Wednesday, December 20, 2017


     It has been my understanding through the admittance of the original Designers of Obamacare early on, that it was  clear with the Obama Administration at the very beginning of it, the program was doomed to fail!
     It was supposedly with the idea in mind, there would be little choice for us then, but to be forced into a Single-Party system similar to the one in Canada! But that information was not made apparent to the "Legal Voters of this Country!!" (Largely made up of the "Middle Class" who would not have voted for Obama had they known!)
     It has been common knowledge in the past and long before Obama's time, that other Presidents were in the habit of "appropriating" money from that Fund in the form of I.O.U.'s to intentionally not be paid back later!
      Since Social Security was a privately invested Fund established wholly for, and invested by, money taken out of paychecks for the purpose of an investment arrangement that, should the Worker fulfill his or her commitment until a certain retirement age, the return on their Investment would approximate 4 times the amount paid in!  (Similar to a Private Investment Arrangement!) Neat huh??
     Except that our Politicians continually neglected to replace those I.O.U.'s with honest to goodness cash they took from that fund, in order to stay within their General Budget they were "morally" obligated to do as promised when elected to their jobs.
     Well...., If it were you or me, and as officers of a private investment Company did the same thing, Wouldn't that legally fall into the theft category, somehow??
     However, President Obama far exceeded any amount previously borrowed out of the Social Sec. Fund! Billions and Billions more. I understand but may be wrong, he took loans approaching the 2/3's of a Trillion dollars (650 Billion $$) for the purpose of funding Obamacare! KNOWING up front, that the Program would fail anyway, in favor of that "One Party System!"
     Now, I will apologize if I have innocently mis-stated anything here!
     In the past, I understand, at a time when a man counted on his horse to get around in the old days before cars, a horse thief was automatically hanged!
     Since We haven't had anything much of a raise of any kind in our Soc. Security for 8 years during Obama's reign, and since there's no horse involved, What do you do with a Left-over Horse's A$$ thief like that guy??? Just askin!


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