Wednesday, January 21, 2015


     You only have to realize the flaw in Obama's Utopian vision for America; First of all, you don't have to be a genius to look back at the first six years of his time in office to understand everything he has done has failed.
     Imagine the reality of it all for him to wake up one morning along with his Utopian Administration, to find they're at a complete dead end on the imagined road to Communism mixed in with a partnership with Islam. "The Trilateral Commission" in Europe along with a "New World Order".
     So what does he want to do now? Well,..... in desperation to clear the debris being left behind by him and the Progressive's destructive, give-away failures, he has promised the future voting bloc in 2016 free everything! In fact he is so bitter about his true losses so far in bringing this Nation down to a 3rd world status, that he could then turn around and re-build from scratch in his own one World, one President way. He will just give it one more fatal blow; Promise everything FREE in the future that he won't be here to recompense for, or answer to. Bright thinking, don't you think?
     Knowing there is a probable impossibility to achieve, and also an inevitable take-over of Gov't by the Republican Congress along with a Conservative President, he intends to quagmire a situation so bad, the Republican dominance will not be able to solve it in a single 4 year term! (Remember this; A lot of the World's International Billionaires who operate with Goods from America don't pay any major taxes to the U.S. anyway. Their headquarters are somewhere else but here. BP and G.E. come to mind)
     He knows very well the money will not be there to achieve those goals in the future. So to justify the impending expense, he proposes a tax increase on the wealthiest few that will trickle down in turn to the American Middle Class, that they can then create a better living for themselves with. HAHA!
     WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL THE "PRESS" THE 'MIDDLE CLASS'  IS "THE TEA PARTY"? (Obama wouldn't give sweat from his brow to "The Middle Class!)
     No matter! Whatever he intends to promise won't work and he knows it! It's all an attempt to build a façade that will implode after he leaves office with his pockets bulging and Michelle's oversized purse stuffed with salt and pepper shakers anyway!
     Keep this in mind; The "Progressives" will never be taken down without taking everything and everybody else down with them! That's just the way their Party is built! Just sayin'.

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