Monday, February 5, 2018


     Because, in the making of that statement, it leads the listener to take for 'granted' the speakers have done the research of the subject at hand when in fact they have NOT! Know what I mean, Vern??
     What this "Yours Truly" Writer means is; It's a flat out lie "most of the time"! So beware particularly of the LEFT side of the ledger when they make that remark because it's been ingrained into the general habit of their 'brainwashing rhetoric' over the course of decades, now! What's really nasty about it is, they all seem to do it with no research at all!.  
     Why is it nasty?? Because when a normally honest Debater HAS done the pain-staking research to be sure that the remarks are in fact TRUE and make that statement, the listeners have a tendency to discard the remark as debunked as well!
     You see; another real bad habit in the LEFT'S brainwashing technique that 'Yours Truly' has noticed over the years is; They have 'almost all' developed a very rude habit of getting in the first word, (Which is debatably in question anyway!) and then over-talking the other normally polite debater so he or she can't reasonably get their point heard! Over and over and over again!! Have you noticed that too, Vern?? 
     But they must think it works, because look at how much of the MAIN MEDIA does the same darn thing?  Just look at how popular they aren't!!! 
     Are you wondering why they're bent on bringing more illegal Aliens into our Country?? Well, me thinks it's because they're losing so bad in Public opinion, they are going to have to improve their popularity so much or fade into non-existence just like circa 1921.
     Did you know the "Communist Party of the U.S. of America" fell out of favor way back then so badly, they changed their name to guess what?......, "The Progressive Party"! Then they too, faded into non-existence as well! Do you think that's just a 'coincidence' too, that they started calling themselves "PROGRESSIVES" when Barack got into his out of control "Executive orders"?  
     It's 1:34 in the A.M.! Take my word for it! I'm goin' back to bed!!!  Just Sayin'!!


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