Saturday, June 14, 2014


     So often anymore, when one Party or the other wants to dodge an issue without answering it directly, they accuse the other of playing 'Politics'! It's the lamest dodge I've ever heard, and as far as I'm concerned, an abuse of one of the most important words that, like it or not, operates the Democratic system for better or for worse.
     Let's face it! When We want a man to represent us in our Electoral District, it's proper Politics. When we select someone to be Chief of Police, it's a political process of appointment by someone we  elected to a higher office like a Mayor and elected Council. It's honest politics, used in it's proper form. Our Federal, State and Local Gov'ts are all selected through the Democratic process. The proper word for all of this, is in it's purest form possible; Politics.
     In their own devious way, They're abusing the word.
     I first noticed the term being misused in the last 6 years or so by the same people who are hosing
 this Country along with it's Republic and Democratic system, down the drain right now.
     You see, in a Dictatorial Communistic State, they don't use the word Politics, because there really are none needed.
     So in the current Administration, the people who abuse it in order to avoid answering a question, make it sound sleazy in the way they say; "The Right is just playing Politics" as usual. You see, what they really want is to degrade it so people will have disdain for the very word that makes our Democratic system go. It's like a virus and both sides have begun using it, now!
     Yes, there's corruption in every political Society, and without proper oversight from others involved in the system, like the Administration we have now, it gets worse, simply because they want to destroy the control of the people through a Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People" so they can proceed in their intended direction of total control without due Democratic process.
    Those same people in the Gov't today are protected by the word, "Tenure" , "Homosexual" groups who prefer to disguise it by disgracing the proper meaning of "Gay", and once in an appointed position to do so, changed the Homo expression to "Alternative Normal", and the Atheists who are bound and determined to do "Whatever it takes" to achieve their Dictatorial goal,  are now degrading the expression, "Politics".
    Don't let them continue to do it! Call out whoever uses that 'Cop-out' dodge by them saying; "You're playing Politics", instead of them answering the question by facing the God's honest truth.
    "Politics" are Politics! That's what it is, it's not going to change anytime soon, and I'm lost for words to call it anything else.   
     Lets' not continue to make it a dirty word.
     There's only one political way to correct it and bring it back to it's proper perspective; Follow the rules of the Constitution and once back in Control of our Sacred Documents, let their punishment suit their crimes. After all, Politics, as penetrable as they seem right now, is the best system we had before the introduction of "A Different Direction"  they're trying to cram down our throats right now.
     Just sayin'.

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