Tuesday, June 2, 2015


     It's bizarre, it's surreal and it's so unbelievably corrupt, we really didn't see it coming; An assault by a worldly group of Billionaires bringing together a perverted bunch of Anti-God, Anti-Christians, Homosexuals and Radical Muslim Terrorists with totally different purposes, but with one thing in common; Jealousy and Hatred towards Americans in General, particularly Whites and the American way!
     How could we have been so terribly naïve?? Was it trust in each other as God loving souls, and taking for granted the Constitutional guide that made us the most powerful Country in the World,  we turned a blind eye to the fact that there was deception and greed worshipping others out there waiting for the perfect opportunity to take us down?
Bizarre Ideology for sure, but when you stand back and take a good, long look at it, how could it possibly be more surreal than it has actually turned out to be?
     Although it's finally, but gradually coming to light, and the more the same people in that devious group expose themselves for what they truly are, we still have a year and a half of putting up with their nonsense, before we can hopefully bring it to an end!
     Who would have thought that their brutal attack on our system would come from within, and from where else other than from one of the most infamous, corrupt areas in the Country, Chicago?
     It's only now, we're finding that the Chicago influence is tied to most of the Obama Administration in one form or another? And not only there, but the fact that Barack Obama was raised in one of the most corrupt 3rd World Countries on the Globe, Indonesia!!
    5 years ago, a friend of mine 'in the know' said to me when I brought up Obama's name; "The Left Wing machine has been nurturing this man for years."
    Now I know exactly what he meant!   God help us if he succeeds. Just sayin'.

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