Friday, September 26, 2014


     Haven't you noticed? He doesn't care about any of the affairs within the borders of the United States or about his disloyalty to the actual job as President of the United States.
     In fact, the first thing he did of any significance when he was elected to that position, was to fly over to another Continent and apologize for the United States' past behavior to the World in the last Century. Remember that?
     Now as he speaks, even on the Campaign trail, he refers to the affairs and economy of the Poorer Nations of the World.
     He seldom mentions the pitiful condition he led us into here. Instead, he only expresses his intentions of making the World a better place for everyone else  BUT America.
     The recent resignation of his Chicago thug and friend, Eric Holder, is a good indication his Administration is coming apart at the seams and he really doesn't care. WHY?? Because, in his mind, he already has too!! Take note of all his speeches anymore.
     The best advice I can give the American people at this juncture, is to take in mind the billions of dollars that mysteriously have disappeared and see to it that the passports are seized from him and his Administration, so that they cannot leave this Country, until a full investigation is completed by a new Gov't entirely.
     After all, as chummy as he has been to the Radical Muslim Terrorists and World since he's came on the scene, It might be the Muslims who have a lot of that money.
     Think about it: Do we know the financial affairs of the Arab Nations enough to be assured the money didn't arrive there at one time or another to be kept in safe-keeping until it's needed by the Assumed-to-be President of the "New World Order"?
     Why don't they have to explain for it?  Just sayin'.

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