Saturday, December 9, 2017


     Didn't we?? To me, it simply tells us how these actions of Barack's were to destroy a beautiful, successful Nation STEP BY STEP! as I previously pointed out in my last half dozen blogs or so. You can only agree with his past actions if you are on opposite sides of all the 'God in Heaven' related rules of our chosen guide. The guide that brought us to be the Superior Country that we are today under our presumed wishes of a Judeo/Christian God!
     Problem is now, because of the dismal failure that the Democrat/Progressives(Communists) created during those 8 years, and the fact that they're changing their reference to themselves back to just 'DEMOCRAT' again with the hope of salvaging their Democratic butts, The once-Constitutional-loving Party that used to be, is a comedy act and that's all!
     I just don't believe there's such a thing as a true Constitutional abiding DEMOCRAT anymore!!
     Who are they trying to kid??
     Well, I doubt if that's going to work so good this time, because as I've also pointed out prior to this, the "MIDDLE CLASS" has improved in Political savvy a lot, due to the recent introduction of the Internet.
    We are no longer a part of the "Sheeple" whom once were so naïve in believing their Congressperson "HOOK LINE AND SINKER" as we did in the past.
     It' a bitter-sweet Political Communication situation the 'American Way' is in at the moment. The news of betrayal and unethical behavior by our otherwise trusted Political Representatives, the revelations about female underlings having been abused sexually and otherwise, has the Media's full attention at the moment and probably just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexually abused females.
     I've come to believe it is part of "The Human Experience" and , right or wrong, has gone on in all walks of life and all Industries and levels of importance since the beginning of  time!
     Maybe there's hope with the "Changing of the Guard" and our New President taking us back to the promises and dreams we "Middle Class" Folks have been yearning for the last 8 years!
     It's Worth the try, anyway and I think personally we ought to give our New Administration whatever time it takes to correct the situation and not be setting silly timelines for him to get it done before any imaginary dateline as if the World is going to end if he doesn't.
     The guy needs a break, Folks!   Just sayin'!


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