Sunday, November 16, 2014


     I believe that "Progressives" are wrong in their contention that President Bush was "reckless" just as Barack Obama was, is, and intends to be in his spending.
     The fact is, he needed to campaign on all the promises that the Progressives intended to make, had he not made them first. It's as simple as that, and in so doing, beat them at their own game by winning re-election for a second term.
     In his own way, he was saving the American people from future, earlier Progressive economic destruction that would have happened four years earlier than it actually did.
     Now that we're beginning to realize what happened, and is still happening with the Devilish bunch, can you imagine what the "Progressives" would have accomplished through their devious means, if they had been elected 4 years earlier, giving them 12 years of Tyranny instead of 8??
     President Bush and members of his Administration foresaw the intentions of the Pro-Communists, and took the only route possible that stemmed the tide of Tyranny happening sooner.
     The big difference is; he did what he did in accordance with the "Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution"! The Progressives did not!
     As you can see; The "Progressives" along with the deceitful Leadership of the 'secret' Muslim/Atheist ( An oxymoron, I'm aware of) Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, made President Bush's moves seem child's play. They paid no attention to the documents that have kept us safe for two and a half Centuries, and totally abused the saying; "A Gov't of The People", "By The People" and "For The People"
     Remember; When referring to the common people of this Country whose warriors fought and died for the Stars and Stripes, it started with brave men in their bare feet who couldn't read or write and were only considered 'dumb and ignorant' in the sense they never had the means to be taught. Not because they were considered lesser than good faithful men.
     Barack Obama's spokesman for the design of Obamacare said recently in so many words; " Even though the common people would be confused and "Obamacare" would ultimately fail, they were too stupid to realize it anyway"
     Lrt's not confuse the word "stupid" with the 'meant in a clean sense', dumb and ignorant! Just sayin'.

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