Thursday, February 5, 2015


     Maybe now, the unwary listeners who still watch their newscasts will begin to realize that the whole truth in the reporting of "all" the facts to North America by the Media on the 'Left' just about never gets done!!
     Right from the very beginning of Obama's appearance on the North American scene, this Nightmare we are going through now, started back then. We have not just been fooled by the complete dishonesty of this man, but by a much larger group who has been operating from the shadows both within the Progressive Party, and other parts of the World.
     I know this conclusion I came to right at the start of their façade, was smirked at by my suggestion of it being so. It has been and still remains, a carefully planned package of total, deliberately intended falsehood and mis-representation; "Divide, disorganize, then conquer the most successful and strongest country in the World to achieve total control. Then re-educate their own way from the bottom to the top without the interruption by a Judeo/Christian belief in God!
     It has turned what used to be trust in our Gov't, to deserved suspicion and trickery. It is mastered by well organized International Billionaires in the quest for ultimate riches for the sake of satisfying their greedy desire for World power.
     It is so carefully and masterfully executed we see it before our very eyes and still don't accept it.
     So much so, that even Fox News, as straight forward and honest as they are, are hesitating to call it for what it really is.
     The Obama Administration keep covering their butts by continually saying over and over again when they are confronted with a latest nasty deed; "It was done by the Crusades during the dark ages on behalf of Christ!"
     Doesn't that show he thinks it okay for ISIS to do it now?
     Does it also show you he continues to think; A wrong back then in the Crusades and dark Ages being repeated now, makes it right? All the people on the "Left" seem to repeatedly think that is the case!
     Obama made that statement this morning in defense of ISIS beheading the Christian children in their bloody path. Doesn't that show you he has a bitterness toward Christ and those who believe in his rules; the "Ten Commandments"?

     Doesn't that bring out the nasty truth in this man's future intentions and who he secretly wants to succeed? Doesn't that also show why he has been openly and secretly supplying arms to ISIS, The Taliban and Al Qaida all along under the guise of wanting to dethrone "Dictators and Tyrants" in the Muslim World? He now refers to them as an "Organization"!
     Doesn't that openly explain why he refuses to call them what they obviously are; "Islamic Terrorists"?
     Doesn't it also explain why he held a secret meeting in the White House yesterday with four top Muslim Clerics and refuses to reveal what the conversation was about?
     Wake up! For the sake of Jesus Christ!! Just sayin'.

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