Sunday, August 6, 2017


     I have finally rid myself of HP products entirely! YEA!!!!!
     Here's why; Several years ago I was persuaded by a sales ad to upgrade my 'old school' Engineering and handwriting, 2H pencil techniques and buy an HP computer and Printer. It was a whole new adventure for me, but wanting to not be 'left behind' in the dust by modern technology, I decided to learn the ways of the computer age era.
     My daughter Kim visited me from Canada and helped me get set up and running and, having a 'flare for the Pen' kind of thing, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and began writing short stories, Poems and regular blogging on events and politics. Those of which I printed out hard copies to be referred to when necessary. But here is the real reason for this blog:
     I feel it's important to let all HP users of 'recent' produced equipment know of my experience with the particular products I purchased from this Manufacturer, because of the methods used by 3 companies involved in this case that have one thing in common; they have outsourced their insurance, maintenance and repair to a company in India which, as far as I know, is not controlled by certain regulations for Companies here in the States.
     You can call Microsoft, Norton Security and HP and get the same East Indian accented voices on the other end. But if you ask them where they are, they say, "The Philippines"!
     Anyway, my problems started with my equipment malfunctioning for one thing or another each time the insurance and warrantees ended. (I might point out that until up to this point in time, an Independent repair person would come to my place of work and after ridding my equipment of different viruses, everything would be fine.)
     Then those viruses began creeping in more frequently than before India became involved in their operations. It got so that some of the interruptions and interferences needed India's help to correct them. But only after they convinced me I needed to re-install my insurance at $149.00 per year.
     Then the un-removable ticks and viruses would readily be cleared up.

     It was then the Chicago Thuggery system came to mind, when Al Capone would peddle Insurance to businesses including store merchants and, if they didn't buy it, windows were smashed and damages would occur mysteriously in the night! If they complied with buying the insurance each year, that didn't happen.
     It told me something else; Different from the older equipment such as printers not having the  updated technology, the newer printers could and are capable of being controlled remotely from India's headquarters until they are specifically called for help.
    With HP printers, (2 in succession) the new print cartridges when installed, are rejected as unfit cartridges on the Printer screen.
     If you have them refilled, the Printer won't accept them either, telling the screen, it's incompatible (Or the like!)
     This is the second HP printer on it's way to the Dump also because the new, replaceable cartridges are rejected as well. (Walmart returned my money twice for the cartridges because of that, stating, "You need to buy a new Printer"!!
     So I did today!!!  It's not an HP!!!! So now I'll soon be up and running again without the fear of India being involved because the Computer and Printer are no longer staring me in the face with HP stamped on them!! Just sayin'!!

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