Thursday, October 30, 2014


God's watchin' you go to sleep baby
He's doin' a hum along song
So if you don't mind my off-keyin'
I'll join him by singin' along

It's time to go sleepy bye Darlin'
The day's been a long one for you
You've gotten your kisses from Mommy
And Daddy's been hugging you too

While Grandma's been knitting your booties
your sweet lovin' day's at an end
And while all the folks are a hummin' 
The voices of Angels will blend.

Tomorrow you'll wake from your dreamin'
And surely you'll want to be fed
Your day will begin with some snuggin'
When you rise from your feather bed


     It surely indicates she doesn't give a damn about what happens here.
     I would certainly like to know what her political slants are in this Country and her dedication to this Gov't of Tyrants in the White House.
     I state this because of her behavior when returning to 'her' Country and it's laws, whatever they may be. I have always believed that, if our Country is good enough to return to, then it's good enough to obey it's laws and fight for.
     Remember, her kindness and concern in travelling to Africa to challenge the disease, was obviously not on behalf of the American people and this Country, but to satisfy her own way of thinking.
     That way of thinking may be similar to the thoughts of Obama's mother and Grandparents who, preferred to live out of this country due to not appreciating the Constitutional Way we have honored here. It's also similar to Michelle's parents who also chose not to stay here as well.
     So what's this lady's mindset? Has she returned here in the same way Michelle and Barack did? Never liking, or being happy with America until they became President and First (cough) Lady? After all, they've been expressing defiance ever since!
     We should appreciate the fact she likes to fight disease on behalf of the African countries, no doubt about that! But if she has the distaste for this Country the way Barack and Michelle expressed their's, then it's a different matter.
     Knowing how deadly this disease is, and experiencing Africans dying at a World -alarming rate, why would she deny the possibility of it spreading here? Is it simply because she thinks she is above God and the Doctors and Scientists who say and know it can? Or is it because she really doesn't give a damn, just as Barack and Michelle don't?
     One thing about her behavior is for sure; She lacks respect for the welfare of the American populace, even though she is a nurse!
     If she thinks she can come back here with her devil-may-care attitude toward the safety of the American people, which she obviously has, Arrest her regardless of her frivolous threats to sue, Quarantine her in Guantanamo Bay with the prisoners there for 21 days until she says she really does care what happens here.
     Realize something; She didn't do her mission for our sake, she did it for theirs. It doesn't change her attitude about not obeying the laws of this Country! Just sayin'.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014


     And let the rest of you serve as his Administration. Just make sure you're capable too! From there, tell the people specifically what you will do in your posts to bring jobs back to America and honesty back to Gov't. Promise to reverse the illegal executive orders by Holder and Obama and promise to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law for the Criminal activity they have overseen under their watch.
     Trey Goudy is the man for that job. Be sincere in telling up front you are truly going to do to right all the wrongs that have taken this Country astray.
     Once they know you mean business in bringing the Gov't back to what it once was, show your moral strength in promising to do so.
     The people of this Country are starving for honesty and sincerity. You can bet your bottom dollar you will win by the largest landslide ever in a Presidential election.
     Barack Obama and his gang of thieves are following the "Chicago thug" way and be it what it is, even in thuggery, they were largely successful until they collapsed under the weight of their own deceptions and dishonesty because "The truth always comes out!"
     Be honest with the people, and use the truth as your combined strength.
     I'm sure if Mitt Romney had been backed by a potential Administration back then, the Conservatives would have succeeded. Just sayin'.


    Are you wondering right about now, why everything that's happening in the world is so confusing? Most things occurring seem "Off the Wall" and unexpected. Decisions being made by important people for no apparent good reason or justification,  and always "Upsetting the Applecart" with unexpected bizarre decisions from the Supreme and Superior Courts in Left field' so to speak, in 'American way' terms.
     Aren't you surprised at all the reverse decisions of the Superior and Supreme Courts that seem to be so often lately in contradiction of old, solid-standing rules of the past? Yet they won't reverse the controversial ruling on Roe versus Wade! yeah! Abortion is literally out of control. Do you wonder why Homosexuality is suddenly allowed to happen when 90% of the population opposes it?
    So why is this happening? No one in our Obama Administration that has seized the Opportunity of the day to hijack our U.S. Constitution and openly kick around and burn our "Stars and Stripes" flag, will really explain it.
     They do absolutely nothing about anything, and in Congressional Hearings under oath, flat out lie or become hypocritical and claim the protection of the 5th Amendment in order to not be prosecuted for abusing the Constitution in the first place!
     Does it make sense to any of you reading this blog right now?
     Well, when you stand back and take a good look at the situation the whole World is in, it does make real, morbid, disappointing sense. But you need to connect the dots to see it.
     You may be very right to feel uneasy about the happenings around the globe right now, including the Gov't we used to refer to as "Uncle Sam".
     You may even be right about the fact that major Depressions the World suffers every 80 or 100 years, is just something that follows the old saying; "History repeats itself." It just HAPPENS, that's all! So just live with it!
     But when you take a good look at the actual people who take that attitude, you'll realize they are the ones who have already made themselves financially comfortable beyond reproach of anything major happening. Like Hollywood. Like Politicians ready for full retirement anyway. Like International Billionaires and people tenured to Gov't jobs. Such as School Teachers Unions, (Whom we have unwarily entrusted to educate our children and, unlike the days of old, "You can't trust our educational system to teach them the basic truths" and so on.)
      Their war on Christianity is in full swing, from the bottom to the top.
     Follow that further with the College Professors who really didn't promise to do anything of the sort when it comes to teaching the basics of the Constitution! People the likes of Van Jones, Bill Ayers and Ward Churchill. All of whom are Atheists and were criminals in the past concerning Civil disobedience, malicious rioting on College Campuses, leading mobs in  the streets of our cities and even associated with murders of policemen by the 'infamous "Weather Underground".
     But no matter, each were forgiven through technicalities arranged by Atheist/Communist Judges of the same caliber and allowed back into our Colleges.  They went on to promote the same things they did before. Anarchy and the burning of our beautiful flag.
      Even though it wasn't what we sent our kids to college for in the first place!
     Remember this; Our children are in the hands of these devious people in the schools and Colleges for more hours per day than we ourselves are. Sometimes a lot more!
     Doesn't it bother you when you know they call down the Country and criticize the Constitution with scorn?
    "Community Organizers", all! Led by the Chief  "Community Organizer" himself, Barack Hussein Obama, straight out of the Atheist based, Saul Alinsky "Midwest Academy" in Chicago, Illinois and all with the same, narcissistic thirst for total control and Worldly, "Trilateral Commission"/"New World Order" agenda; To rid the modern World of all the stumbling blocks presently in their way. Christianity being the first, and they don't discriminate in regards to which one.
    Also to begin with, they're all professionally dedicated to creating mass confusion anywhere in the U.S. of America.
    The first thing they did and are continuing to do, is an age-old method used in brain washing techniques; Get rid of the Godly Religious supports in humans that, through belief in God, make them strong. The Ten Commandments!
    How are they doing this? They're treating this Country just as they would pressure a person being brainwashed, by breaking them down to a confused 'Nothing', and then restructuring his or her thinking to adapt to their will. Here's how it works;
    Slowly but surely over the years, along with the International Billionaires and Countries who long ago abandoned the thought of God being needed, (Communists) the avowed followers of the Marxist beliefs worked their silent ways into the Justice and Education system by way of the now powerful Unions, Gay Communities, National Organization of Women, (NOW) Pro-abortion groups and other monetary means of support. They have already accomplished that.
     Next, they need to knock the legs out from under us by taking away the most powerful tool America had after dictating and mandating away our strength in God;  and then reducing our productive jobs ability that our Middle Class, the "Tea Party" normally did! They did that by establishing the World Trade Organization. (WTO).
     Next by subversive means; Silencing our right afforded us by our Sacred Constitution, the right to speak out against Tyranny. How did they do that? By convincing the Sheeple to not "Rock the boat" by remaining silent so as not to cause confrontation. (Another great brainwashing tool that's been implemented for ages.) EG.; They always see to it they get in the last word, by saying at the end of their splurge, "I don't believe in confrontation" and then leave no opportunity to respond. They particularly do it around a listening audience.
     'The perfect storm' of events came for their opportunity to pounce when the world economy took the downturn in 2007. They grabbed the ball and ran with it through the window of America's weakness at the time.
     The exodus of productive jobs began to take it's toll on the American economy, and we soon found the only productive jobs were either the Food Industry, which were already taken by the Hispanic Minorities, who at the time, were the only people willing to take on the lowly pay jobs and still do it well. (It's a fallacy they took jobs away from anyone else in America. They have been doing those jobs for Generations)
     With the absence of a good portion of  the middle class, most of the upper level jobs here now, are jobs related to Service Businesses and ironically the production of raw materials such as Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, logs and other needs crucial for shipping to the very Countries who took our manufacturing jobs in the first place!.
    Yes, due to improper regulation, this Country with a Gov't that used to be "Of the People, By the people and For the people" has been exploiting  our natural resources for the sake of the other major populated Countries of the world and left us 'high and dry' for not helping ourselves to them.
    So at this point, I ask you; After all the wars we have fought and sacrificed our Gallant Warriors for over 2 +1/2 Centuries, what kind of thanks do we get from those Atheist/Communists and International Billionaires who are presently robbing us blind?
    Even now, they make it look like they're 'creating productive jobs' by workers being hired only to send everything Overseas, with no return on the profits to us, to speak of.  Does it make sense to you? Really??
    Does anyone really think we are on the right track to independent prosperity again, just because the Stock market rallies once in awhile? When it happens, do you see any extra money in your pockets? Certainly not mine.
    Does our 'Loser' Gov't who has ignored all the moves that could have put us on the right track to recovery, should have, and still didn't, look like they're shaking in their boots at the chance of losing the Senate in the upcoming  mid-term Election? No!!! and why aren't they? Like the gangsters from Chicago that they are, they plan on buying this election, anyway!
     Or do they know something we don't but just, as usual, think we shouldn't know?
     Do you see Barack Obama looking worried as he calmly sits with that smug smile on his face while he blocks every move we attempt to make in stopping the flow of unchecked immigrants from all over the World crossing the Southern border?
     Or does he ponders on the fact by doing nothing, he knows he will gain, rather than lose?
     NO!! because he knows he has already weakened this Country to such a hopeless almost impossible return to normalcy by confusing, dividing, discouraging and breaking down the will of  the average American People he has despised all his young child and adult life from beyond it's borders. He thinks he has already accomplished his part of the task.
     They're just biding their time! All he and his friends have to do is sit and watch, while his henchmen (The Martial Law Military) complete the final job  of collecting our last sign of strength; Our guns, if it comes to that.
      Do NOT surrender your right to self defense even when he does decide to suspend the Constitution.
     Without a bloody rebellion by us when it happens, He'll get his way! ,Just sayin'.

Monday, October 27, 2014


All the signs of it are there; They have all the Progressive and Atheist Judges right where they need them most in the U.S. Justice system, all the "rigged" fraudulent voting machines under control (Some of them under the ownership of big contributors to the "Progressive" candidates' campaigns) and a planned blanket Amnesty for illegal Aliens, all waiting in the wings to do whatever it takes to stop the Conservatives from taking control of the Senate.
     The 'Main' Communist leaning Hollywood Atheists are behind it 100% as well.
     Altogether, they're pulling out all the stops in this final push to save their treacherous, Un-Constitutional asses.
     Yes! Obama's not running again, but all of his Agenda is still on the ballot in taking this Country down on behalf of the "Muslim Brotherhood" of the World of which ISIS and AL QAIDA are members, The International Billionaires including Microsoft owner Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and last but not least, George Soros, formerly the infamous Hungarian/Nazi informant "Gyorgy Schwartz" who, along with his father of the same name, betrayed his own Jewish Community circa 1936 to the Nazis.
     Lets' not forget the inseparable ongoing relationship Barack Obama still has with his very personal friends, who seem to be able to access the President on a whim at any time, proclaimed and dedicated Communist Van Jones, Personal friend and Confidant, Leader of the infamous  "Weather Underground" Bill Aires, and Blibbady Blabbermouth AL Sharpton. Who, after being caught by the FBI some years ago in a million dollar drug bust in which Sharpton was the Drug-pin negotiator, turned drug informant to stay out of jail. HAHA!  Imagine; "The Reverend Al Sharpton"Ain't it a kick?? Just sayin'.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


     Recently someone close to me said, "I'll pray for you!" Of course it was because that person felt they were right, and I was wrong. Then of course, I was unable to respond as they blocked me so that I couldn't.
     It's not the first time it's been done to me, but the similarity in all of this point I want to make is; it's always somebody who likes to get in the last word and since they're positive they are right, they need to save me, when in fact, I don't think I was wrong in the first place!
     That person always turns out to be a flaming Progressive who is confused in thinking there really is no God, but they'll pray to him just in case they may be wrong sometime. In the meantime though, they will just set God aside and go with what they think will be the winner; the Atheists and/or the Mohammed following Muslims.
     It's okay to cut off children's heads, because Mohammed says so!!
     Anyway, I have a hard time understanding the Oxymoron thinking of such people, so to them my reply is this; "Please don't waste your hypocritical time praying for my salvation! I'll earn my salvation on my own".
     You see, too many people think they can time after time, conveniently pray to God for salvation and he will comply because he is all forgiving.
      The problem is, nothing is free! Not even salvation. Like the almighty productive dollar, the simple truth is, you have to get out and earn it.  Just sayin'.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


     It's truly amazing!! Obama and the "Democrats" after a successful election in 2008, changed their Agenda from Constitutional abiding "Democrats" to outright reckless, 'Devil may care' Socialist/Communist "Progressives" that didn't work. (They seized 'dictatorial' power behind closed doors)
     Now, after 6 years (more or less) of absolute failure in their attempt to convert "The good ol' Constitutional 'American way', to Obamacare, the "New World Order" which would lead us to "Communism", they are once again depending on the Sheeple to revert back to the 'short-memory' thinking, that got them into office in the first place!
     So here we are, with new "Progressives" wanting to go back to the old Constitutional 'American Way' to save their treacherous asses, 'for the time being'!! Although they're the same devious people who all voted for their and Obama's "New Direction" (97% to 100% of the time.) and totally throwing the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution under the bus, they've decided that putting on different hats 'for the time being', will bring them salvation 'for the time being' as well.
     Does something smell 'fishy' to you??  Just sayin'.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


     So be it with Barack Obama. It doesn't matter that he'll be gone. His legacy and agenda are still alive and dangerous to the American Way, as ever. Just as Al Capone's way of setting the trend for Chicago Politics still lives on, Obama's Chicago style way of running the modern World will too, if they are able to muscle their way in the upcoming Elections.
     When you hear a "Progressive" Candidate say; "You're not voting for Barack Obama now! He's out of the picture! You're voting for me and what the Democrats of the future can do for you."
     Well,..... lets have a look at that; They still intend to follow the path he started. No doubt about it!!
     Although in their mind, they would like you to believe they have newer, more patriotic ideas in mind, they really do not. They are presenting none, they are planning none and don't intend to stray from the path he's been on since he first appeared on the American political scene.
     When you look at the voting record of any one of the Progressive Incumbents re-running for office in any Gov't, Local State or Federal, they have voted 95 to 100% in favor of what either he, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid proposes or previously proposed.
     These are people totally dedicated to a cause; to transform America and Canada to complete Socialist/Communist Countries from which the rest of the World, with help of the International Billionaires who benefit most from that transition, will reap the power and profits.
     Their Modus Operandi is simple; Since they no longer believe in God, they have no moral fear of him and with the elimination of that silly notion, they will dominate the whole World by transitioning to a totally Godless one.
     How can they do this without objection from the masses? First of all, as Atheist Billionaire George Soros said when asked why he and his non-practicing Jewish father betrayed his Hungarian fellow Jews to the Nazis prior to World War 2, he answered; "For money! Money is power!".
     And so, in the process of eliminating the "Power of the people by way of the all-powerful Constitution", all they had to do was first eliminate the income of the majority of the Productive Work-force of America by exporting their jobs to somewhere else for the sake of greed,; China! Leaving the majority of Americans without "the power of money". (The Tea Party of today!)
     With the help of one of their most powerful Worldly Billionaires, Bill Gates of Microsoft, who hasn't felt, nor will ever feel the pain of being deprived of monetary survival necessities essential to our Country and the rest of us, they established the "World Trade Organization" (Yes! this planning took place long before Barack Obama appeared on the scene!)
     Always bear in mind as Communism progresses, Obama himself is just a manipulating Puppet for the Real people behind it all who stay lurking in the shadows, providing the endless flow of money anonymously and illegally to "their cause".
     The real thing they're after next, after ruining the ability of the common people to monetarily fight back, which they have done, is to confiscate our guns and our ability to fight physically back.
     After rendering us powerless to fight back, , they naturally have the freedom to help themselves to the abundance of Natural resources we have, and they so badly need for the rest of the World.
     I hope I have given you the insight as to what's in store for us all, and how important the next two elections need to be honest ones, guarded against the tyranny of fraudulent votes and improper or lack of, I.D.
     I'll say further; what I'm telling you right now is not a pipe dream. What I'm explaining to you is derived from actual facts and research.
     Written back in 1973, I'd advise anyone reading my blogs to read a credible book called "Trilaterals over Washington" and then read another written by Edward Klein called "The Amateur"
     They both give excellent insight as to what's happening now. Just sayin'.


Monday, October 20, 2014


      A repeat, (sort of,) of the way other Liberals gain their sinful fame, with Monica Lewinsky giving her obscene confession to the rest of the World to hear. Although she received a standing ovation from the Progressive, Godless crowd who, if they had the chance to do what she did, would do the same thing with no remorse either.
     Except, it never came to a lot of others watching and listening on live T.V. that it really wasn't a confession at all. No more than it would be if a stinky Homosexual stood up and proudly proclaimed his conquering over little innocent kids when no one was looking.
     No doubt she will write, or has already written a book, such as the Madam of Hollywood did, naming all of her famous customers for the world to see.
     So no doubt the Kinkies of the world, including and led by, the bulk of the Hollywood Celebrities, will listen to it or read it. All she was doing was promoting herself for fame in the future at the expense of forsaking God.
     In truth, she was bragging about it and raised her head in vulgar pride as she walked through the crowd afterword.
     I don't think she realized how correct she was in describing herself the way she felt others truly described her; a whore, a slut, a bimbo and a tramp.
     It's really a surreal World we're looking at now, even though it IS the minority of this country by far who feel right by being as immoral as she is.
     No! it was far from being a confession for the dis-service she did to our Country along with Bill Clinton and Hillary during their reign as President and First Lady.
     Monica is simply following the lead of the Immorals who monopolized on the same indecent things that she did, and became multi-millionaires in the process.
     Guess who's coaching her??  Just sayin'.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


     After all I've just finished watching the House Sub-committee in their sincere questioning of the Key Principals controlling the CDC. (Federal Health Officials or whatever). Anyway, their concentration is so deep on the influx of West Africans entering the U.S. in an uncontrolled fashion in concern with Ebola at the rate of 150 per day, nobody seems to give a darn about the uncontrolled flow of 1500 Immigrants coming across our Southern border from 143 Countries, who may be very well containing members of ISIS, who then, may in fact not only be carrying the disease, but also far worse ideas in mind for destroying the U.S. population itself.
      I'll bet my bottom dollar I used to have, that Obama can't quit laughing either! 
     Remember, if he doesn't know much of anything else, he is the master of diversion.
     Just sayin'.

Monday, October 13, 2014


     In a statement reported on Fox News last week in regards to the invasion of Iraq, I heard a Military Expert report that Obama doesn't allow requests to attack many targets involving important, high ranking ISIS and AL QAIDA Military Leaders. If this is true, it's no wonder we aren't winning against their advances.
     When I watch the videos from the journalists, I see ISIS tanks and truckloads of warrior columns all over the place, moving around at will. Are you telling us that if he really wanted to, with the tremendous Military might the U.S. possesses, we couldn't wipe them out in one fell swoop? And because I'm sure we can, then can someone tell me why they do not??
     As plain as the nose was on Jimmy Durante's face, it's also plain that these 'pin-prick' attacks being allowed one out of every 200 requests at a time are phonier than hell, wouldn't you guess?
     When will we recognize how devious this whole thing is??
     Also, how phony is this business of having to ask permission from any Country, in this case Turkey, to stage our War machine there as urgently as we need it strategically against the attack from a murderous, sickeningly beheading army of "Friday the Thirteenth" Islamists?
     Isn't it clear yet, that through all of this confusion deliberately promoted by the master of 'Community Organizers' himself, (Barack Obama) that every day he keeps the pandemonium going, he's advancing his goal of ruling the Islamic and Modern World?
     If we wanted to establish bases that would help us repel this "Devil inspired" murdering machine,  wouldn't we simply through brute force, DO it?
     Are you telling me Turkey would make an attempt to stop us if we just DID it? You know, and I also know, it's really all about "how much money"! So when you consider the 100 billion dollars that disappeared during the 5+ years that the Obama Regime has reigned, what's wrong with slipping a few billion more into the right hands in Turkey while we go ahead and just do it, Anyway?
     Let's face it folks; Doesn't it appear to you, Obama does NOT want ISIS to fail?? Why do you think he armed them with modern weapons in the first place under the guise of  dethroning tyrants that would have resisted Obama's rule after all is said and done anyway??
     Being an Islamist himself, and knowing Allah permits him to lie about anything he wishes, as long as it advances their cause of forcing the acceptance of SHARIA LAW, don't you think he will continue doing so?
     Just askin'!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


     Have you ever thought about what's in danger of happening to you when you walk into a hospital Cafeteria? just think about it for a minute!
     Look around the place and see the hospital workers, from garbage clean-up employees to Nursing Assistants and Nurses, alongside doctors all dressed in scrubs containing every germ they've been handling prior to entering the facililty . ( And you're going there as a visitor because someone suggested you should, to eat the food that's so reasonably good there for the price you pay.)
     Well......, just think about the price you may have to pay! Although they all have sterilized their hands, what about the rest of the scrubs that have been in contact with all the patients before coming there for a relaxing lunch.
     This point was brought up to us by an experienced Medical worker who joined the rest of the "Over-the Hill Gang" at Starbuck's this Sunday morning.
     With the deadly "Ebola" epidemic that's taking place in the African Nations right now, and then transported to America by one of their African residents who lied about not having been in touch with any infected victims before boarding the plane to come here, I think the subject was appropriately brought up this day. He lied to come here in hopes of better treatment, and narcissistically didn't care about the danger he was posing for the rest of America. (Kinda' like Barack Obama!)
     Now that he's lied and then died, one of the protected workers treating him has contracted it. So we were wondering, 'How could this possibly be'??
     Our good friend explained it quite adequately by demonstrating it. Even with all of the protective gear on the infected worker in place, all the worker had to do, was reach up to satisfy a sudden itch on his or her exposed cheek with one finger of the contaminated glove, and Bingo! they just transferred the germ to their skin.
     The worker finished work for the day and probably carried it home. Or maybe even to the hospital Cafeteria!
     By the way, the deceased guy's family now has the nerve to claim "racism" and are considering filing suit against the Hospital for the 'Wrongful death' of their relative.
     I hope they had sense enough to cremate the lying bastard first!  Just sayin'.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


     Yes! You're going to see the largest attempt at voter fraud, the likes of which you've never seen in this Republic before.
     The Federally appointed Judges on the higher Courts are already positioning themselves to strike down any voter I.D. laws that could hamper illegal voters from registering and casting multiple and fraudulent votes. All because of the plunging popularity of the Progressive Party as their in-action and assault on the 'American Way' of life gets more and more intense.
     Thank God, the claims being made by the honest Press, principally FOX NEWS, are beginning to hit home and the fence sitters on the 'Socialist' side of the Communist Ledger begin to wrap themselves in the American flag, and begin issuing dedication statements toward the Republic and  our Constitutional system.
     For different reasons attributed to their own personal survival modes with the wish of being re-elected, they are going to be depending on Hollywood and the Communist leaning Media to try and blur their unforgivable sins and bad deeds of the recent 6 years.
     Hillary (Rodham) Clinton, as dedicated and loyal as she has been in the past with the Obama Regime, is recognizing she must pull her chameleon trick of separating herself from the Evil-doers of the past 6 years and has hired speech writers to start spinning her usual web of deception to the unwary masses of Sheeple.
     We as believers in God, who have hopefully learned enough from the exposure of her tour of mis-truths and flat out lies, will soundly reject her attempt to become the first Female President of the United States. As she drags her past improprieties along with her, surely the Public will have enough sense to see that doesn't happen.
     You'll probably see the slippery Leftist Main Media do their best to show their viewers the comings and goings of these true Atheists as they parade themselves and their entourages leaving the churches and Synagogues as though they've been God believers all along.
     As election times approach, watch as they narcissistically toss their less fortunate Comrades under the wheels of the fast moving train.
     Even the Homosexuals will begin showing up in the late-morning services after their stinky encounters, with the hopes of garnering extra votes from the naïve populace.
     But the worst is yet to come, and I can guarantee you, they are planning on deception, multiple voting and fraudulent voting in a huge way to be able to keep and gain control through this election and the General election in 2016.
     The reason is clear! The tide has turned so strongly against them, they know it's the only chance they have of survival.
     So, if there's any races that come anywhere near to being close in the vote count, the re-count will inevitably be in favor of the Left, just as it was when the supporters of Al Franken mysteriously came up with a box of "forgotten and misplaced" votes that pushed him up over the top. Although it was obvious what they had done, they still unashamedly went on to declare him the winner.
     All I can say is, I'm sure there will be riots in the streets in the aftermath of them being defeated.
     The Community organizers will be out in force and bull-horning the event.  Just sayin'.

Friday, October 10, 2014


     As much as our attention is on the greatest Terrorist Organization, ISIS, we had better not take our eyes off the ball when it comes from our enemy within; the National Organization of Women,(NOW), The Atheists, Agnostics and the Homosexuals. ("Alternative Normals"), Many of whom are the same people, just wearing different hats to suit their agendas they want to push each day.
     It's terribly discouraging for the rest of the Patriotic Americans, who, worn down by a devastating economy, a decade long assault on our Godly beliefs, and the failures and letdowns assailed upon us by an Islamic, "Community Organizer" President.
     A Narcissistic President who, in his fantasies and wildest dreams, has abandoned his post of Presidency to pursue his dream of being the first President of the "Trilateral Commission"'s "New World Order".
     Yes folks! That's where his "Dreams from my Father" fantasy has taken him.
     Self Schooled in Public speaking, then indoctrinated into Atheist Saul Alinsky's infamous "Midwest Academy" in the heart of Chicago, he attended Harvard in Maasachusetts to further be trained in Community Organizing. As it turns out now, that's obviously the extent of his talents.
     He's proving it to the whole World as I write.
     Right now, as in the past, he's rubbing elbows with the likes of Van jones, an openly declared Atheist and member of the Communist Party, Bill Ayers, another Communist and Creator/Leader of the murderous "Weather Underground" in the 70's. Ayers was teamed up with another Atheist Leader, Bernadine Dhorn in ravaging some of America's Cities by creating home-made bombs. Several innocent Americans died as a result.
     Don't let me forget Ward Churchill, another obscene, Atheist Professor who, along with Bill Ayers, is teaching College students to this day, how to destroy the Constitution and every sacred aspect of it. (Ward Churchill paraded as a Native Indian until it was revealed he doesn't have an ounce of Native blood in him).
     Why do we expect anything better from both Barack and his wife Michelle, who, as young adults, were both nurtured in what was, and still is, the most corrupt City and it's Mayors in the history of the Nation: Chicago!!
     Valerie Bowman Jarrett, born in Iran to African/American parents who also disliked the way America and it's Founding Fathers who brought us up by way of the War of Independence, the Bill of rights and the U.S. Constitution, personally guides Barack and Michelle from within the confines of the White House private Residence in which she and Michelle's mother live as well. (She worked as an Assistant to Mayor Harold Washington and both of the Father and son Daleys with Michelle (Robertson) as her aide before she met and married Barack)
     Barack is being coached by 'All of the above' right today.
     Now throw in some Atheist, International Billionaires who, for their own Greedy, personal gain, supply him with all of the money he might run short of, would benefit from the Destruction of the fabric that holds the "Government of the people, by the People and For the People" together, and what do you expect to end up with??
    Ever since Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton (Also schooled in the Atheist, Saul Alinsky founded "Midwest Academy" prior to Barack's attendance there), Valerie Bowman Jarrett (who I believe was a principal in Iran surging ahead in the Nuclear field by way of communications with her, who by the way,speaks fluent Persian) and you have a bunch of the deadliest, most devious and dangerous Narcissists in the World, right before our very eyes.
     Think about it, Sheeple! What do you think is in store for us, if they don't get caught up with before it's too late?
     Good grief!! And we're depending on this yahoo to take up arms against a Radical Muslim Army that derives from the Islamic faith that he supplied arms to under false pretenses in the first place?
     Who is kidding who? To think they all still party together in the White house, is nothing short of  Treason when you realize what they're intending to do, once Barack become officially, President of the "New World Order"!  Just sayin'.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


      In a previous blog I wrote, I mentioned how Obama was talking in a Worldly sense as though he was already the Leader of "The New World Order". Well,..... he's not going to quit! Neither are his dedicated followers who remain set on turning America and our natural treasures over to the rest of the World.
     The fact is; he's not gonna' quit, and since I also pointed out earlier that he was just a Puppet for a much more dedicated, sinister Atheist Group, They aren't either.
     They are pulling out all of the stops in their attempt to destroy the American way in this Country. Guess what? They're elevated up and into the State and Federal Court system too.
     They're all beginning to speak to us in the same respect.
     As we watch ISIS and the rest of the "Muslim Brotherhood" advance in the other parts of the World, we aren't recognizing the fact we have a large Anti-American group who have worked their way into all of our once proud Constitutional American Way.
     Whether you want to believe it or not, they are using the exact same way as ISIS and AL Qaida to destroy our system from within. The more you look at it, you'll see they really are!!
     With it, the naïve followers who have been tricked into believing their rhetoric are also waking up to that fact, and are starting to bail out in droves.
     Now the Obama Regime and their supporters are resorting to some old, past successful Politicians in desperation to save their asses. Enter "Horny" Bill Clinton and his Entourage.
     Mark my words, this is the fight of our lives against the Evil we have never had to be confronted with before.  Take note of your friends around you, and you're going to see how they still believe in what's happening in their promotion of this sinister Principle by exiting back away into the shadows in hopes of success. They're the true Cowards of this Patriotic Country. They're easy to spot Folks!
     Just look at the Teachers' Union, the Community Organizers and International Union Leaders first.!    Just sayin'.

Monday, October 6, 2014


     Let's see now, "THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD" must not be "Islamic" either then. Because all of the Terrorist groups like ISIS, ISIL KHORAZON and AL QAIDA belong to "THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD". (All Islamic Terrorists) He said, "Muslims are peace-loving people".
     So, a lot of African Americans wearing Muslim garb and attending Muslim Mosques in America are not really Muslims either, because a lot of them belong to "THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD".
     Since AL QAIDA is, and was, originated by Bin Laden in Peshawar, Pakistan circa 1983,  I can't help but point out that it was right around the same time that Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro) obtained a passport to Pakistan with a birth certificate placing his birth in Kenya, and journeyed there for a while.
     Does anybody know what he did there?
     No one seems to know why he went there. What we do know, is there was a "No Entry order" at the time for all persons of American Citizenship.
     Someone please explain this to me; He was supposedly born to a Muslim father and a White American mother. I'm sure we can assume she didn't agree with the Constitutional way of life we had here, so she took up residence in Africa where the Muslims are prominent.
     Her parents were also living there, presumably wanting to exist away from the Constitutional life as well.
     Barack was raised by his Grandparents who made sure to it he was schooled in an Islamic environment, where he was confirmed into the Muslim Religion. (All of this happening in an environment where no one agreed with Capitalist America.).
      Which brings the obvious question; If they had any use for the American way of life at all, why on earth would they want to keep him there in Africa? But they did.
     Now here we are, saddled with the biggest Liar ever to disgrace the White House, and what's worse; for another 2 solid years.
     How ridiculous is that??
     I guess we can say then, the U.S. Military is really not made up of Americans either, because Americans are peace-loving people, too!!
     Anyway, you figure it out, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!!   Just sayin'.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


     Misgivings committed when they were young? Particularly when it's in defense of their present criminal or immoral wrongdoings? I don't think so!!
     If they're good, 'normal' parents, they have learned from their mistakes.
     If they don't pass their hard-earned knowledge to their children, they'd be letting them down by not correcting them. When they make that step to their kids, it's in the hopes of the parents that, once the child does it anyway and suffers the consequences, they remember they were warned and make it a point to not do it again.
     Being reminded we all make mistakes as well, does not exonerate the child from suffering verbal punishment.
     Of course we all made mistakes, and many of us have that memory load to bear. But if you want a parent to write you off and excommunicate you from their life, just keep reminding them of the bad stuff from the past, (Which in my case was grossly distorted anyway) instead of recognizing the fact the parent is doing their level best to make up for it since, by trying to raise you properly.
     Two wrongs never make it right, no matter how you look at it! Accusing the parent of past deeds (that may not be true) you heard from someone else, when you're obviously wrong now, is only for the selfish purpose of being able to do it again with the hope of not suffering the consequences.
     Just look at how our present Administration uses it as an excuse for their tremendous mistakes, one after the other since they've been in office. Have they admitted to it being wrong, or do they just keep reminding us of the mistakes in the past of other Administrations? Their mistake is in thinking two wrongs make it right, so there's no need to change.
      I guess they're still in their learning stage as well. However there seems to be a delay in their Metamorphosis process.   Just sayin'.