Thursday, January 29, 2015


     I shudder to think it's going to stay that way for another agonizing 2 more years. I hate to think of what we can expect out of all this when the Obama nightmare ends!
     The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves, I'm sure. While Barack Obama tours the World in Air Force One making further arrangements for his future in running the World, getting consultation from every Nation we don't consider friends. His Administration is helter skelter trying to cover up his true motives to mislead the North American people.
     The lying and diversions from the truth are  out of control completely, as the new Congress attempts to bring it back on to the road to common sense. That's going to take some time!
     Knowing their reign of terror is unraveling, I believe they will now start looking for places to hide from the new Gov't and the wrath they have coming.
     Having operated on the principle of total confusion in order to get their way from the time they wrenched power away from the Normal thinking American people in 2008, that ploy has now come back to haunt them, and deservedly so!
     The huge job of Nation building will finally begin. "Mammoth' would be a better word.
     Their own policy of 'Divide and conquer' worked for them, as it has over Centuries for other rogue Gov'ts for a while, but was doomed for failure when they weren't able to accomplish it speedily enough to keep it sealed for good.
     Thank God this Country of Immigrants who won the War of Independence from Britain in 1776, is tough enough to recognize this Chicago Thuggery that's been taking place.
     The thugs themselves, are now in entire disarray.  It's sad it had to happen in the first place, but I firmly believe we will be brave and strong enough to recover from this International Billionaire plan to use Obama as their main weapon to destroy our way of life, as they choke on it's own poison gas.
     But a word of extreme caution as they retreat back into the shadows and once again pretend to be regular Americans in order to escape our Constitutional pursuit; They are what they are, and will never, ever agree with our American way as they deviously wait to pursue the next chink in our Constitutional armor. They are the dirty side of our politics.
     Keep every stinkin' one in mind as we thread our way back through the tunnel and to the light at the end.  Just sayin".

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