Sunday, January 25, 2015


     Because the President is just that; BOGUS!! He is so busy overstepping his Constitutional obligation since he and his 'Progressive" Party lied to the people and stole the federal election in 2008, he has been in total absentia by tending to other Countries' affairs where he hasn't taken the time to follow the rules of the Presidency!
     As a result of his actions, the United States has been brought down into shambles and I don't believe he has any interest whatsoever in letting it do otherwise.
     So now that the voters have managed to wrench away the whole Congress back into the hands of smarter people with more common sense, they realize that this Country has to move forward without the nonsense of fighting fruitlessly with the brain-dead Dodo.
     Business must go on, with or without him or the Communist Regimes he's been hanging out with in between his games of golf.
     Every move he makes from here on in, will be to brainwash the Sheeple with promises he doesn't intend to keep, just to pave the way for another deceitful successor to his throne down the road. A ploy he is continuing to use from his former Chicago days.
     It's sickening to hear his future cellmates and him talk about what the Congress didn't get done in Obama's term, when they were the perpetrators such as the leader of the past Senate, Harry Reid, who wouldn't allow anything to get  past him to the President's desk in the first place.
     Now, it's past time to get things done while the President remains in the bathtub eating cereal with Beyoncé. 
     She's probably helping him in between swallowing food to devise his Robbin' "Hood" tax plan. Just sayin'.

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