to find that over the years, that money was quietly taken out of the Fund to satisfy a too-swollen budget that was somewhere else in the Too-big Gov't.
Now, just the other day, I heard a Financial expert representing the Obama Administration remark; "Most people who paid into their Social Security when they were working will probably receive 3 to 4 times the amount they will eventually receive. So the recipients will have to be paid out of future taxpayers' money. They have nothing to complain about!"
Don't you see something wrong with that picture? Can you see they always have to find a way to blame the shortfalls in Gov't back on something or somebody else? But never on themselves.
Now let's go to the Immigration problem;
The Obama Regime has cleverly calculated the influx of Illegal Immigrants to be totally in their favor, by welcoming them into the Country with open arms and creating a resentment by the opposition towards them being here legally. Now there's an apparent conundrum supposedly for the Republican Party, the American electorate, and detrimental to the security of our Country.
Obama's intention to accept them enmasse without swearing Allegiance to the Country and it's Flag is unacceptable to the Patriotic American people, and swearing Allegiance to the Country and flag is not unreasonable.
By us resenting the Immigrants entirely, legally or illegally, the fact must be faced they are NOT going back. So why would we cause a distaste by such a large potential voting bloc who could be persuaded to understand there are conditions under which they could be welcomed by "everyone"?
So instead of them having only one choice of Party to vote for, they would cast their votes fairly for anyone they want, once they have qualified to be here under suitable conditions. I mean of course, after they are declared eligible to vote.
They are not stupid people as the "Progressives " have assumed they are. They are naturally Entrepreneurs of their own desire, and would like nothing better than to have equal opportunity now that they're here. They've had their taste of freedom, but they can only have the same freedom as all Citizens and not under the design of a chosen few as Barack Hussein Obama and/or the European Union and the United Nations chooses. I'm sure if you asked them to qualify themselves under the Constitutional terms, they would be happy to do so.
The "Progressives" (Would-be Communists) would have nothing left in their favor.
Requiring them to learn the Bill of Rights and fully understand how it protects the common man, their common sense will prevail. Just guarantee them their eventual Citizenship if they do.
The way it is now, creating enemies of them if they do get Amnesty under Obama's terms of bypassing those steps.
The last thing we need is ignorance of the Constitution and how it has protected the common man for the last 250 years.
The "Progressives" don't want them learning those true facts by reading it and realizing how important it is to each and every one of them.
As it is, we need to stop peeing in the Ocean to stop the tide from going out. (NO, I didn't try it, just in case you're wondering.) Just sayin'.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
I heard this some time ago from another reliable source, and now I'm sure of it. ; It has now been confirmed that Jon Brennan is a convert to Islam and is a confirmed member of "the Muslim Brotherhood". A definite "Oxymoron" considering he is the Director of the CIA. (Central Intelligence Agency)
It's an indication to me, that the Benghazi incident was a co-ordinated attack on the American Embassy in Libya, and the reason why there was a cover-up for the slaughtering of the Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stephens. ( Along with 3 Patriotic defenders who sacrificed their lives protecting him.)
Now consider this; We now have the proof that The Obama Administration has been supplying arms to Al Qaida ever since the rebellion started in Libya, both without our prior knowledge and now, with it. Al Qaida is a major part of the Rebels both in Libya and also Syria.
It was Al Qaida who was involved in that attack in Benghazi. Al Qaida is the Muslim World mobile fighting force of "The Muslim Brotherhood".
Is it possible that Ambassador Stephens found out something the Administration didn't want him to know in one of those arms exchanges? Just a question, of course!
So how could anyone in their right mind not be concerned with those events?
There's a built-in dependence within the "Progressive" Party that I feel is a crutch they seem to often employ; They are reflecting back on history, and the habits of the common man to have a short memory of the facts of the past. And as such, are hoping now with all their might, their misdeeds will be forgotten by the time it comes to the next election.
But how much deception and wrong can be done to a Proud Nation of Good people with a past of great resilience in the event of hard times over a period of 250 years? Particularly right now, in a time where we have been fooled by the "Joker" time after time, after time, and in such a short period of time in our history?
Right down to them Going back in history and eliminating true, but negative facts about the biographies and autobiographies of tyrants in their Administration, to show they were everything good, but erasing the bad.
It happens after you've read biographic facts about their personal misdeeds of the past on the Internet, only to find those facts are non-existent now.
Often now, I can refer back to those original facts of two years ago, only to find they have been eliminated and replaced with glorious revelations of their achievements instead. E.G. ; The infamous Gyorgy Schwartz. (Alias George Soros). Go to the Internet and you'll find him to be the "Accomplished" George Soros. With all the sinister facts showing he and his father as non-practicing Jews in Hungary being paid by the Nazis to deliver notices to the other Jews in their neighborhood to report to the German officials circa 1934. George Soros was known to state when questioned by a reporter, "It was for the money, and money is Power!"
By so doing in the changing of the story, a student of history is led to believe not the true facts, but the adjusted knowledge of someone who has the power to convince you to believe what they, the perpetrators wish them to believe. How fair is that?
What it does to me is, they have slowly but surely taken control of the Internet and I can't really depend on what they're telling me, anymore.
So should the U.S. Gov't. really be able to seize that kind of control to do with as they wish?? Should they really be allowed to turn over control of the Internet to the rest of the World so they can then manipulate it to suit their own means for time Immemorial? Especially when the fantasies of the "Progressive" Idealists (Communists) are proving to us they can't be trusted to handle the Nation's affairs without robbing our Country blind in the first, second and third place?
You tell me!! As I've stated several times before, "Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing!" Just sayin'.
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