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In a previous blog I mentioned the presence of the devil . I did this because I heard a religious "expert" remark that there was no hell. Well, I'm no religious expert either and I'm not going to act like I am the way he does,.But I feel the way things are headed in the world right now, we may very well be creating one right here on Mother Earth. After all, who's managing the store right now in the U.S.? It's not Obama!
The guy is never here! He is doing exactly what he wants to do, and with what he has in mind, It's not the welfare of this country.
He is seeking to gain the support of the rest of the modern world in the taking down of this country as the most powerful Nation in the world. Just as his infamous father wished as a Muslim.
I look on him as a master of disguise equipped with the ability to act like someone he certainly is not. Can anyone tell me what his real intentions are today as compared to what they were when he was parading as a christian? Was he born with a Muslim name? Yes, he was, and most certainly he was born a Muslim. Not only born one, but raised one.
Being born a muslim means that it isn't a sin to lie or deceive if it will further the good of Islam. Killing in the name of Muhammid is also allowed. He is the man with the Golden voice and the gift to communicate. He is totally self serving, walks alone and devoid of compassion. With a smile that even fools babies, as he does. He has regimented himself only to show compassion when he needs to.
He's very careful, skillful and manipulating in a way that doesn't directly come from his own mouth but out of the mouths of his appointed people.
His behavior is very similar to Vladimir Putin's. I believe both of them operate with total dedication to their causes. Take notice of how friendly they are with each other, and how much they've met. Whenever there's a meeting of the European Union, Obama's there instead of being here at home looking after business instead. I believe he's being advised by Putin in leading The U.S. out of our beloved Democratic Republic.
He claims to have converted to Christianity but seldom plays the roll. The reason? He cannot succeed in his quest to control the country without the liberal/socialist thinking Christians. So in the name of Muhammed, he will lie cheat and even condone killing if it fits his wishes. Who else but him could convince good Christians who normally have common sense to step away from their true beliefs and follow him like sheep.
I'll repeat what I said in my previous blog that once in the Islamic faith, he CANNOT abandon the Muslim faith for Christianity. The penalty is death. This man is a Sociopath who is devoid of guilt. He is the perfect man to advance the Muslim faith according to Sheriah law. He wouldn't dare openly abandon the Muslim faith for Christianity for fear of death. Check it out!!
Why on earth do Christians ignore some of their religious beliefs to support this guy? He doesn't have any respect for our Constitution and Bill of rights. I'm surprised the Christians who support him don't as well, and are following his lead, regardless of the fact our laws are written under Judeo/Christian beliefs!
He is very tactfully, financially supporting whomever might vote for him regardless of their cause. Every day he supports anybody who will speak against the American way. He inspires unrest all over the world by supporting the rioters including in this country. Just watch him and see for yourself. Just sayin'.
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