Tuesday, June 9, 2015


     And they know it! What's more amazing, they are there to see to it the American People who hired them in the first place, want only one ultimate thing; to see to it the laws of this Country are abided by in accordance with the way they were meant to be written and enacted.
     In so doing, we expect them to see the laws precisely as the Founding Fathers laboriously constructed them.
     There's nothing difficult about reading and understanding them, since those laws were written in a manner that if all a person could do is barely read, they could understand it. In fact, at the time the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution were produced by those amazing people with such keen foresight for the future, they considered the average learning of the American person's ability to read and understand it at the time. (Their command of English was poor.)
     They're there for the Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People" to follow through on, as well.
     The President however, has managed in his own Dictatorial way, to place himself above and beyond anything the Constitution stands for. Although he hasn't declared Martial Law officially, he proceeds as though he has!!
     In his latest excuse for not abiding by the advice of the Pentagon in handling the ISIS threat, he said he is still waiting for them to fully present him with a plan.
     In response to this, a frustrated top Pentagon responded by saying, "What the $%#& is this??", and stated they have presented plans dozens of times to the President, only to have him not respond!
     At what point must the People of this Country decide it's time to take our Country back from this Regime that is clearly not doing it's Constitutional job?  Just sayin'.

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