Sunday, June 14, 2015


     Circa 1973, Henry Kissinger, always prominent in U.S. and Worldly politics, became involved with, and in fact, helped other Worldly figures come up with the idea of a "Trilateral Commission". Goal; True Communism! Jimmy Carter was also part of the Conspiracy and just a few years later, in 1976, became President. (There's a hypocrite for you, in the respect he paraded as an ordained Minister.)
     The idea was born that would totally revolutionize an ambition by International Billionaires, regardless of native origin, to bring the modern World together as one centrally controlled business Organization, spearheaded by the group with the idea of a Central World Government called "The New World Order".
     An author named Edward Klein researched this notion and followed it to it's conclusion, that would also include the U.S. Billionaires from the United States to be involved. (George Soros, an International Billionaire chased from three prior 3rd World countries after bankrupting their systems, now lives here and supports Barack financially. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, both International Billionaires, support Barack Omama financially!)
     It's not widely recognized or deliberately made known to the General Populace of the World, most likely because it is so extreme in it's intentions, that those same people would like to keep the idea under wraps until the plan is executed to the point, we as the peons might not like the results of it prematurely to being implemented, and cause waves in it happening. ( They all parade as Church-goers believing in God as a cover, it seems.)
     But first, those involved realized the thought of this materializing would need to take decades to
accomplish. It has!
     They would have to slowly change the past history of this Country as it was yesterday, to the history we will read now and about tomorrow. The school Teacher's Union is involved in changing the school curriculum in the class rooms as we write and read! (Have you checked your kids homework lately to see what's being taught?)
    They would have to defeat  any obstacles that would prevent their plan from happening.
    Those are:
     (1)  Capitalism. which breeds competition in Industry, resulting in 'a better price' for the general consumers, due to more than one company monopolizing any certain Industry.(Only one Corporation would dominate one Industry.)
    (2) Christianity or any similar group of people believing in, and following the teachings of a Supreme Being and the rules that were set forth by such mandates as "The Ten Commandments."
    (3) The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
     They will scrap them all if we let them!
     What are they intending to do to your dreams from Yesteryear?? Well....., read on!
    ()  Reduce the standard of living in the North American Continent to bare, essential needs by restricting their ability to increase personal income. (This Country is despised by most of the rest of the world for our ability to work as hard as we want, to achieve the level of living we would be satisfied with, as we were 7 years ago.) As a legal Citizen, what has our Leadership done to bolster your monetary ambitions lately??
    (2) Bolster the strength of  the Anti-Christ population by changing the laws of the land to protect and encourage the Atheists, Narcissists, Muslims, Homosexuals, Bisexuals and all their weird friends from incrimination.
    (3) Eliminate the Constitution and it's friendly attachments that made us what we were 7 years ago; a Nation of modern Industry, Immigrants all included in a "Gov't of the People, By the People, and For the People."
    (4) Who's the man the "Trilateral Commission" put forth to do this mammoth job??  Well, you can call him either "Barry Soetoro" from Kenya, or "Barack Hussein Obama" from Hawaii.
    (5) Who was his Secretary of State for 4 years during his first term? Hillary Clinton who fell in "lock, stock and barrel" with his "Different Direction" and instead of concerning herself with the Country'saffairs, used her power to fill the coffers of the 'Clinton Foundation' through illegal donations from our "Axis of Evil" enemies to the Foundation? (It's now worth 2 plus billion dollars)
    (6) Who's the man to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State for the remainder of Obama's term?  John Kerry, Husband of the International Billionairess owner of "Heines" Ketchup.
    Need I say more?? NO!! But I will!
    Haven't you noticed Barack's constant visits to the U.N.and the European Union? (Already members of "the Trilateral Commission"?) Our Secretary of State, John Kerry heads to confer with them on a continual basis when there's a crisis in the World and in the U.S. as well! When's the last time he conferred with Congress when there's a problem? Never?
    George H. Bush was also named in Edward Klein's book as one of the earlier King-pins in the formation of "The Trilateral Commission" in the earlier 70's.
    Bill Clinton just happens to be the "Adopted son" (HAHA!) of George H. Bush.
    What's in it for Barack Obama and his Entourage?? President of the "New World Order"!
    As Americans, do you really want to take a chance on another Bush in the White House?? Really??   Just sayin'

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