Wednesday, December 6, 2017


     Just think about it; What on earth would we come up with if we were to go back in Presidential time and vet each of the Presidents as strongly as the FAKE NEWS and MAIN MEDIA Networks have been doing to President Trump?
     In so doing,they have inspired the now-Political (BARACK INDOCTRINATED) FBI to do the same stinky, politically inspired Trick!!
     We must recognize that aside from the "Middle Class" people, (Who  dominate the voting bloc of this Country to date!) there are still a lot of other 'dumbed down' Sheeple out there that can't convince themselves to think beyond "STUPID!" (Thank our lucky stars it's not part of the "Middle Class"!)
     I thank the advancement of the Internet today for the rapid enhancement of the learning capabilities of the "Middle Class" whom I might venture to say; Have been "Kept in the Dark!" until now.
     A notice from those people including me; We are learning the Ways of Gov't through the use of the Internet! These learnings in which the devious ones (Not all!) in Gov't are now being understood for what they are, and they can no longer exploit the lack of knowledge bestowed upon us intentionally by them!
     Get use to it, you Representatives, because 'Like it or lump it', We finally have a unique President in Donald Trump who knows and cares about the people who are so important to the survival of the Republic and Democracy of this Country.
 Thinking and talking 'like and to us' as the Common Folks, is what has made our beautiful Country what it is, was, and about to become again due to the 'It is what it is!" attitude of our President!
      Due to the eight years of misguided efforts of Obama not only as our President, but the self appointed  director of a hostile portion of the World, He still wanders through the Countries hostile to our way of life as though he's not finished with his 'taking down' of the most successful, Free speaking, Freedom-loving Nation in the World, yet.
     There's a lot to re-establish in our strength, pride and past success that the "Above God" International Billionaires  through Barack Obama, deliberately tried to take away from us for their own selfish GLOBALISTIC purposes! ( you can use for example, George Soros, based in America as a Documented Citizen who finances the well-organized Big City Rioters that get bussed all over the Bigger Cities destroying everything in sight!)
      Another thing; It's humorous to me, having been schooled in Communications to hear the Political Pundits criticize Trump because they think he belittles the Presidency by using such lowly means of communications to comment on TWITTER! It's odd how the Hypocrites should know that! WELL.....,  They use it too!
     The hypocrisy appears  when one Hollywood Celebrity displayed his attitude with which they look down at Twitter, "as a Trailer Park' you could drag a hundred dollar bill through just to see what you could come up with! A bunch of lowlife types who wouldn't understand anyway"!
     This is what Donald knows can be the key to success in talking to the Common man in a way they understand!  Oh yes, with me being among them, They DO vote!! And by the way, Some of the smartest, nicest People I know, work for a living, pay taxes and live in Mobile Home Parks! Me too!  Right, Vern???
     Just sayin'!!

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