Wednesday, August 2, 2017


     REALLY??? It kind of reminds me of the saying; "The last horse is so far behind he thinks he's first!"
     For 8 solid years, the 'above-God' Barack Obama and Socialist minded "Progressives" buddied up to the "Global minded" rest of the World to bring America down to the same level of failure that for Centuries now, have never been even close to paralleling the success of this great Nation and it's Constitutional system.
     Tell me!! Whatever our Present Gov't is having difficulty with in bringing our Country and it's Middle Class back to prosperity is not because they created this mess we're in at the moment, but because of the 8 years of the Progressive/Socialist Party leading it in the wrong direction with their dream of a New World Order in which their aim was to establish a Godless, Un-Christian Central Gov't. A Communist led Globe!!
     America has always gone to War for other free-thinking Nations time after time after time. Always thinking of the welfare of those in an un-selfish fashion and asking nothing in return. That is until the 'above-God' Atheist trained Barack Obama (AKA Barry Soetoro) appeared mysteriously out of nowhere into American Politics as the phony "Constitution" expert!
     Thanks to the technology of the Internet, the otherwise unwary, uninformed Sheeple would not have gotten as wise  as they have now to see through the "Progressive" 'Above God' ploy.
     As it is, they have exposed their hand too early and the Once working Middle Class has caught it's breath and understands what those closeted thugs were trying to do.
     Can they possibly think the voting people of this Nation are going to be stupid enough that they are going to re-elect the very people who created this very difficult mess for 8 years, back into office just because they're back to calling themselves "Democrats" in order to shed the shame they brought on this Country as "Progressive/Communists"???
     Just remember this when the time comes to vote; Donald Trump is doing his very level best to straighten out the mixed up affairs our Corrupt past Administration, Republican Rhinos such as John McCain and other Traitorous Politicians like Chuck Schumer have left behind for the Middle Class and the rest of the American People.
     The deadlines the dishonest Press are projecting and barking about not being met, are a direct result of the damage they themselves made so difficult to correct!
     Rationalize it this way; The only way the mistakes from the Obama past will be corrected is to see to it MORE Republicans are elected to increase the bullet-proof  Majority to 70% and also elect replacement Rhino Republicans who for their own selfish reasons, like to be spoilers to the Republican Party. E.G.; John McCain!! He has shown his True colors as NOT being the hero others claimed him to be!!
     It is their fault and theirs alone, that President Donald Trump is having a problem getting things done!!
     Consider this when you vote if you wish this Country to regain it's self respect by once again being the Proudest Nation in the World as it should be!!  Just sayin'!!


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