Wednesday, November 4, 2015


     First of all, should the habit of drafting, passing and application of laws by officials who have been 'appointed' rather than 'elected', be allowed to bypass the Legislature? In other words, is authority being designated to people for the creation of laws that haven't been authorized by the Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People" without the election process?
     Although the Assignees are properly qualified to design the application of laws, are they Constitutionally permitted to enforce them? Probably not!
     Does Federal law supercede State law when there is a conflict of interest? Probably so!
     I ask those questions, because it seems only Constitutionally acceptable that any establishment of laws by one single person or Authority should not be allowed.
     Which brings into question the "Executive Order" process that "supposedly" allows a President to change or establish laws of any kind without due process. Doesn't it also apply to State Governors? Sorta' like Jay Inslie, who seems to want to "copycat" Barack Obama's habits?
     It doesn't make sense that one single body or authority cannot be stopped from abandoning the Constitution and it's simple rules they were voted to represent, enforce and abide by. But then take it on themselves to deliberately misinterpret or change? (Again, without due process?)
     Doesn't it seem odd to you, that Barack Obama, a supposed Constitutional Lecturer and scholar, would turn around once elected to the highest Office in the Land and immediately instruct his Administration to ignore the Constitutional process, except to use the 5th Amendment to protect themselves from having to admit the truth about their Tyranny?
     Hypocritical, don't you think?
     But more than anything else, don't you think that once this nightmare is finally over, our Constitution and Bill of Rights will be re-enforced to ensure the Devil's Representatives are not permitted to ever again repeat their nonsense??
     Know what I mean, Vern???   Just sayin'.

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