Friday, December 11, 2015


     If things don't politically change on the 'Home Front', Christmas will no longer be a Religious freedom we as Christians, have enjoyed since we were born to, or migrated to, from the time the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock on November 23rd, 1916.
     Expect this Christian event to be named anything but, or to be cancelled by the non-Christians in the United States, Canada and the rest of the World.
     It's a sad thing we have to wait for all this present Worldly, deliberately 'organized' confusion to manifest itself before it's too late to avoid it happening.
     Because there's always deadly, unwanted riots, revolts and wars that will have to take place to force normal people to the point of fighting back. (No doubt as history proves, it repeats itself time and time again.) But it's also repeated in history that we always do, and win.
     In my thinking, we need to stop attributing all that is happening to the idea that they, the non-believers under Obama's thumb, don't know what they're doing under the devious façade that they don't. They know 'exactly' what they're doing!
     They believe that their collective intelligence among the "Alternative Normal" thinkers and promoters, along with their denial of God and the encouragement by the International Billionaires, is a cut above the stupidity of the Supreme being who created us in his image.
     They operate on that premise, a premise that will be dealt with by the grace of God when we, like the barefooted warriors who took down the British crown in 1776, take these Worldly thinking bastards down too!   Just sayin'.

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