Tuesday, December 15, 2015


     Has the U.S. Constitution been thrown under the bus? Or are we all just taking for granted along with our Supreme Court that it's not worth bothering with anymore?
     Are we taking the 'Line of Least Resistance' and not fighting for it just to have peace with the Brethren who think we don't need it to guide and protect the common man from Tyranny? The Brethren, who Atheistically resent it's use by us, the Sheeple?
     I'm amazed to note the very few concerns brought to it in all the debates on both sides of the ledger. It's like they are avoiding it as they would the Bubonic Plague! Can someone explain why?
     Am I to assume because the Supreme Court itself has abused it in recent years, it's in order to further the Atheistic nature of ignoring it altogether by Barack Hussein Obama?
     After all, it's apparent to most now, that Barack has studied the Documents long enough to have previously boasted being a scholar, but then revealed through his actions as a Rogue President that he abhors it? Hasn't he really studied the Constitution for the purpose of tearing it down? I think he has and does think so from before his 2nd election to Office.
     Has any one of the Candidates placed the emphasis on the Ten Commandments and the Power of God and Prayer?
     Do they intend to bring Prayer back into the education system where our children will again be taught right from wrong and the consequences of offending God's Principles?
    Aren't they missing something, (With the exception of Mike Huckabee) in not bringing up the ignoring of God being promoted in our Public schools? Just askin'!

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