Sunday, March 26, 2017


     And you can't trust in someone such as Chris Wallace or "Alternative Normal" Shepard Smith of Fox News anymore, either!
     The intentional casting of suspicion and distrust towards our "New gasp of Fresh air!!" President is apparent and sickening!
     For varying reasons, they are daily displaying dislikes for Donald Trump, no matter what, and every time they get a chance!
     When it comes to Chris Wallace, it appears as plain as the sly smirk on his face that his interest in being news worthy only goes toward accumulating more Viewers for his show and not for the "Truth in Reporting" as it should be without Bias.
     If you were to check his sly 'critiquing' on his regular programming since Donald Trump arrived on the Political scene, his dislike for Trump as President-Elect and now as President, is obviously slanted on behalf of the "Progressive/Communist" Party and their Atheist Philosophy!
     Don't be so naïve to think he's any different than his father "Mike Wallace" who spent his whole career down-grading the Republican Party and it's past Presidents of Old! Sadly enough, it appears more and more that his true colors are coming out distinctly in favor of the Opposition to Trump's Presidency and the Commander-in Chief's desires to make this Country back into what it once was; The American Way and the World Supremacy and Independence we had before Barack Obama and his 40,000 thieves came on the scene!
     But it's not just Chris Wallace! Take a good look at "Alternative Normal" Shepard Smith when he reports the negative news 'without fail' concerning our newly elected President Trump.
     Like a woman having that bad time of the month, he comes on against the President so bad that he's talking in a hate-spewing fashion that you'd swear he is going to break down and cry!!!
     Is it because the President has hesitated to come on their particular shows?? SMART man if he doesn't, because if I'm reading them both correctly, they'd sabotage the guy to death!!
     Or is it because they would'nt hesitate to reveal the most sensitive "Top Secret" information all over the World twenty seconds later in hearing or finding it?
     There are polite and respectful ways of asking questions! But you can tell by Chris's mannerisms and in the way he asks them regarding the President's motive and plans that he has no faith or trust in the man. So why answer to a Loon like that?? Would you, Vern???
     Take notice lately, how Chris Wallace doesn't ask for, but demands, information from people close to Trump to reveal information to him that they shouldn't even be asking for in the first place! Particularly about strategic plans in the upcoming confrontations Militarily concerning our #1 enemy, Iran??
     Even sadder, is the disease of running off at the mouth, such as they're doing about things as "Top Secret" information concerning the Welfare of our Nation!  Where's the Loyalty, here??
     Neither one of them have one speck of loyalty to this Country or it's Constitution!
     Like too many others, "30 pieces of Silver" comes to mind!
     Thank you for communicating on Twitter to us "Deplorables", Mr. President!!! We ARE watching and voting, too!
     Know what I mean Vern?    Just sayin'!

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