Sunday, September 28, 2014


     Let's start with the seemingly immovable differences of the interpretations people get from the several Bibles being used in those different religions. One thing they all lead us to, is the same Spiritual Being we commonly call God.
     As a child, I grew up in a Catholic environment and was served well in learning normal things such as the ABC's, writing and Arithmetic. There was only a short session each day on Catholicism.
     Except for my own misgivings in "testing the waters" regarding the power of prayer and the strength of God. I must admit I was interested in other things more appealing to me when I was a child. I was of the understanding if we prayed for something hard enough, it would eventually come. My let-downs were more often than not. Now that I look back at it all through the eyes of an elderly man, the reason has become clearer than ever as I get older.; I wasn't concentrating hard enough on the fact that God really did exist.
     Bingo!! The eye opener came to me; If I didn't do that, why should I expect God to acknowledge I seriously needed his guidance? After all, he had already gifted every normal human being with the ability to reason. All we are required to do is, use it and not abuse it.
     Finally, I've come to the conclusion that, everyone who believes strongly enough he actually is real, the more we give him reason to help us Spiritually. It's as simple as that!
     So I guess what I'm trying to say is; It doesn't matter so much what Religion we follow, as long as we truly accept the fact he is there, and we do our best to follow his rules through the guidance of the Ten Commandments he gave us, we'll find out all God-related religious roads we follow will lead us to him.
     It's only through our own human hands, that through the various Bibles written by humans, and not him, we come up with different explanations of how he wants us to live our lives in the respect of God himself.
     In other words, It's our own failures in understanding his wishes that lead us to the compiling of so many different Religions through varying interpretations of different Holy Books written by human hands in the first place. To think that God would discriminate in his choosings of different Religions and Beliefs seems ridiculous to me. (One size fits all would make more sense.)
     The purpose of pointing all this out, is because the Atheists, Agnostics, Devil Worshippers and Alternative Normals (Homosexuals) of the World who don't have the will to resist following the "Line of Least Resistance", have very deceptively found their way into power over our very freedoms as I write!
     So quietly as they 'wedged' their way in, we naively didn't really notice over the years as they deviously placed themselves in varying ranges of power all the way up to and including the Presidency and Supreme Court.
     Being in positions of power, and with the assistance of misguided greedy International Billionaires and "Community Organizers" with monetary, selfish aspirations of their own, they wish to destroy the very strength that holds us God loving people together by weakening our belief in him.
     You can actually say it's the work of the Devil himself !
     For all of this, you can thank the works of Atheist based Institutions consisting of these same folks, such as the Saul Alinsky "Midwest Academy" in the heart of the infamous City of Chicago, Illinois and educational institutions including Harvard Law School situated in Massachusetts.
     Why else the continuing, vicious attacks on the very fabrics of our strengths in God-related statues and religious Christian and Protestant symbols together with prayers, that kept this the strongest, most productive Country together for over 200 years?
     As they've done this, We have allowed ourselves to be blinded by our differences and discriminations in our various churches of God by trying to convince ourselves we're God's chosen few. In so doing, we squabble amongst us in determining who's the true Church.
     The fact is, we "all" are right if we follow our separate roads to his Kingdom. Because like the spokes in a strong, well built wagon wheel, they all join at the hub in the center who IS God!
     The enemies to us here, are the non-believers I've already described. They Have deviously recognized the weakness in the wheel, and are exploiting it if they can disrupt the continuity and togetherness that, altogether we roll strong, and divided and dissembled we can't remain that way.
     Our strength is right there, by guarding our churches along with our Declaration of Independence, the Bill of rights and the  US Constitution.
We are fools to allow the purchasing and destruction of our churches by the Muslims and their supporters. By so doing, they are deterring the people who, once they wish to return to church services, have no church to go to. In with this process, they are turning the Christian and Protestant buildings into Mosques to advance their Devilish cause.
     Together we stand, divided we fall! The Ten Commandments are also imbedded in the spokes of our own Individual wheels of Faith.
     We simply cannot let the Devil's disciples dismantle those strengths. Just sayin'.

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