Saturday, March 25, 2017


     It's absurd for the Main Media to say it too!
     I say; "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck!!" When ISIS-like violence is performed on innocent people in this Country by a person with a Muslim name shouting Allah Akbar, it seems silly to wonder any further, as to whether or not it was Islamic Terrorism!
     In Terrorism, just as in any other crime, there is someone who either did it for their own obvious other reasons, domestic or otherwise, or someone responsible for inspiring someone else to do it!
     In the case of Islamic Terror, whether or not the perpetrator has been professionally trained or not, associated directly with terrorism or not, or just plain whacky through listening to the wrong Islamic people or person spewing Anti-American rhetoric, the end result is the same and the responsibility is the same, regardless! The offender is to blame, but the responsibility lies also with the Party who inspired it! "Islamic Terrorism"!
     So when it comes to common sense, you only have to look beyond the actual crime to the true reason it took place; Who inspired it??
     When they holler 'Allah Akbar" while committing the offense, or when the Islamic Terrorist Group such as ISIS claims responsibility sometime after, it's a waste of good listener time as well as any other News Organization time, to still say; "We don't know who's responsible until we prove it!"
     It's rather ridiculous when someone like ISIS wants to claim responsibility, particularly when we know they've committed such acts many times too many already, to not credit them until WE prove it!!
     Obama played that goofy game for 8 solid years and has so far gotten away with it! Are you sure you want this nonsense to continue, such as watching heads get chopped off, or mass murder by "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"??  Know what I mean, Vern???  Just sayin!

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