Monday, December 4, 2017
When he really claimed to be an American Citizen having been born in Hawaii to a White American mother? (He was automatically an American Citizen regardless of where he was born if that's the case)
So why;When circa 1982 he arrived in the United States from Indonesia, did he produce a passport under his adopted name,"Barry Soetoro" and received foreign student grants claiming he was born in Kenya?
When he graduated from The Saul Alinsky-founded Atheist based "Midwest Academy"in the heart of his adopted City of Chicago and afterwards sat as Director of the Board for 2 more years??
So why was it? That he allied himself with the felonious "Black Panther" group who wanted to destroy the American way and still does express discontent with the Sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights?? SO why was it??
When he became President and his First Lady Michelle declared, "For the first time in my life I am proud to be an American!!"??
When he hustled his Democratic Congress behind locked doors to keep the minority duly elected Republican Representatives from participating in the passing or failing of his dozens of erroneous Democratic Bills he had in store for his own intentions, legal or illegal at the beginning of his term with a Democratically controlled Congress??
When Obama let slip during his debate with Romney the comment that; "AARP sat down with me when we designed ObamaCare!!"?? (Would you hire the Fox to build the Chicken Coop??)
When Obama's Chief designer admitted on FOX NEWS that they designed ObamaCare to intentionally fail with the intent to follow it with a single-payer system similar to Canada's failed system?? ( Me coming from Canada, Why in heck would I want a proven failed system here??)
When Obama set a limit on Insurance Co's to profit not more than 10% of their costs of administering ObamaCare? Even though the Insurance Co.'s prior to that were satisfied with their profits of 3% to 5% prior to that? Entitling Health Ins. Co's to reap a further profit of 5% to 7% more than they were happy with prior to his devastating program? (Doesn't it tell you they were in on the planned failure?)
When infamous Anti-American International Billionaire George Soros (AKA Gyorgy Schwartz) Jr. suddenly became owner of "PROGRESSIVE" INS. that is so Prominent in Vehicle and Motorcycle insurance today? (Do the Military Veteran Motorcycle Organizations know THAT when purchasing Insurance coverage??)
When AARP also shot to the top of the heap by conglomerating dozens of Insurance Co's into one group to increase their profits even more by narrowing down the Market competition. Whereby controlling the Market?
When Obama created ACORN (A.ssociation of C.ommunity O.rganizations for R.eform N.ow )Internationally and in America that was a collection of Community-based Organizations that (supposedly) advocated for low and moderate income families by working on neighborhood safety, voter registration, healthcare, affordable housing and other Social gathering functions. Budget 25 million dollars and 10% Federal funding... (Sounds great, huh?? E.G. Chicago today) .....Failed miserably because of bad money management.
Acorn was defunct in less than 2 years (2010). Where did the money go??
When he transferred the same miserable bad employees from ACORN with no pay loss, over to recruit and manage the failing ObamaCare debacle that only got worse from there?
When he said; "If you want to keep your Doctor. you can keep your Doctor!!" ??
When he bypassed Congress and instituted through Att. Gen. Eric Holder the "Fast and Furious" undercover and darkness 'gun running' affair to the two main Mexican competing Drug Cartels who were smuggling and selling drugs across our border? The same weapons used to gun down Border Guard Brian Terry? Then he denied knowledge of it?
When it was discovered he had allied himself with the "Black Panthers" who were openly expressing discontent with our Constitution and American Way.? Felons all!
When he began bypassing the Constitutional process of Congressional Approval and started using his 'Power of the Pen' by signing one Executive Order after another against the will or permission of the U.S. Congress?
When he required his International Representatives such as former Secretaries of State John Kerry and Hilary Clinton to report their overseas visits to the "Globalized" "TRILATERAL COMMISSION" established in Brussels, Belgium, even before returning home to report the outcome of their frequent visits to the U.S. Congress? (Was "GLOBALISM" already in mind??)
When he appointed 13 "Muslim Brotherhood" cabinet members to his staff to run part of our supposedly "Democratic" Gov't??
When he approved of the way Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State handled the slaughter of 4 gallant people from our Country in Benghazi? They both claimed lack of knowledge and absenteeism from it all until it was too late and then lied about the reason it happened?
When he corrupted the C.I.A., and the F.B.I. into an irretrievable mess we're having to deal with today!??
Please, PLEASE! Tell me when and why you people thought this Atheist, Seudo-Islamic Fool would be a suitable President of the United States of America, would you??
Please don't close Guantanamo Bay Prison just yet, President Trump!! Just pleading is all!!
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