Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Tell me. When this man ran for President against George W Bush, he was exposed and proven to be a "pathetic, shameful" witness throughout his testimony concerning the atrocities he supposedly witnessed while in the "River Rat" Service in Vietnam. So much so, that men who served alongside him came forth in groups to prove he wasn't even in the vicinities of where the "atrocities" were committed at the time. The man was without a doubt, a blatant, barefaced liar! He received purple hearts for as little as a scratch on his arm. When exposed, He dishonored the Military by throwing his medals away.
     Of course, having represented an ultra Socialist State like Massachusetts as a Senator, now and for the past thirty years, it was simply swept under the rug.
     What bothers me now is, he has been appointed by another habitual liar, Barack Obama, to the post of Secretary of State, to replace Hillary Clinton. She in turn, conveniently had a lapse of memory due to a bump on the head when she was called to testify concerning the Benghazi incident. 4 Americans were murdered by Al Qaida Terrorists while she watched it on live T.V. She conveniently resigned, assuming all responsibility, but not accepting any consequences.
     In listening to the news this morning, it was mentioned that the White House was expecting smooth sailing in Kerry's confirmation hearing by the Congress.
     Why would the Republicans in Congress not want to step up to the huge opportunity to once again show this despicable human being for what he really is?
     After all, shouldn't we be assured of such a position as Secretary of State is held by at least someone more sincere than this guy?
     Why are the Independents and Republicans NOT taking advantage of this?
     Just sayin'.

Monday, January 28, 2013


      For 5 solid years, the Communist inspired Left have been dumping on Independents and Conservatives in this country, and doing it with wreckless abandon. The Main Media, consisting of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NPR, have totally dedicated themselves to the destruction of the GOP Party, Independent Party, the Tea Party and the Libertarian Party. They have looked for the opportunity since before the election of  Jimmy Carter.
     They have slowly but methodically worked on their very devious plan of eventual Marxism/Communism. Seem bizarre? Well it is!! But true. Why? Because we never dreamed that such a thing could happen in the good old U.S.A. Not with the Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. No sir!!!
     Especially with all Americans being taught those documents as a "taken for granted" course somewhere through the education system.
     How on earth did it happen? I mean, how did they slip it by everyone from the grade school level right on up to, and through the College levels, through the Local, Municipal, County, State and Federal Judicial systems including the Supreme Court of the United States, for Pete's sake?
     Well, it's partially from taking those Sacred Documents for granted. As militarily powerful and successful achievements were accomplished along the way, ( Circa 235 years) we tended to ignore the subtle signs along the way.
     Slowly but surely, Certain Atheist International Billionaire Titans began buying up every major news network they could get their hands on, and with every devious means they could.
     With slowly getting "God" out of the way, they worked tirelessly behind the scenes to place people of noted accomplishments into various positions of authority at different levels.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


     I know that a great deal of you don't recognize the Obama strategy and ploy of the Marxist Left. It took some time for me to see it. But as you know, the repetition eventually becomes obvious, as it has now.
     Their technique is simple. They knew that their ultimate goal would eventually come to light and in so doing, would use their favorite trick of pre-damage control.  They have undoubtedly worked in unison to strike first, using the exact accusations against the Right beforehand. Even as ridiculous as it actually is to imply something they know isn't true of the Constitutionalists, because there's one thing the Right doesn't want, is Marxism, Nazism or Communism.
     But they themselves do! So they use their "Strike the first blow" policy to defend their actions in the future!
     Knowing this is going to come to light in the near future anyway, they very calculatingly accuse the freedom loving Constitutionalists of this country first.
     It's totally amazing how long this close knitted bunch has been planning their move to eventual Communism. It's been in the works for a long, long time.
     Even worse than the goal of Communism, it's not meant for the United States alone, but they need to take us down to zero resistability in order to rebuild us as a totally Socialist, then Communist identity to suit their means. They must establish Socialism first.
     Of course they will disguise their purpose in any manner, in any fashion it takes, to get the job done.
     You see, taking down the United States is the Prime objective because with all our Advanced
"Converted" Military power, they will then be able to dominate the remainder of the free world with the Military might of Russia, and Iran with it's satellite Arab nations.
     Thus, the reason for the secret, ongoing talks with Iran and "Hezbollah" that have been taking place behind closed doors without our Knowledge until just now! ( "Hezbollah" at the moment, is the strongest Radical Muslim Army in the World and trained by the Iranian Regime.)
     Their first step is eliminating the ability of the private citizens to resist, by imposing gun control.
     It's not hard to figure out now that their purpose is coming to light. The power will be split between the Billionaire Atheists of the World in  agreement with the Muslims.
     Their next move will be to take control of all the mineral, maceral and natural resources, no matter where in the world, but particularly in the U.S.
     They've pretty well crossed the line to the point they're going to have to admit it anyway. It's just becoming too apparent.
     It's a Marxist/Atheist movement getting to the point that it's all or nothing.
     If they can make it happen, no country will any longer be in charge of it's own freedom, Constitution or the taking of it's natural resources for the advantage of the people within the country who presently own it. Say "Sayonara" to Nation "Independency" in the World.
     Everything will come under the Communist/Atheist inspired "New World Order" and Communism.
     Barack Obama's  dream of being the Puppet to run it on behalf of the Modern, powerful Communist World will have come true, and at the same time keep the Muslim world in abeyance for the time being, and be allowed to line his own Regime's pockets in the process.
     Does this solve the mystery of turncoats to the Obama "cause" such as John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Colin Powell and John Roberts?
     Barack Obama is intending to bring the Muslims into line in preparation of that, with the drone strikes against who ever is going to give him a problem when he steps into that post. The Radical Muslims including Al Qaida are not going to be willing to go along with his "Peaceful" plans either. Therefore getting rid of their Rebellious Leaders with drones will suit his purpose. Radical Muslims already disposed of  who wouldn't have accepted his leadership anyway in the future, are already taken care of in one way or the other. They are Ghadafi, Said, Mubarek and other potential threats to his future plans.
     The way he's behaving at the present, in total defiance of the Structure of our Congress, the Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and Bill of rights are soon to disappear if he gets his way, and at the present, He's getting it.
     He has no intention of allowing those structures to exist at the end of his 2nd term.
     The threat of the U.S. turning into another Greece is no problem with him or his "Well Oiled Machine". They want it that way to assume total control.
     Instead of thinking this is just another absurd assumption on my part, go back to the beginning of his first term and connect the dots. Have you read " Trilaterals Over Washington" yet?
     You'll be doing yourself a grave, unforgettable injustice if you don't. "The Free World" will be just a memory. It's not too late to turn it around. His actions and the actions of his Regime are nothing short of treason, and they've gotten so confident they'll win, they just don't care.
     Taking our guns to make us indefensive is his move as I speak.        Just sayin'.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


     Isn't that the bare faced facts:? Could it be any more clear than that? In the four years Barack Obama was in office, there has been no accounting for the hundreds of billions of dollars he either spent or gave away, and no records to show us why it's missing. Can you argue against that so far? If there are any Communists out there that are backing this guy, will you tell me, and produce the proof of where it specifically went besides into your pockets one way or another. George Soros, J.P. Morgan(Owner of General Electric) and Warren Buffet, can you hear me?
     Give us an accounting of the detailed dollar for dollar spending you did while displaying that two-bit arrogant smiling you've been doing all along, Mr President.
     You have accountants working for the Dept. of The Treasury and elsewhere through that "deliberately" tangled web you're spinning and show us where the money went, when it went and through whom. Don't just tell us it went to Solyndra, or General Motors, or General Electric or the rest of your Union Leaders, and expect The House Of Representatives to automatically come up with more so that you don't have to explain that either. Give us the intricate figures your accountants have hidden somewhere or didn't keep track of at all.
      You see, some of us more astute citizens who can work with mathematics and such, think you gave it away without record so you can retrieve it the same way.
      Please don't tell us it simply disappeared at the hands of the people and Companies you gave it to, but give us the details on how you kept track of it, damn it!
      Why on earth should you think you can get away with not explaining every stinking dollar, Barack? The money didn't belong to you in the first place, so how is it you can have the gall and the audacity to do it, and then get re-elected by a bunch of Illegal Aliens who didn't have the right to vote and the Unions you supplied the money to, just to have a portion of it given back to you in support of the illegal election you conducted? Hundreds of millions of dollars worth, but you are so arrogant to grin sardonically about, thinking you don't have to answer. Really, How stupid do you think we are??
      You have successfully spent the last four years condemning and ignoring our sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights, encouraging people to trample our flag, burn it as well and then allowing the Al Qaida Terrorists to murder our brave soldiers around the globe all the while ignoring it. Benghazi  where four of our great warriors including the American Ambassador were murdered on live Al Jazeera T.V. while begging you to help them, and being the coward that you are, you didn't.
     Please don't give us the crap about, "Other Presidents did it all along in the past" or "George W. Bush did it." Who gives a darn who else did it!  It's still wrong, Buddy, and the sad thing is, you know it, and don't think you have to morally atone for it. Our God can hear you lie, Barack!
     You have now given more "Executive Orders" than all of the past Presidents put together. using that same excuse. Listen to me Barack!! TWO WRONGS NEVER MAKE IT RIGHT!!
     That business of repeating over and over that "Other Presidents did it" is making me sick to my stomach!! Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


     Well, Hollywood is doing it again. If ever there was a closer knit group of Communist sympathizers besides Hollywood, they've got to be in China itself.
     For them to strut their wares to the point they would portray the former first lady, Nancy Reagan, with the most disloyal american citizen in the world, is truly a travesty! JANE FONDA!!
     It must be their way of celebrating the re-election of the world's biggest swindler through a totally rigged election. Back Obama!
     Now, to HANOI JANE FONDA!! Of all the actresses who could have been chosen, they just had to pick her. How outrageously inappropriate!
     Calling her a Communist sympathizer isn't enough, really. Some of you reading this blog weren't even born at the time of her blatant treachery to the American people during the Viet Nam war.
     The whole world watched as she betrayed our brave men during her illegal visit to the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" prisoner of war camp in Communist Hanoi, North Viet Nam.
     A time when the "Peaceniks" laid around protesting the war and making babies they had no, or little intention of raising. A time when Bill Clinton fled to Britain as a Draft dodger with his tail between his legs and hiding behind the skirts of the other Communist sympathizers being harbored there.
     Then there's the actor Sean Penn, another cowardly Communist sympathizer who has hypocritically  specialized in War movies as though he was the loyal soldier dedicating his life for his country, despite the fact he has exposed himself in the last decade as a disloyal, conscientious objector. Travelling to Venezuela to shake the hand of the President Hugo Chavez, who has done nothing but preach hatred toward the United States with Barack Obama in agreement with him. As an added note, there's nothing new about Sean Penn openly revealing by his actions that he is on the side of Communism. his Father was declared a Communist by most standards in Hollywood before Sean Penn was born. Communism is alive and well in Hollywood today.
     Let me tell you a little more about "Hanoi Jane". Recently she has been chosen as one  of  "The Hundred Women of The Century"  The question is, for what? Since during her period of visitations to Hanoi during the Viet Nam war, she was labelled by the Press as the "Most hated woman in America."
    During her visits to Hanoi, she posed for pictures with an enemy soldier's helmet on sitting in an enemy battle vehicle and afterwards,visited the American prisoners there at the "Hanoi Hilton". Not to really know how they were doing, but to taunt them with condemning questions like, "Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?' and "Aren't you grateful for the humane treatment you're getting from your benevolent captors?"
    Believing her questions were part of an act and she HAD to be thinking she wanted to help them, they each wrote little notes to their families and others that might help them somehow. They were little notes they could and did pass to her by palm while shaking hands. She took them and then to their surprise, at the end of the line, handed them over to the Prison Commandant. She completely betrayed the prisoners! Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Colonel Carrigan was almost number four but managed to survive. He's the only reason we know of this today.
    Another POW, a Colonel Jerry Driscoll who was a pilot of an F4E, a River Rat, who was also mistreated was brought before Ms Fonda and in his contempt for her actions, spat at her. He was clubbed, dragged away and beaten some more. During the subsequent beating, he fell forward onto the Commander's feet which sent that Officer berserk, beating him on the head with his wooden baton. So much so, he permanently suffered from double vision, ending his flying career later on.
    He spent six years in the "Hanoi Hilton", the first three in which his family only knew he was missing in action. His wife lived with the faith in God he was still alive.
    Another POW was a civilian Development Advisor in Vietnam when he was captured by the Communists and was a prisoner for five years. During that time he was 27 months in solitary confinement and 1 year in a camp in Cambodia. During that time, he witnessed the Poisoning and murder of a female Missionary nurse in a Leprosarium, whom he buried in the jungle near the Cambodian border.
    After being freed he remarked, "We were Jane Fonda's war criminals."
    Had it not been for the U.S. Congress refusing to declare the conflict a war, Jane Fonda would have been hung for treason.
    Barack Obama may dislike war, although we all do. But hating war is not the same as hating the Country and it's white people as a part of it that dominated in the past wars, simply because they remain on top.
    Defending the Muslim Terrorists around the world and in the U.S. is not the thing for him to do and expect to get away with. Not in a Country where "These Colors Don't Run."
    I believe the day is nearing when he and his hijacking bunch deliver one slap too many. As trampled as our flag and Constitution are, they will prevail. I'm sure he will have prepared a safe place to run to. But in the words of our great President Ronald Reagan, "You can run, but you can't hide!"
    Just sayin'.

Friday, January 11, 2013


     Right now the President thinks he can hold the Congress and american people hostage until he gets exactly what he wants, by threatening to continue using executive orders. In so doing, he's making decisions in violation of the U.S. Constitution. It's very clear that he's doing that. But what irks me is the statement by the political pundits, "I'm not sure that's legal!"
     So, why aren't they sure? That rule is clear in the Constitution. It makes clear that no one person can act on his own merits but must clear his actions of importance by processing them through two bodies elected by the American people.The House of Representatives and the Senate. When he says he is compelled to use executive orders to get things done for the good of the Country, he means HIS way of getting things done, not necessarily what the American people want, and they express their wants through the required use of  the Two Houses of Congress. That's why they're there! To safeguard the Affairs of the nation and prevent Dictatorship from taking place.
     Now let's look at this from the beginning of his Presidency. The spending crisis was quadrupled by him and his Administration increasing the National Debt by 8 TRILLION dollars in the first four years of his Presidency. All off this being done by a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, with the total exclusion of the remainder of Congress.
     They rapidly went behind closed doors in "closed door" meetings, and without the presence of the full Congress, passed a horrendous amount of bills. The Republican members were locked out of those meetings. In so doing, they locked out the opposition that was also elected to represent part of the people.
     You all MUST remember his campaign promise time and time again, that clairvoyancy was going to be one of his main objectives. Surely you must remember that, along with a whole bunch of his "forgotten" pledges. But then again, how easily we forget such trivial matters.
     I remember though! But what I'd like to forget are the same statements I hear over and over again, "I'm not sure that's legal."
     Now, some of reasons given for him to go unchallenged are that to challenge him legally, it must be challenged through the Court system and that could take a long time, especially when it gets to the Supreme Court of the United States. That's a terrible bother, so let's figure something else out. In the meantime, he continues on with his skulduggery, knowing all this will take a great deal of time for the opposition to do. That gives him an excuse to issue another illegal, executive order due to the delays by Congress.
     He also knows that while the challenging process continues for a while, during that time, his executive orders prevail in effect  until reversed by the Supreme Court.
     The frustrating thing is, though, he's using the Crisis he himself created from overspending,that prevents the economy from moving forward in the first place, as an excuse to issue the executive orders.
     Being from Chicago, the most corrupt City in the whole United States of America, he came into the Presidency with exactly that in mind. So how do you stop this man, a Muslim at heart and an Atheist in reality? And don't tell me, "I'm not sure it's legal" Please!!!    Just sayin'.

Monday, January 7, 2013


                   Barack Obama said today; You never knock down and drag people through the mud unless it's absolutely necessary.     ?????
                   Using vulgar language is okay when used in it's proper atmosphere. But you don't have a farting contest in church,do you??
                   Obama said, "To save gas, fart in a jar".
Being a blogger and knowing the truth is very depressing. However EXPOSING the truth can be very self-enlightening.
                   It must really be cold outside, I just saw a Socialist walking ahead of me with his hands in his own pockets!!
                   A woman's womb should be the most loving, and safest place for children to grow, not a place where another human can decide to murder them upon request or permission from Michelle and Barack Obama. WHY DIDN'T THEY DO IT?
                   The White House says "The Public doesn't need an assault rifle to shoot a deer"! Well, Sirs, that would be true if we were afraid of the deer! But we're not! It's the White House itslf, Al Qaida and their supporters, the Radical Muslims.


      President Obama won the election, alright, but too many of you Conservatives are willing to turn the page on how he "won" it. His way of winning it was so dishonest and insincere that we would be dumb if we were to move on and set it aside. It's a lesson to be learned, but only if we hang on to it long enough for everyone to understand, and do something about it if at all possible. If it takes ten or fifteen years to put him in jail, then by all means do it!! That's where he belongs, alongside Bernie Madoff. Madof only wasted 28% of what he took. What has Obama wasted?
      He didn't win the second election by popular opinion on his first 4 years' performance. His handling of the money was not viewed favorably except by the ones who received it. The National polls told us that all through his 1st term.
      He really didn't win by good performance, he BOUGHT IT!! He bought it with past, present and future Tax dollars, knowing he would have to raise taxes on EVERYONE who intends to, would like to, or already does work for an honest living in America.
      He knew that if he took the dollars from the future and spent them in the right places and on the right people, he would put the people he gave the money to in a position that, when re-election came, he would frighten them to death if they voted any other way, just with the thought they would lose it.
      All the while, he was lining the pockets of the people who already were financially stable with the thought they would place a portion of the money he gave them back into his re-election campaign. Companies like AARP, who already received Gov't funding anyway. And they did!!
      Don't forget the amount of Illegal Aliens and felons who were financially helped, that were encouraged to vote and were allowed to even though the votes were not valid, but counted anyway.
      So I have a hard time accepting the "Reality" that he "WON"
      Why on earth just throw your hands in the air and go along in silent defeat with the resignation of "Oh well, he did win, after all."
      My question is, why is "after all" acceptable. Is it just because some "sardonically" smiling Atheist stated it? Hoping we'll shut up and be silent once he or she said it? "We won, you lost so be quiet!!"
      Let's not forget the extremely controversial decision by Chief Justice John Roberts who surprised the whole world by going against his own Conservative Justices and declaring Obamacare a "tax", and therefore legal. The whole world will forever wonder, WHAT???
      The cost of Obamacare being a "tax", amounts to 3/4 of a Trillion dollars Obama "borrowed" from the Medicare fund without the permission of Congress and placed in Obamacare, but nonetheless is still a "tax". However, in the overall scheme of things in Obama's mind, it's NOT a "tax" and won't declare it so.. So I assume it won't be considered a tremendous raise in our taxes in order that he can say we actually received a "Tax cut" in the future bloated budget that's absolutely doubled because of "Earmarks". ( Once referred to as "Pork.") They're nasty words because they ARE nasty.
      Keep something forever in mind. They "WON" the election, but don't forget the dirty taste that comes with the bitter defeat. They trampled on our Sacred Constitution doing it. In so doing, they trampled on our belief in God.
     Regardless of what happens though, there's one thing they won't be able to change. Now and even moreso in the near future, what goes around comes around, and most of the decent american people won't let it rest once they realize what was and is, being done to this country.  Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


     I've threaded my way through my lifetime doing what I thought was the best way I could along the way. I was never a bully with weaker people, but did challenge the bullies on my own and sometimes on other people's behalf. I fought when I knew I was right, though I knew it was easier to run. Even when fear told me to, I could not. I was never sorry I didn't.
     I strayed from occasions in my life that I thought to be almost impossible to live with, because sometimes, they were seemingly impossible. I know now, I should have stayed instead of walking away. But whenever I  made that mistake, I was plagued with the thought I should have stayed. I always made an attempt to re-do it or correct it. In the case of my children, I corrected it.
     I've been around long enough to realize what 'right' or 'wrong' is. After all, I'm 76 years old, and have fought my way through many illnesses. Through all of those times I always felt I was being watched by someone who knew better than me. It was the same guy that watched over my mother, God.
     The first angel in my life came early, in the form of my mother. With no father around, she was the only parental shoulder there was to cry on. She was my strength, and I watched her perform her little and big miracles throughout my dependent life including getting a family of 11 children out of the nest and on their way. All of this done with the belief  God was helping her in spirit. I'm sure he was.
     I watched her work in the garden in the summer while the rest of us played and she never complained. The garden, a milk cow and chickens were our mainstay and for her to keep up their production so we could all eat was another miracle.
     Sometimes it was Quaker oats in the morning and at lunch and dinner, sometimes it was fried Quaker oat paddies to fill out the meal along with her back breaking production of homemade bread. which I totally loved.
     All of this we took for granted. There were times when she would simply break down and cry from despair and we would cry with her, along with comforting her, because she was our rock and only hero. To see her cry frightened all of us.
     But one of the things we learned from her was how to defend our sacred right to be who we were, regardless of our financial woes, depending on a welfare cheque, time after time, after time. She was the mother hen watching us make our way through life regardless of what pathway we took. There's some basic things that still stand in the McNaughton family. We stood, and still do, stand our ground when we're required to. I still do. There was no reverse in our family's transmission. Right down to the last person.
     All of us who still believe in God recognize why we do. It was because she did. At least I do. I believe with all my heart she had an Angel looking over her shoulder from the beginning to the end of her life at the age of ninety nine in 1999.
     Her strength came from her belief in God. With the church being only 1 1/2 blocks away, regardless of the weather,(Fernie B.C.'s snowfall average was 18 ft. per year) she herded us all off to church. Sometimes she made it a mission to all of us by asking us to pray for something the family could use that was needed. When we did, we always got it!
     Mom made it through those years by laughing at her own simple, little domestic mistakes such as wearing her apron to church. and during the war years dropping what she thought was a dime in the collection box that was actually a silver looking penny.
     Yet I still remember when she blackened a neighbor's eye when she came into our yard to fight with my sister June. She didn't take her apron off for that, either!
     I also remember her telling me that when she prayed at night she asked God to let her die in her sleep, and he did.
     I'm currently writing a story of my mother's life, and as I do, I gather her moral strength. I know she's    watching over my shoulder.
     It took me a lot of years to be convinced that the only way I can be at peace with myself is to  meet all my threats and challenges head-on, and that includes believing in, and maintaining our Sacred, American way of life as I've grown to love.
     Right now, as in the past, our American way of life is being invaded. Only this time it's different.
     Every time before, it was from a foreign enemy across the seas called Naziism or Communism. With the leaders being Atheists not believing in God and actually placing themselves above God and Religion. As Hitler did, as Stalin did and nowadays, as the Atheists of today are doing.
     Only this time, it is happening from within and under our very noses. Their theme is in pushing the Communist Agenda on us by waging war in a manner that is difficult to recognize. They are the chameleons who abide by no moral rules because they have placed themselves above what they consider our "Incompetent" God. As George Carlin did, as the Atheist Saul Alinski did, as Atheist George Soros does, as Communist Van Jones does, as Atheist Bill Gates does, as Atheist Warren Buffet does and Atheist/Muslim Barack Obama does!
     Have you ever seen Barack Obama lead any gathering whatsoever in a Christian prayer? No!! And you never will. Until it was brought to the American People's attention by a Christian, he never placed his hand to his heart when the National Anthem was played. It's a moral requirement for all American Citizens to place their hand over their hearts in the playing of God Bless America.
     So when you find me being in objection to someone attempting to show someone falsely how a past or present Atheist is or was, it's not being "negative" or "paranoid" to bring out the truth of the matter. The favorite ploy of the Atheists is to accuse you of that when you catch them at their own game. "Homophobic" is another one. I'm not perfect, but I'm neither of those three as I've been recently accused.
It's just me, going about waging my own personal war against an enemy of  the God I know. You can all do yourselves a tremendous favor. Even if you're not in the habit of visiting book stores, Read the book "THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION" It'll open your eyes wider than they've ever been opened before. TO BE CONTINUED!!   Just sayin'.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


     To keep the record straight on a recent posting on FACEBOOK concerning George Carlin and his supposedly written 'final thoughts', so to speak, my information has it that it was written by Jeff Dickson in May of 1998, first of all. It was hijacked off the internet and has now shown up to be attributed to George Carlin Jr.
     What a beautiful attempt to make it look as though he had a change of heart about life in his dying moments. I doubt any Atheists ever take the time to write such a well thought piece.
     First of all, he was an Atheist who time after time denounced the existence of God and made his living dwelling on that fact. He was a comedian who no doubt used his filthy mouth to his advantage in his successful efforts to make money. He loved to use his nasty mind in humor.
     Like all Atheists, he placed himself  above God and often referred to God as "incompetent". Just as all Atheists do today. Particularly rich ones.
     He blamed all nasty mishaps in the world as examples of  God's work, not believing in the Devil as most Christians definitely do.
     To me, the biggest sin here is for other Atheists to try to make him out as some sort of hero for having the mind to write such beautiful stuff in his last days.
     He died with nothing to look forward to and probably looking at a pornography photo. Certainly not any heavenly image. Throw dirt on him.
     I was prompted to write this blog with the retaliatory thought in mind for whoever it was that immediately erased my comment on facebook concerning the posting of his lovely writings.
     You can eliminate this one too if you wish, but I'm getting a pretty good idea who's doing it. I use no dirty language to speak of so I don't think it's facebook after communicating with someone there.
     Falsely glorifying someone who established his own morally crappy legacy is wrong and I have the right to speak my mind about it. Just sayin'.


Friday, January 4, 2013


     On the day after Christmas, I woke up feeling fine and in anticipation of my daughter Kim and son- in law Gary arriving later in the day from Canada to spend a couple of days, decided to cook breakfast for my wife Marilyn and myself. I was just recovering from having sinus problems a few days before. But that can be a normal thing for me.
     I busied myself in the kitchen making breakfast.
     Marilyn wanted a large pancake with it's additional niceties and I decided to have some homemade hash browns and fried eggs.
     From previous experience I have found that to microwave whole potatoes before shredding them avoids the fresh spuds turning dark while you're frying them. Blanching them in boiling water for 10 minutes will accomplish the same task. At least it works for me.
     I sometimes leave the skins on when I'm in a hurry to do this process. This time I left the skins on.
     As I took the potatoes out of the sack, I noticed both of them were exceptionally green. Normally that isn't so, but trusting the fact they were purchased at the store a couple of days before, I assumed it was just "the nature of the beast", sort of thing.
     Anyway, once I shredded them, I convinced myself to ignore the green part, fried them up to a golden brown and after frying two eggs and basting them lightly, devoured everything including 2 slices of toast.
     All was well for a couple of hours until later I began to have indigestion. With that came a slight headache as well as being stuffed up again. I couldn't let that spoil the time we were going to have visiting with my daughter and her husband, so with a swallow of antacid along with a tablespoon of Cough syrup, I managed to maintain myself without getting sick. But I definitely was not feeling exactly chipper.
     Along with dizzy spells, tricky vision and trouble balancing, I definitely wasn't feeling myself.
     They left to return to Canada and I continued to feel "not right".
     As the rest of the day went on, I began to feel more and more nauseous and sleepy and began vomiting, slight headaches, diarrhea, hallucinations when I closed my eyes and wondering if I might be better off dead than alive. It continued for three days along with walking stupidly from one end of the house to the other.
     As I thought about what was happening to me, something came to mind that I might have been poisoned by something.
     I finally started feeling better yesterday, Jan. 3rd, and after taking two sleeping pills last night, feel a lot better today. Thinking about the poison part, I remembered some time ago somebody mentioned that green potatoes could be poisonous.
     So I looked it up on Wikipedia to find they definitely are!! It fits my condition to a "T".
     The green version of the potato(unripe or non ripening) contains a natural toxin called Solanine. The greenish hue that should warn you away from the spud is actually Chlorophyll, but it's presence indicates concentrations of Solanine are present in the tuber. (seed potato)
     A glycoalkaloid  poison found in species of the nightshade, Solanine is a nerve toxin produced in the green part of of the potato. (the leaves, the stem and any green spots on the potato skin)
     This bitter, poisonous crystalline alkaloid is part of the plant's defense against insects, disease and predators. Potato leaves and stems are naturally high in glycoalkaloids. So ingestion of these parts of the plant must be avoided at all costs.
     Solanine develops in potatoes when subjected to light or either very cold or warm temperatures. It interferes with the body's ability to use a particular chemical that facilitates the transmission of impulses between cells. Ingested in large amounts, it can cause vomiting, hallucinations, diarrhea, headaches and even paralysis of the central nervous system.
     Of the average potatoes sold in stores, one would have to ingest 4 1/2 lbs. in one sitting to be affected. However, one exceptionally green potato can make up for more than 4 1/2 lbs. and then some. Even death has been known to occur.
     Avoid green potatoes!!   Just sayin'.


Thursday, January 3, 2013


      In 2010, A Federal American Border Guard is shot to death in an ambush by Drug Cartel members wielding Automatic weapons on the U.S. side of the border. In the exchange two weapons were dropped by the intruders as they fled.(Fact)
      In the following investigation, it was found through the serial #'s that they had come from the U.S., and had also been among the thousands of guns that had been sold to the Drug Cartels under the supposedly Undercover operation Called "Fast and Furious."(Fact)
Documentation of this operation was supplied to Congress by a whistleblower in the Justice Dept.(Fact)
       Everyone in the Justice Dept. refused to admit any knowledge, including Barack Obama.(Fact)
       In 2010, Barack Obama's U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, along with his underlings, are implicated by Congress in the selling of  those thousands of  weapons under the table to all sides of the Mexican Drug Cartels.(Fact)
      Eric Holder denies any knowledge of these weapons even though it been found by the Congressional Investigation committee that his signature was found on the paperwork also supplied by another whistleblower.(Fact)
      Both Barack Obama and Eric Holder continue to deny any knowledge or co-operate to supply 80% of the documents needed to execute the investigation by Congress. (Fact)
      Congress issues a Subpoena to Eric Holder to comply with the order.(Fact)
      In desperation to stop Congress from securing Eric Holder to testify, Barack Obama, by Executive Order, declares Eric Holder immune from prosecution.(Fact).
      The Congressional Investigation continues in this case, so far to no avail.
      To this day, those automatic weapons that were illegally sold by the Justice Dept. remain in the hands of the Mexican Drug Cartels and they've made no attempt to retrieve them.
      Now, Barack Obama is attempting to seize all automatic and semi-automatic weapons from law abiding citizens in the U.S. who currently and legally are registered to own them.
      This isn't the first time Barack has hired a fox to guard the hen house.
      Most of you, unless you have been watching Fox News Channel, probably have never heard this story from the Main Media press.
      Well, you've heard it now! Hypocrisy prevails in the White House.  Just sayin'.


      Well, I'm learning, so why shouldn't I tell you the way we all might understand the "Fiscal" (Money) deception at passing bills. How the politicians get their own "little" pet project monies pushed through for their political purposes.
      You see, they all go to Congressional meetings with all the pet projects they would like to appropriate money for in their own Districts they represent. Bridges, highways, money for the animal research such as the spotted owl, how the earth turns from West to East and campaign donations that need to be rewarded somehow and that kind of thing.
      So without having to process them all according to the lengthy procedures that are required for due scrutiny of each, which would give the examiners time to decide the legitimacy of each one, and the urgency of each including the costs involved, they  wait until a really important moment to come along.    
      That moment is when there comes an urgent Larger bill to be decided. Like the Bill to avoid the phony labelled "Fiscal Cliff". (A term dreamed up by the equally phony Socialist Party.)
      Allow me to say at this point, the Republican controlled House of Representatives had already presented a Bill to help solve the problem of gross overspending in the past and future by the Democratic Senate and President Barack Obama. (Which by the way was the reason for creating the imaginary "Fiscal Cliff" in the first place).
      That Bill was presented to the Senate for it's approval months ago. The U.S. Senate led by Democrat Harry Reid, sat on it right up to this urgent time for passage. They did it purposefully. They wanted to wait until the last minute to cause the urgency.
      Then, Knowing they had to act on both major Crisies, "Hurricane Sandy" and the "Fiscal Cliff" and because they controlled the majority in the Senate, they quickly sat down along with the White House cronies and gathered all their favorite personal "little" bills (Now called "Earmarks") they were saving for such a time, bundled them all together with the major Bills coming to double the original amount intended in the 2 major Bills.
      Then they returned their adjusted Senate Bill back to the House of Representatives, demanding immediate approval. All this after not coming up with their own bill ( required by Constitutional Law) in 3 1/2 years.
      For one example, the 30 billion dollars initially appropriated for the cost of aiding the victims of '."Hurricane Sandy" became 60 billion dollars in the over-all Bill.
      Now they're standing back accusing the House of Representatives of delaying the tremendously bloated Senate version of the Bill. I hope you'll all join me in saying, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
      Just sayin.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


     I would defy anyone to fly over the damage of Hurricane "Sandy" and be able to estimate the amount of money it's going to cost in rebuilding the areas affected by it. Are we giving the Insurance Companies another break from having to live up to their obligations first?
     When the Obama Administration gave an estimate one month ago, it was announced to be as high as 30 million. But it sounds like the Insurance companies got to them after that and said, "Don't forget us" and someone else said, "Oh yeah!! How much do you think it should be?" And then all the Senate Democrats who got re-elected on the backs of the Insurance companies said, "Let's double it to sixty billion. Then we'll send it back to the Republican House of Representatives and lay it on them to approve before we go over the "Fiscal Cliff" we dreamed up a year ago.
     Now wouldn't it make more sense for them to say to the Insurance Companies, "Let's give you a "deal" (Since they like to use the term "deal" so much) you can't refuse, and have you tell us how much you need to pay first. Give us all your records of coverage, we'll go through them one at a time so that we know how much you're obligated to pay. We'll determine that, then we'll take a look at what we should morally help them to rebuild. He only has to expand his welfare program for a little while longer.
     How on earth could they possibly know what the Gov't. cost will be? Sounds like a figure Math whiz Joe Biden would give.
     Maybe Biden's Construction Co. ran by his brother has offered an inside bid already. They have already won a bid to build 100,000 houses in Iraq from the Obama Administration. It's only for 1.5 billion, though.
     Now bear in mind, citizens of the East Coast, Just because you all voted for Barack Obama, doesn't mean the rest of the taxpayers of the U.S. are required to fully support you, even though he promised to.
     There's a lot more people standing in line for a handout around the U.S. with no place to live either. Just ask a senior citizen like me who doesn't get anymore Medicare part "B" after December 31st., because Obama clearly promised last year there would be "No change for anyone currently on Medicare when Obamacare takes over if you vote for me"  WOW!!!  Just sayin'.