Thursday, March 23, 2017


     Unbelievable! But true! As I turned on the T.V. at 5:00 A.M. this morning, the news on FOX was more like listening to a 3rd rate drama movie rather than the actual, live commentaries from the only honest-to-goodness reporting in American News!; FOX NEWS.
     But rather than hearing the 'Fake' News that's been reported from the 'Main Media' who've been in bed with "Mack the Knife" Obama from the get-go in their continual, everlasting attempts to downgrade our President Donald Trump, it was bitter-sweet music to my ears.
     Bitter-sweet because, although it's sad and disappointing that such damaging scandal has been taking place as I have been saying in past blogs, but 'music' because the truth is finally coming out.
     It's sad in another way to me too, because being a born Canadian of American Parent, I know that the Queen, Sole Owner of Canada's 'Flag' station CBC Radio and Television Network, won't allow the only honest reporting, FOX NEWS Network to be seen in Canada!! Which means then, the Canadians aren't getting anything but 'Fake' American News as well as from the Queen!! It also means the Legal Voters and their Gov't has absolutely no say in how their own wishes are delivered to the rest of the World. As a proud Canadian as well, it's really sad!!
    The disappointing part of this Conundrum (Unsolvable problem) is that every time you 'compromise' with a Godless Society which has swept the rest of the World today, you are 'compromising away from the Sacred Constitution that made this Country great in the first place for 250 plus years! You must recognize the fact that if you've been successful above all for that length of time, you would be foolish to 'compromise' with any other already-failed past and present, Society of the Devil-led groups of the future!
    In my opinion, if you follow the Godless preferences of the repeatedly failed Societies, you are doomed to ultimate failure in the future! There's no place to go but down!
    In the days of our Founding Fathers, they were guided by the God-given gift to anticipate the needs of a Constitution that would, if following those Rules, not be overcome by the wants and Greed of anyone else.
    Unfortunately, Barack Obama in his 8 years, set out to accomplish the Devil-given task as learned from the Atheist Saul Alinsky founded "Midwest Academy". But so far the "RULES OF REVOLUTION" as learned by Barack Obama,  has failed with the advent of a Christian-based Leader such as Donald Trump.
     If Atheists Bill and Hillary Clinton had been restored to the White House, they along with the Obama's, surely would have sold or given away anything we have in faith or material goods to the rest of the undeserving World! (I say 'Undeserving' because they, the rest of the world, have never done anything to 'deserve' it!)
    Admittedly, Christian-based following can be improved on over time in the advent of modern day evolution just like anything else, but certainly by sticking to our belief in a Superior Being who we believe has a restful place for us if we succeed in believing in him! What's there to lose?? Wouldn't you rather your Spirit leave for a better place where God exists, or forever drifting in space with no place to go?
     I ask this, because I feel that every one is blessed with a spirit that leaves the body when they die, either an Atheist or not.
     But if you deny there is no place to go and behave that way, God will honor that belief with nothing for you!! The Devil in Hell will gladly take you, Alive or dead!!!
     Now, to get away from the Religious thing that I'm sure a lot of humans want these tumultuous days, I ask you this; Have you ever seen an Atheist in a rest home or otherwise, die with a smile on their face?? I doubt it??  So what have you got to lose??  Think about it!!  Just askin'!

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