Sunday, November 16, 2014


     For people who believe in kindness and decency, it's a time for everyone to seize the opportunity of being able to assist others whenever you're confronted with it.
     Despite the temptation to look the other way, which I always consider the "Line of least Resistance", wouldn't it be nice to have the fortitude and help someone you know is in need? And if you pay attention to it, you'll find yourself almost every day to give people assistance, even if it's just a few kind, re-assuring words. It costs you nothing!
     I stress that if you pay attention to that thought, you'll be paid back ten-fold by simply feeling better about yourself, and sleeping better at night.
     I have come to realize, you can make the other person take on a better attitude just by behaving friendly and smiling even though you have to dig it up from your own crappy mood to do it.
     I believe, even if you're in the gloomiest of moods, the fortitude to do it will end up in a pleasurable peace of mind to you, and the folks around you.
     The mannerisms in which you behave will rub off on someone else.
     I'm far from wanting to be nice sometimes, and often I fail, ending up hurting other people's feelings who, although sincere in their own beliefs, are clearly wrong in politics they know are hurting the good, honorable Constitutional rights being taken away in front of our very eyes.
     I ask to be excused from those instances and the times as a Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather when I try to insert an offering of decency and self respect, just to be rebuked in an obscene fashion. The man in charge of the Ten Commandments will have to deal with that!
     Aside from that, I ask that you give yourself in kind acts to each other, even folks you don't know. You may lose a battle or two, but I guarantee you'll win the War. With the attempt by our existing Gov't to de-moralize the Good populace of this Nation and make it something else 'we the people,' don't want it to be, is unacceptable.
     It probably won't in itself, totally defeat their Devilish intentions, but togetherness in other ways will. Try it, you may like it.
     In the meantime, I don't see anybody else in a position where they have better ideas. Just sayin'.

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