Thursday, December 3, 2015


     As President of the most powerful Nation in the World, (Which amazes me!) this President was a Muslim, is a Muslim with a Muslim name. In his childhood years, he was confirmed into the Muslim faith in a Muslim school, in the Muslim Country of Indonesia.
     His mother was married to his father who was a Muslim with 3, maybe 4, wives at the time. Although being white, his mother obviously enjoyed the United States by remaining in Muslim Countries in preference to living the American way in the United States. (Her White parents also preferred living outside the United States for extended times in Muslim Countries.)
     His father's name was also Barack Hussein Obama Sr. His mother divorced his Dad due to finding he was married to, and fathered other children, to several other wives as some dedicated Islamists do.
     His mother remarried to a Man with the last name, Soetoro, and for approximately 8 years, Barack's name was changed to a less Muslim sounding name, "Barry Soetoro". It's said that his Dad was a heavy drinker and died after slamming his car into a tree in Kenya.
     His mother got divorced again and his name was then changed back to Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
     (At this time in his young adult life, he used both names to accommodate his ventures that suited his taste and convenience.) While living in his supposed Birthplace of Kenya, he obtained several passports of which 3 were to Britain, Indonesia and Pakistan. He journeyed to all three countries with his birth place shown on a Birth certificate as Kenya.
     It appears Barack has lived a deceptive, secretive lie and under mysterious means all of his life.
     So really, what's changed? I say; Not much!!
     He's a Muslim for life and he can't avoid it! Death ensues for him if he attempts to leave it, but I don't think he wants to anyway. On the other hand, being a confirmed Atheist in our modern life, allows him to be both, depending on whom he's addressing; In his pursuit of dominance, both Islam and Atheism have joined forces hand in hand in ridding the World of Christianity, which I believe is his dedicated quest, even though he also claims to the naïve, church-going followers that he is Christian.
     Don't try to convince me he's not aiming to succeed in World dominance! When you stand back and take a good second look, every deceptive move he makes is toward and for, the benefit of either Muslim/Atheists and the rest of the World except us. Just sayin'.

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