Saturday, February 3, 2018


     When are they going to get down to business and conduct themselves the way a Republic Nation should!! Isn't that supposed to be the way we, the People wish it should be??
     Instead of settling down to solve the inaccuracies that could truly be compromised in a positive sense, they are more interested in saving face that might otherwise be an embarrassment to them personally for being wrong! (Everybody's wrong at one time or another!)
     As a result of that, the real interests of making progress on behalf of the people who voted them in, got lost! That got set aside to be replaced by their personal dedications in order to not let their personal pride be hurt. 
     Therefore, to hell with the REAL job of  serving the best interest of the Country, But just become obsessed with the special campaign donations they receive from rich Lobbyists and Donors!! (Like putting the horse behind the Cart!!)
     Those Lobbyists aren't necessarily interested in the benefits of the Nation, but the interests of the Companies they're paid to represent!
     I've always felt that the Lobbying of Special Interests should not be allowed except for the interests of the General voters as a whole!
     From a Redneck's point of view as a part of the "Deplorable" Middle Class, too many of us see the present behavior of our Representatives as NOT acceptable and NOT in line with our Constitutional system of Gov't! With the help of the computer age, we have vastly improved our ability to understand the accuracies and false-hoods of how our Representatives work!
     You just can't fool us like you used to, anymore!
     I believe it's vitally important to disallow Lobbying and then placing term limits on Politicians!
     Just sayin'!!

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