Tuesday, December 19, 2017


     As each day moves forward in our Politics, it has become more and more clear that Obama's aim for this Nation was not for the benefit of the people of this Country, but for his wish to galvanize the GLOBE into two separate Identities; One 'Godless' Modern style group and one to advance the continuing ancient Ideals of an Islamic one in Which they would be able to retain their Mohamed! (A Tribal, 'before Christ' belief.)
      The Islamic one, with it's overall World of one and a half billion people, would permeate the rest of the World with it's exploding migration into each Country.
     Such has already happened almost beyond control of the existing Populations of other non-Muslim faiths and their own versions of whom their Supreme Being should be!
     The fast-growing Muslim Communities are growing rapidly and in opposition to the Christian type regulations already established in these modern countries, they have quickly sealed off the surrounding neighborhoods from entering their areas of Muslim prominence and refuse the Police and Law-Officials of our other non-Muslim areas to enter their self-proclaimed areas of domain!
     In fact the Islamists are living according to their Muslim rules and delving out their own punishments that are barred in other, normal parts of these Countries!
     This has created a festering problem long-term for each of those Countries with their "Open Border" policies that allowed the Muslims to freely migrate into any Country and City they wished!
     They are since, saddled with the curse that's going to hamper the normal operations of their otherwise normal Nations for a long time, now that they've allowed it to happen in the first place!
     The International "Above-God" GLOBALISTS meanwhile, ( The Leaders of the "Can't fix Stupid!") followers of the LEFT, intend to Forge ahead with their  idea of Creating a Godless,  "ONE WORLD ORDER" for the rest of us Folks!
     Aren't you thankful for our existing President Trump recognizing this planned Dilemma of the "Above-God" LEFT and taking steps in our Christian World to keep us under the protection of our Sacred Constitution to curb the influx of such a problem by closing our borders with a Wall? Just askin'??

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