Sunday, May 31, 2015


     When will they? Try as they might, through the Centuries, others have tried to exceed Democracy with something other than what it is, and time after time, and Century after Century, they fail miserably in their attempt to have something other than what "Democracy" does for us that "Brings home the Bacon". There's that constant deception, that there must be an easier way of doing that, than having to work for it! The short-cut to achieving wealth and comfort at the expense of somebody else's toil.
     It's an Ideology promoted by people who look at the working man and woman as 'stupid' for not looking for a "better way" than going to work every day. It's also a product of what I call "The Line of Least Resistance" (I speak of it often in my blogs.)
     It seldom works if ever, but they're forever going to keep trying it, as the precious years on Earth keep sauntering on by.
     But those are the same people running our affairs in this Country right now, and instead of recognizing our success as the way for others to achieve it by following suit in their own countries and uplifting the standard of living there, it's easier to continue their system and graduate ours down to the level of theirs. But they gotta' get what we earned first!
     And who did they appoint to that chore? An Un-American man who presently sits as the President of the United States of America. How? By taking from the "Productive" People and giving it to the Non-productive Poor of the rest of the World. Then "Equality" will prevail.
     How successful is he at doing that? Well look at it this way; All he has had to do is, convince enough poor people if they support him long enough, he'll take it from us and give it to them. (And there's plenty of "poor" people to go around right now, don't ya' think?) He's just gotta' Qualify them to vote!!
     As Margaret Thatcher once said; "Socialism works just fine, until you run out of other people's money!"   Remember that??    Just sayin'.

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