Monday, June 16, 2014


     Having been born and raised in Canada, I was fortunate enough to have not only been schooled in Canada, but also to have been blessed by my American mother and older siblings who were born Americans before my family's migration to Canada in 1931.
     Because of that, We were able to understand the Politics of not only Canada, but the United States as well. No doubt in my mind, it gave us the edge in the respect of deciphering the Radio and then Television stations coming from both Countries. Eg; CFCN Calgary, CBC Vancouver along with ABC, NBC and CBS, all out of Spokane, Wa..
     Even back in those days, there was always the little domestic differences and rivalries that particularly took place among nearby towns on both sides of the border.
     The one thing that we all had to remind ourselves in Canada every once in a while was; Canada, despite it's larger size considerably than the States was, and still is, only one tenth the population of the United States. (To this day, when comparing economies and financial systems, we tend to forget that indisputable fact.)
     As I have learned since, there will probably always be the conundrum that one Political system is better or worse than the other. But basically, under the difference in rules of Governing, we both share one freedom; the right to vote for whomever we please come election time.
     In other parts of the World, no other system is overall comparable or more successful. For general reference at the moment; DEMOCRACY! It works for both Countries, in spite of the flaws we have witnessed in the past. Somehow we have managed to set our differences aside when it comes to joining together in our fight for the survival of that system, come Hell or High water! (World War 1, World War 2 and the 'Forgotten War", Korea.)
     But I still have a bone to pick when it comes to the various News Organizations and how they report the News in both Countries.
     It came to light for me when as a 21 year old, a friend and I decided to leave our respective jobs in B.C. and pursue a course in "radio announcing" put on by a group of seasoned radio announcers we regularly listened to on our radios. We were elated to be accepted, and moved our very young families to Calgary Alberta. For us, it was a huge move!
     What we both learned there, although we weren't able to pursue the career because of the 'fickle finger of fate', (No available jobs in the industry combined with a need to continue working on our daytime jobs to survive financially) was that the Federally dominated CBC had a regulatory 'strangle hold' on what could be broadcast on all of the Independently operated Radio and New, up and coming TV stations. They set the rules, so much so, they exclusively had the right to lift the licenses of any of those independent stations. ( Most Canadians like myself, always assumed that CBC News, referred to as the 'Mother' station was the property of the Canadian Federal Gov't.)
     Anyway, fast forward to these more recent years since I have moved and lived here in the United States since May 24th, 1976. (On may 24th, 2015, I will have lived in both Countries for 39 years apiece! God willing, that's been a medical battle too.)
     One thing is for sure, this is no time for everyone who criticizes, mocks or out of envy wishes in the back of their hearts that America goes down to think that you, yourselves won't suffer as a result, because you will!
     I warn you, this not the time to think so silly. I remind you, Canada as large as it is, is still financially only one tenth the population of the United States, and believe you me, your hopes of it happening will come back to bite you. Because whatever happens to 330,000,000 people South of the Border is going to happen to every Ally we have along with it, including you.
     Keep in mind, we probably have as many Illegal Aliens in this Country as you have population up there.  You can have fun, just for the sake of being that way, but that sarcastic grin will quickly show up on the other side of your face.
     The News you're watching up there may be what you consider the truth, but it's not ALL of it.
     As I've stressed in other blogs, The CBC News network has been, and always will be, privately owned by the Queen of England, is strictly as socially, Communistic and un-providing as she wants it to be. 
     My point is this; Being a privately owned concern, why was she allowed to do the regulating of all other private stations to the degree that she does? There's no doubt that CBC who heavily leans and promotes the NDP Party, picks and chooses who can broadcast in Canada, and who can't. 
     Eg; The U.S. Conservative Network, "FOX NEWS" is restricted from broadcasting in Canada by the Queen's choice. Which means Canadians are limited in their ability to hear both sides of the story when it comes to U.S. Political news. ( I refer to it as, 'The dumbing down of the Listeners for Political Gain'!)
     After all, controlling the broadcasting airways also controls the affairs of Gov't. to a large degree. Shouldn't it be the Federal Gov't that controls CBC instead? 
      CBC has been 'deep sixing' politicians they disagree with for years. (You might have already noticed.)
      Between the Queen and the Socially Main Media down here, with the exception of FOX News, are NOT giving them ALL the News as they should get it, although it's assumed they are.  
     So be considerate in your comments about this Country. but the fact to me if this Country does go down is, you'll be coming with us. Just sayin'.


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