Monday, May 29, 2017


     After all, How many Europeans are joining us on this Memorial Day by taking the day off in mourning for the sacrificed lives of American Troops who lived and died in the five major wars in the last Century?? Can you just tell me what the estimated Ultimate price was for those troops, and the thanks we got from Europe, Asia and the 'friendly' Muslim Countries for that?
     I take my hat off to you, President Trump!!!
     But to listen to the Main Media including the daytime Fox Pundits, they seem to think we owe the rest of the World something forever when at this moment, I can't think of anything they have ever offered anything to us except immigration from their Country to us, the Immigrants they can't afford to take care of on their own!
     I'll bet you Angela Merkel, a very failed Leader of Germany in all sense of the word, has never praised America for the Freedom this Country brought to them by freeing East Germany from the Soviet Union and The Tyranny of Adolph Hitler!
     Ask yourselves these Questions; What on earth does anything those folks over there have to offer us that's of any value to us? The fact is; NOTHING!!
     If we are smart, we will sit down and evaluate just what do they offer us at this point? NOTHING!!
     To quote a World famous American General; "I wonder who dislikes us the most? The ones where we kicked their asses, or the Ones that we saved 'em?"
     You tell me; Especially with this being our Memorial Day when we thank our dead Warriors for not only saving Tyranny from our Borders but dedicating their beautiful lives to save those over there, How many are grieving for those same lives today?
     I'm disgusted with the daytime Pundits on FOX News today who worry about losing a friendship with any of those Countries who owe us EVERYTHING while I repeat; We owe them NOTHING!!

     Donald Trump was exactly right by demanding their fair Share in NATO.
     If they can't accept our Leadership while we pay the NATO bills, What the hell do we need them for anyway??
     I'm ashamed of the Turncoats on Daytime FOX News who would rather point out the faults of our President in earnest, Donald Trump who defends the honoring of our fallen troops on this, the saddest of days? It would be a good thing for this Country if you outside onlookers would just "Get the Hell out of the way!!!" Just Sayin'!

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