A man came from the Middle East, an area totally foreign to what we have over the years, (250), proven to be a better, more modern and Christianly lovable Society, than any place else on Earth. A land of equal opportunity and a Country of modern Democracy un-equaled to this day, The United States of America!
This man's name to most who think they know him, is Barack Hussein Obama.
Regardless of what he may claim to be now as the U.S. President, he comes form a primitive culture that existed long before Jesus Christ was born; A World of Tribes rather than towns and a Society that still imagined the World to be only as big as the eye could see at the time. Yet over the period of tens of thousands of years, they only allowed themselves the survival instincts needed to get by on from day to day and they hold to a standard of beheading adults and children or burning alive anybody who attempts to follow a more passionate way of life such as Christianity.
To us, Dogs are man's best friend! To the ancient Islamic World, they are food for the table.
He has feasted on them and was raised and confirmed a Muslim in a tribal town in Indonesia by a White mother and two different Fathers. who all spent very little time if any, in the United States of America. (Better said, as little time as possible!)
Frankly at this point, I believe we need a thorough DNA test made on this man to be sure he really is, who he claims to be the actual son of. There's too much confliction and mystery in his life's tales not to warrant it.
His birth Father we are told, was named Barack Hussein Obama Sr. As a child, his mother divorced his real father due to the realization her husband was raising several children from different wives, to marry a man whose name was Soetoro. Barack's name was changed by his mother to his temporary name of Barry Soetoro. (It appears from then on that he used both names to suit his own conveniences). He produced both birth certificates depending on the case, one stating his birthplace as Hawaii and the others with his birthplace as Kenya, South Africa.
In the early 1980's, after having moved around the Middle East and parts of Europe, he moved to the United States.
We are yet to dis-prove or prove either one. What we do know is, as a youth, he travelled on different passports around Europe and the Mid East with a substantial amount of time spent in Pakistan. (Another Islamic Country proven to be hostile to the United States and a country where the main training camps for Al Qaida and the likes of ISIS are trained before distribution to the rest of Europe and the Islamic World to create murderous havoc there, and to the rest of the modern World.)
Please try to rationalize his motives with his Irrational behavior if you think you can;
Keep in mind through the remainder of this blog, one important thing; Having been born and raised under the Islamic faith, a true Muslim can never denounce their Faith. They will live with the condemnation and fear of punishment of death if they do! Hence the beheading of anyone, including Muslims who reject the projection of Islam and Mohammed! You do NOT reject the teachings of their Islamic Religion and you do NOT abandon it!
Also in their totally ancient Tribal belief that existed long before the birth of Christ, a Muslim may use whatever means is necessary to achieve their goal of spreading Islam throughout the World. What may they do to get their way??? Whatever it takes that doesn't offend the Preaching of Mohammed!!!
As far as they're concerned, no other laws apply to them, no matter what Country they may choose to live in, including the United States of America.
Now back to Barack Obama and his entrance into the United States circa 1983. Where does he head?? Straight into the heart of Chicago, Illinois, where he enrolls in the Saul Alinsky Atheist-based "Midwest Academy" where Marxist Communism is taught! There he eventually graduates from, and then sits as the Director of the Board for 2 years. (Does this make any sense to you at all??)
Well, if you consider that, in order to satisfy the desire of a group of the Richest Billionaires in the World to take Power over the entire globe, you would need to take the Greatest, most powerful Nation in the World down to it's knees to achieve it!
How would they do it?? Well,....., with the thought in mind by the Muslims that Mohammed is the one and only Power in the Spirit World and it matters not to anyone else what has to be done morally or physically to enforce their beliefs, their bottom line at the end of it all is, DO IT!! .....They're obviously DOING it as I write!!!
So what would a man of the Islamic Faith have in common with Atheism as taught by "The Midwest Academy" when it comes to reaching their desired goals??
Since The Atheists who don't believe in any God whatsoever and therefore suffer no sense of guilt do to also achieve total control?? WHATEVER IT TAKES!!. So, like the people of the Islamic faith, they can in their own ways by joining together, take down the only Christian based Country that stands in their way from attaining total Control over the entire globe under one Government; " THE NEW WORLD ORDER"
The Atheists need the Physical power of ISIS to enforce it and ISIS needs the finances to do it!
The main unity between the two of them in temporary partnership is; Neither one of them cares about our Christian God or our power as Christians to resist it!!
Good luck on this Nightmare I just woke up from!! The biggest smart Alec ever in the Presidential Office is leaving with the same smirk on his face he went in there with, but realizing he has lost in his effort!
He, in knowing his efforts to take down the American way the way he imagined he could, and the realization by the International Billionaires that they'll need to put their desired goal of a Global"WORLD GOV'T" on hold, are now resorted to crapping on every screen door of the American Household, on his way out of the Presidency. All the while, with that shit-eating grin on his face!
Go get him Donald!! Guantanamo awaits!! Just sayin'.
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