Sunday, May 29, 2011


                                           email me

    I already know that the use of coal for generating power can be done in an environment friendly fashion. The Japanese were doing it 40 years ago and making it less costly as a result.
    It is done by means of filtering the waste product that would normally be exhausted up the stacks into the atmosphere. There are byproducts produced by the waste products that are used by other chemical and manufacturing co.s which help pay for the cost of the filtering process. It can definitely be done!
    There are filtering methods for diesel engines that have been in use for at least fifty years that I know of personally.(I don't mind dating myself.) The method used is by filtering the exhaust through a special water tank exhaust system resulting in only steam entering the atmosphere.
    Diesel exhaust produces no carbon monoxide.
    It only takes regulation to make all of this possible and it can be done enmasse in the very near future.
    I once worked in hard rock mines in Montana where it was done. The Pend O'reille mine in Metaline Falls, Wa. used regular Diesel operated road building equipment underground equipped with water scrubbing exhausts. The supervisors drove around in diesel engined jeeps equipped with water scrubbers.
    Now I'm sure the environmentalists will, complete with Gov't grants, find some other negative reasons to keep getting their grants to justify their existence, but believe me, it is all very possible!
    What isn't possible right now is to instantly provide a perfect world.
    The biggest favor the Congress could do right now is to completely de-fund the totally non-yielding,  bone headed  E.P.A. for five years and get things done that they're standing in the way of. And for God's sake make them cut off there crappy beards and pony tails! For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would want to cultivate something on their face that grows wild on their butts.
    Just sayin'.

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