Friday, January 23, 2015


     Well......., Why wouldn't he do it when you consider his history as President? When you retrace his steps from the time he was hired, he has headed straight for every Country who has despised the United States and what we have stood for, through 2 and a half Centuries, to apologize to and criticize the actions and achievements we have made in the past at the expense of hundreds of thousands of American lives. Are those the actions of a proud American? 
      As Ronald Reagan once said, "We are the last bastion of Freedom on earth. When we lose that position, there will be no peaceful way of getting it back". (Or something similar to that.)
     Now, when you look at the situation we are confronted with from the present Regime led by Barack Obama, he has done the exact opposite in every respect to every positive, realistic option our country has had, in order to recover itself from an economy that suffers from the largest mass exodus of productive employment to outside countries we have ever seen!
     Right from the day he took office, he immediately appointed an Administration from people he had befriended from the time he landed in the United States circa the age of 23. (Don't drink the coolaid that he was raised in Hawaii, because he was not.) To the contrary! He was raised in his earlier years in Indonesia and at the age of 8, enrolled in a Muslim school. Indonesia being one of the most corrupt third world countries in the World.

     When he landed here, he showed up in one of the most infamous, and corrupt cities in North America, Chicago, Illinois and immediately applied for foreign aid status from the Gov't. He received that aid and as I understand the process, had to have produced proof he was born in Kenya, South Africa.
     But set that aside for now, because what he did next throughout his earlier years of being here was to befriend a whole list of Atheists from around the Chicago area. Atheist Van Jones, Atheist Bill Ayers, Iranian born Valerie Bowman Jarrett and Eric Holder. - all of which were infamous either upon his arrival in Chicago or after. Take your pick!
     Upon arrival here earlier, he picked his career as a student of the U.S. Constitution, and having studied it thoroughly enough not to abide by it, but as it turns out, to criticize it and lecture on it in a manner to disregard it.
    A habit that he has practiced ever since. In his Administration as I speak, he has appointed 3 members of "The Muslim Brotherhood" in critical top levels.
     Now is there any wonder or surprise, that this man has been discovered recently to have been maintaining secret contact by telephone with the Reigious Leader of Iran? Are you still wondering why he doesn't want Congress to hamper his secret "negotiations" by putting stiffer sanctions against Iran who has proven time after time, they are openly an enemy of the United States.
      Haven't you wondered at least, how Iran has made such rapid and successful progress in the Nuclear field and development of modern weapons such as drones and helicopters in the last six years? Really?  Just sayin'.


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