Thursday, February 27, 2014


     While watching Bill O'Reilly last night, I was surprised at the comment he made in an attempt to allay the fears of Barack declaring Martial Law.
     He did it in a fashion that was definitely belittling the thought or suspicion that Barack Obama would declare Martial Law. In fact it made your's truly feel foolish that we would be dumb enough to think such a thing.
     He said there was absolutely "No chance" that our President would do it!
     It seems as though he has placed himself in a higher esteem since his rare interview with the "King" of the United States. It makes you wonder if maybe the smooth "Mack the Knife" Barack told him something that they didn't tell us. Because, if he was to pay a little more attention to Barack's behavior along with the rest of his Regime, all the signs are there under his and our very noses.
     Where in heck has O'Reilly been during that time, anyway?
     I understand that Bill, with the his ratings being challenged by Megan Kelly's popularity shooting up lately, may be perched on the verge of being second to Megan and he feels he has to get creative for an increase in viewers. But I think his belittling of some viewers for thinking the extreme from the Obama Regime was a bit over the top. Maybe it would be better all around, that he get back to a little more taste of reality.
     If you consider all the bizarre events that have taken place since Barack got into office, with his extreme over-use of executive orders, ignoring the Constitutional process, open defiance of the Congress consisting " Of the People, by the People and for the People", and his behavior in every way that points that his wish is to take this Country down, Why on Earth wouldn't he do it in desperation to retain his Dictatorial power?
     All the signs are there, with his arming of "Al Qaida" and his promotion of Anti-Americanism to the rest of the world.
     Let me ask this question; What indication whatsoever has Barack given him in 5 years that would show otherwise. To remark that he believes the President is a dedicated, sincere man in his wanting to go in a "different direction", does not allay the fears that he wants to take our "American Way" and our basic freedom away from us.
     Everything against our past way of life has become glaringly apparent to most Americans and we have the right to be afraid of what extremes this Dictator might go to next. So don't be so stupid Bill, as to advise us not to be so dumb as to worry about it. With all due respect, that's one right we still have left.    Just sayin'.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


     No matter how you paint it, an outdoor crapper will still be an outdoor crapper. You can make a homosexual into a Judge, but based on the fact that he's still a Pervert, he'll make perverted decisions on behalf of what he truly is.
     You see it every day. Discriminatory decisions on the side of Homosexuals. E.G.; They've managed to slip themselves into positions of making decisions all the way up to the Supreme Court. This done before they finally reveal they're Homosexuals or purveyors of other similar kinky behaviors. There are so many now in various levels of importance, they simply turn to someone of their own kind to determine decisions in legal matters.
     A homosexual Scientist issued a conclusion that after much research, he found that Homosexual perverts were simply "Alternative normals" and not perverts at all, and should not be considered lawbreakers. By his actions, it began a chain of legal determinations by other Homosexual authorities higher up the ladder with enough designated authority to convince lawmakers to change their status to a "different kind of normal." Thus making the original law obsolete.
      But overall, they are all Homosexuals to begin with.
      Which brings me to say; Their choice of pursuing the right to change laws to their own liking is not something they should be allowed to do, due to the fact they're still stinky homosexuals who continue to make bad decisions that apply to "Normal" people who are in the majority by far.
      In other words, the tail is now wagging the dog! The minority rules. You have perverts declaring that being perverts is okay!   Just sayin'.

Monday, February 24, 2014


     When the "Obamacare" Act first got started, Obama absolutely beamed when hearing the name. Why? Because it was, what he thought would be, the idea of the century and bearing his name on it. He had accomplished nothing of significance until that point in time and at last, would even trump Delano Roosevelt's triumph of establishing The "Social Security" Act of 1935.
      Beaming with accomplishment at the victory, (Aided by the devious switcheroo that Chief Justice John Roberts pulled by calling it a 'Tax") and thereby qualifying it to be legal when it was about to go down in defeat at the hands of the Supreme Court, Obama proudly stuffed it down the throats of the American Electorate.
      He declared loudly to 300 million plus listeners that it would save each family $2500.00 in the United States per year. Remember that???
      As time went on, and as one blunder after another that came out of his mouth in his magnificent teleprompter speeches were proven to be lies, and America found out through some people who had truly specialized in Math, it would end up costing up to $6000.00 or more per year per family, he decided he had better change the name to "Affordable" Care Act instead.
      Alas, his hopes began to fade that the nickel may not bare his face over Lincolns after all. (It was a sad day for Michelle!)
     Anyway, after increasing "His" government by 30,000 employees or so for special needs that weren't necessary before he took over, such as the NLRB, NSA, EPA and IRS, He is cutting our military budget to end up lower than it was before World War 2. (Watch Fox News for that info.)
     He's also cutting the pay and benefits for all the living military retirees who offered their lives in previous conflicts as well.
     Don't forget his statement, "If you like your present plan, you can keep it. Period!" "If you like your doctors, you can keep them. Period!" All of those statements were made with him knowing very well at the time, they were not true!!
     Did you ever think, in the middle of two wars against Radical Muslim Terrorists, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, who murder their own people and God loving Christians around the World in the most heinous way, we would elect a President who was raised and trained in the Muslim Faith including Sharia Law to the supreme office of the United States of America, and keeping him there??
     A President who has openly displayed contempt, along with his supporters for the  Constitution, the Military who defends us, the freedom of Religion, the treasury that finances us, ignores the laws governing the process of elections, releases Terrorists back to the control of Al Qaida just to rejoin their fight for 'The Muslim Brotherhood" in Iraq and Afghanistan, and most grievous of all, Supplies them with arms to further fight their assault on Freedom, Democracy and Christians.
     Can anyone find one lick of sense to all of that??
     Now that we know what he's up to, what do we do about it? Leave him in there? Good gosh!!
     Just sayin'.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


     When you read the Constitution, it is quite clear. No 'ifs buts or ands'. I believe the most important job of the Supreme Court is to not only  read the law and enforce it, but to place the most expediency on clearing up any dispute surrounding it. All other matters would be secondary to Constitutional issues. Is that asking for too much these days?
     It's not their job to be opinionated on the reason for the law. it's simply their duty to opine whether or not the law is being followed in each particular case.
     This business of whether they should review it as requested by the lower Courts, is part of the Constitutional process. When they use the 'too busy' with other matters just doesn't cut it. Refusing flatly to hear it when it may affect a Country "Of The People, By The People, and "For The People!" Why does the Supreme Court Watch it happen?
     If I can understand it, then why can't they?
     To change any Constitutional law, They aren't authorized to do it. It's the job of the entire Congress of the United States. They can use precedents from other Constitutional incidents in the past, but if the law was misinterpreted back when. The past  can be judged correctly and referred back to the lower Federal Courts. If they, rather than pass contradictory judgment, feel the lower court should review their own decision, then they send it back.
     But they cannot change a law to suit their own taste without consulting the whole Congress.
     The same rules apply to the President and his Administration. But Obama, when required to take action by consulting Congress doesn't do that and issues Executive orders to bypass the will of Congress. He doesn't care about the Constitution and ignores it "To get his Agenda done" as he so often says.
      The problem with that is, He's also bypassing the Constitution that's been so Sacred and good to us for 2&1/2 Centuries. Just sayin'.

Friday, February 21, 2014


     I say this because I don't think God has a speck of negativity in his body. His main purpose is wanting us to believe in him.
     I believe the main purpose of Jesus was not to convince us he was the Son of God as much as he wanted us to follow the desires of God as he knew them to be.
     I will never argue that he wasn't the Son of God, ever. I do recognize, while he was alive on this earth, he was a very precious, miracle performing soul who did everything good. No matter what, he did and meant everything good for all people.
     However, at this point in time, with the Atheistic, "Alternative Normal" World in which the Devil himself has reared his ugly head in the World and particularly here in America, I believe more than ever, we as believers in one Divine God, regardless of independent Religious beliefs, need desperately to come together.
     There's absolutely nothing exceptional about what I foresee or think, I have just learned through experience and making a study of people both good and bad, what their behavior can predict. It's only by using plain old common sense.
     What I'm trying to imply, is there never before in the history of this great Country, been assailed such as we have by an enemy within our borders. (I'm not referring to the Illegal Immigrants from wherever they may be because all they are here for is not to exploit us, but to join us in our productive way of improving our common personal lives.)
     I'm talking about Countries outside of our borders in conjunction with the American bred Atheists, Agnostics and "Alternative Normals" whom we allowed to run wild with a freedom they didn't work or fight for to appreciate.
     They have very deviously managed to insert themselves into positions of Power and Authority
that allows them to bypass the Constitution right up to and including the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
     They, through the direction of the Un-American President of the United States such as we've never seen before, are about to take us into an un-Godly existence that will lead to Anarchy and an unavoidable Bloody Revolution.
     All the indications are them successfully disarming our country both physically and monetarily.
     The signs are all there, and if our various differences in our beliefs of  "whose faiths are first with God" aren't set aside to enable us to fight as one strong united group, we will surely lose.
     I don't know whether you noticed or not, but with the exception of a few, the rest of the Industrial Countries and their International Billionaires are poised to throw compassion and false loyalties aside to take us down with Putin and Obama shining their power up front.
     This isn't a dream I just had, it's a fact.
     What truly amazes me to know, is there are churchgoing people who are so mesmerized by the speeches Barack is famous or infamous for, they still refuse to recognize they cannot mix their Godly thoughts with the Un-Godly intentions of this devious group in the White House today.
     I'm 77 years old, so I'm not afraid for me personally. I worry about the future generations of  what used to be a free and beautiful Country I've grown to love so much.
     Please open your hearts and minds, God lovers. Quit worrying about whose religion is better than whose. You'll only defeat your own selfish selves and nobody's going to win.   Just sayin'.


Thursday, February 20, 2014


Sometimes I take the time to ponder, just to figure out,
Why other folks turn on our God, and what he's all about.
He's done no harm to anyone and keeps this world on workin'
We know the Devil's hangin' round, on every turn he's lurkin'.

He's always looking for someone, to do his evil tidings.
We know that Heaven's not a place where he can do his hiding.
But when we think, it's not for us, to fight his morbid nature. 
God can't physically be here, we must defend our future

Somehow the Devil and his group, are thinking we're their bait,
They hope to catch us unawares, impatient while they wait.
They have a grudge against our God, and think we're for the taking
They take our freedoms one by one, their plans are in the making.

They want the Santa out of Clause, they don't believe in gifting
Unless of course it profits them, they don't believe up-lifting!
They use the Constitution when, they do their barefaced lying.
But violate the rest no doubt, while in our homes they're spying.

What can we do to make it right, for future generations 
They all the while betray our trust, to the United Nations.
They scoff at us when Sabath comes, and we receive communion
When we confess our sins to God, and pray for soul re-union.

It isn't for myself I pray, but just for those around me.
For the sick who need God's love, those who are the Needy.
I see no need to comfort those, who for themselves are grieving,
You won't see smiles on their face, when it's their turn for leaving.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


     And what we determine it means. That would make sense because that sort of "Compromise" would still be within the confines of believing that God still exists, regardless of the settlement between differing beliefs.
     But "compromising" anything that would take us away from the Main cornerstone of our Free Society, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States, would be inching us away from the very strength it affords the common man it was meant for.
     With the "Progressive Party" (A revived name taken from the "Communist Party of America that existed in the 1920's and in the midst of it's failing, changed it's name to "The Progressive party" in desperation, but failed anyway.) Now they've dragged it up once again, in order to hide the embarrassment the Socialist "Democrats" have caused by following Obama in a "Different Direction".
     A direction that takes us away from the influence of God entirely.
     It is, in it's entirety, made of groups of people who have devised different theories for different individual purposes. All of which have a different common core consisting specifically of the "Absence of God".
     It's a totally different concept of corrupted science in which they have come to the conclusion their purpose of domination is better suited without the inclusion of God.
     In fact, by eliminating the theory of  Godly existence, they have given themselves the privilege of asserting themselves above us and the reach of God by setting him aside without the fear of consequence.
     For them to expect us to "Compromise" away from the inclusion of God, would be like mixing oil with water, and if you ever tried it, you will know it doesn't work.
     Along with this belief of theirs, they seem to feel that their "Line of Least Resistance" approach is more suitable to them in leading everyone else, whether we like it or not, in a "Different Direction" as Barack so often repeats.
     A Christian Pastor, Andy Stanley of the Atlanta Mega Church of North Point Ministries, I believe is a bit confused in his thinking. He remarked, "Serving the people we don't see eye to eye with, is the essence of Christianity". "Jesus did it for a world he didn't agree with. If a bakery doesn't want to sell a product to a Gay couple, it's their business, literally. But leave Jesus out of it".
     I say 'that' itself, is a conundrum! If the baker truly believed in God, he should have said, " even though you don't believe in Jesus or God, Jesus would have still given you a loaf of bread knowing you as a sinner, so do I recognize you as such. Take it and go with God's blessings."
 But you must consider this; If those same Gay people who are presumably Atheists, were in control of our destiny as they presume they are now under Barack Obama's rule, they would insist, (As they're currently doing.) we leave God out of our lives to satisfy their tastes, and not ours. 
      "Compromising" in that case, is not the answer.    Just, sayin'.


Monday, February 17, 2014


     Fox News reports this morning, they have found the "Chicago thugs" in the White House and the Obama Administration have been illegally borrowing money, (Tens of millions of dollars) from Private "Concerns".
    "Concerns" such as H&R Block, and others. One of them alone has popped up with $14,000,000.00. Now,...., we all are aware that Insurance Companies and other Companies such as H&R Block stand to make hundreds (And possibly billions) of millions of dollars on the success of the presently failing Obamacare Law. Which of course, due to it's tremendously, irreversible failures and costs, they are now conveniently calling, "Healthcare Law" to deflect away from anything that would "Blacken" Obama's name.
    It would seem they just can't get their act together in a Country that previously did better in worldly comparisons than any other, for two and a half centuries. Although the rest of the World never made it nearly as well with their "Alternative Normal" systems of Monarchial and Dictatorial methods.
    In spite of all that, enough of the extremely rich International Billionaires who never seem to achieve enough total power over the will of the people who served them loyally and well over the productive years in the past, feel they could make even more profit by placing us in a position of non-resistance to their Global Power. I repeatedly mention the "New World Order"
     In fact, the Obama Regime is acting so cock-sure they're going to achieve this, they have no fear of ever being caught up to, regardless of whether they win or not.
     Every illegal move they make that becomes exposed, doesn't seem to matter. They just smile and continue on, in defiance of Our Bill of Rights and Constitution.
     The "Conspiracy Theory" is becoming more and more into reality every day that passes. 
     Time will tell, and it's going to be interesting to see who's right.  Just sayin'.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


     Through research done by one of my Colleagues, I bring you Documented proof, ( More than I can say about Barack Obama!) Iran has been trading Nuclear Missile and bomb information back and forth for decades, and lately doing it under the noses of our Commander-in-Chief.
     Ten of which came from unusually good sources, including a few are rarely available or consulted in the USA.
     (1) The  DPRK's Violation of it's NPT Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, Excerpt from "History of the International Atomic Energy Agency" by David Fischer (1997, published by the IAEA)
     (2) North Korea's "Dangerous Ambition": The Wilson Centre, Dec. 19, 2012.
     (3) North Korea ends "Peace Pact with South": BBC Mar. 8, 2013.
     (4) North Korea's lesson: "Nukes for sale": Op-Ed New York Times, Feb. 12, 2012.
     (5) North Korea's lesson: "Nukes for sale": Op-Ed New York Times, Feb. 13, 2012
     (6) Iran, North Korea sign "Science and Technology Agreement", Sept. 1, 2012.
     (7) The leap in North Korea's Ballistic Missile Program: "The Iran Factor", John S. Park, The National Bureau of Asian Research.
     (8) The China-North Korea relationship: "Council on Foreign Relationships", Feb. 21, 2013.
     (9) Park Administration's North Korea policy announced: "The Hankeyoreh", Mar. 28, 2013.
     (10) DPRK Diplomatic Relations: "The National Committee on North Korea".

Janet Levy's Report:

     In Dec. 2012, Iran began moving it's bomb manufacturing operation to North Korea.
     By transferring it's Nuclear Production to North Korea, Iran was able to continue it's weapons development in complete secrecy and avoid a potential attack from Israel.
     It is believed, that 250-300 Iranian Scientists are in North Korea along with IRGC Personnel to provide for their security.
     Iran has been producing plutonium in North Korea and perfecting  ballistic missile systems that can support multiple warheads aimed at different targets, but launched by a single booster rocket. Reportedly, 14 nuclear warheads have been produced that will eventually be transported back to Iran.
     A possible scenario would be for North Korea to attack South Korea and Japan, while Iran makes good on it's threts to Israel.
     Janet Levy,
     Los Angeles.     End......

George McNaughton's  P.S.
     Since Barack Obama's Chief of Staff, Valerie Bowman Jarrett, an Iranian Citizen by African -American parents in Iran, who has had direct ties with Iran for years now, along with Barack Obama being a confirmed Muslim and "Al Qaida" supplier of  arms, I suggest this:
     Don't you think it would be wise to ground Air Force One indefinitely, lock up his White House bunker and confine them to a Campground on the white House lawn until this crisis is over? In fact, even after it's over!    
     And don't forget the Communist "Progressive" Party leaders, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi!           Just sayin'.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


     When "King" Barack Obama and his Dept. of Justice thug, "Prince" Eric Holder, put their heads together  to ignore the Constitution that Governs our Land. It seems they're either confused, or thumbing their noses at us when it comes to meting out punishment and justice to terrorists and criminal offenders in their methods.
     To Terrorist Americans who are taking a path of destruction, instead of capturing them and putting them through the legal system they're entitled to, they simply kill them and any people around them with Deadly Drones wherever they may be on the Globe. Many innocent bystanders are also killed. ( Drone explosives don't discriminate!)
     But when it comes to a captured Terrorist who has obviously committed countless killings in plain sight of Americans on our own soil and elsewhere in other parts of the World on behalf of "Al Qaida", they insist on giving them the opportunity to defend themselves totally with the help of the taxpayer's expense as though they are criminals instead of  Terrorists.
     In that circumstance, they spend millions of dollars allowing their appointed lawyers to make a circus of our Justice system. Also after they have read them their rights, (Which they aren't entitled to in the first place, because it's an act of war!) they are told they have the right to stay silent, which they immediately do.
     This then, eliminates the process of Military investigation and questioning where they might have answered or confirmed many details and inquires that would aid our defense of our Country. Get the drift??
    You might find this alarming, but Barack Obama and his Regime are also equipped with the desire and cold blooded capabilities of killers if the situation requires it. Narcissism is just one of those characteristics most of us don't have or want.  Just sayin'.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


     In Bill O'Reilly's interview with Geraldo Rivera yesterday, Geraldo, (The wannabe Hero) lost his cool and exposed himself as the "True Marxist" that he is. He became so enraged in his uncontrolled blast at Bill O'Reilly's prior interview with King Barack, he unwittingly referred to Barack as "His Majesty" SERIOUSLY!!
     He went on a ranting rave about how Bill had treated his "Majesty" with disrespect in reference to his method of interview. ( I'd be surprised if it was the first time he "Exposed" himself! )
     It was then I realized just how dedicated Geraldo is to the "Communistic" Agenda on the "Alternative Normal" Left.
     Knowing he had revealed himself as he really and truly is, He then tried to refer to himself as a "Lover" of Fox News and O'Reilly's 'The Spin Stops Here'.
     But it was too late, because as his ranting had gone on up to that point, the cat was out of the bag. However, he mistakenly revealed two important things while doing so: The first is, It was made clear his true purpose of leaving his position on his previous Socialist post with another station, was deliberate and planned.(Even though he was officially 'let go'.)
     The second reason is; It became glaringly clear as to how 'brainwashed attached' he is to the Barack Obama hidden Agenda. As far as this writer is concerned, he is far more attached to them than was normally expected when he signed on with Fox News.
     Considering himself as a spokesman for Civil Rights, (He's half Jewish and half Hispanic.) it's clear that he is wanting to position himself as a future leader of the Hispanic Community once they get amnesty and are allowed to vote.
     Surely he has aspirations of involving himself in future politics even more than now. He can smell the money!
     It's going to be interesting to watch his next move, especially if Fox News has the common sense to fire him. It's going to be interesting to see what happens next. Just sayin'.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


       Fare thee well good friend and nurse
       Your friendship we will savor
       We're honored to have been you friends
       We'll miss your caring labor
       At a time when things were tough
       Your oldest daughter dying
       We all shared your grief with you
       As you just sat there crying

       You said you wished to be with her
       You told God to take you
       It seems now he heard your prayer
       Your husband couldn't wake you

       Sometime in early morning hours 
       The hill was just too steep
       You have joined your daughter now
       In everlasting sleep.

       He surely knows how hard you worked
       When nursing others' aching
       So he's prepared a place for you
       to stop your heart from breaking

       So be at peace, and thank you, Barb
       We share your loss with others
       Children know how hard it is
       To lose their Dads and Mothers
       God bless and keep you well forever, Barbara Martz.
       From Marilyn and George Mc Naughton.


     President Obama established a "red line" that he quickly abandoned when it was crossed by Iran while continuing it's threats towards Israel. He simply "Cut and ran"!
     Never before has a "Red Line" been as portable as his!
     Do you remember our Military and Patriotic motto for the U.S flag; "These colors don't run!"? It all fits in with his overall behavior when it comes to Obama's lack of loyalties to America and it's faithful Allies.
     It's truly bizarre and surreal but factual.
     'People of doubt' as to the suspected intentions of this man, must surely be starting to see what has been happening to this country and what he has in mind for us by now. At least some of us have, and are realizing the consequences of what we're going to have left if he continues to get his way.
     Every move he and his group of Chicago trained thugs makes, only leads to confusion upon confusion. In fact there hasn't been anything this group has done that complies with the 'normal' way of doing things ever since the election in 2008.
     The secrecy, and the perverted loyalties by people under his direction is astounding and unbelievable, almost down to the last person, and their seems to be no way the Constitution can be enforced to make them comply. They all continue to plead the 5th Amendment afforded to them by the very Documents they otherwise totally disrespect. Ironic, isn't it?
     So I ask, why should we honor them that protection, when they don't respect where it comes from in the first place? After all, they are totally disregarding any other aspect of it anyway!
     Hearing after hearing, challenge after challenge, and violation after violation, all are receiving deaf ears by the corrupted Supreme Court of the United States of America. (who at the moment, would rather sit on their hands when it comes to the Constitution!)
     They apparently have found a 'chink in the armor' of our Constitutional system that most of us common folks were naively unaware or unsuspecting of.
     In Obama's brag he has made several times recently, stating he taught the Constitutional System for ten years, I'm sure he did it for the purpose of tearing it apart, rather than to believe in it and follow it's purpose for which it was intended. Then carefully dissecting it one law at a time, along with the monetary system, the moral aspects of our Society and the confidence we once had in it's strength.
     It appears to me now, that whatever they have in mind, they have been planning on for a long period of time, and the downturn in the recession due to the lack of productive jobs resulting in the collapse of our Nations economy, was the opportune time to enact the "Perfect Storm" of political chaos that has, and is taking place. So wake up, America! As they used to say in the telegraph business; "Only send the message at the speed you receive it". Just sayin'.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


     Am I there yet? I don't think so! It's a pity that you and I as viewers and readers have to sit back and listen to the Politicians on the left, Hollywood and the Obama Administration point the finger at the Republicans and the rest of us in the Country as though they're not to blame, but we are!!
     No, we aren't! If you really want to think back, during the days of Bill Clinton, when security leaks and Military Secrets were flowing out of the Clinton Administration as though they were placed up for auction to the highest bidder on the Black market, you'll realize the World's Leaders and Super International Billionaires were summoned to Washington State along with some of our own home-grown Billionaires such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.
     It was a time when China and North Korea along with other third World Countries were having a ball sneaking secrets out of the Department of Energy while the Secretary of Energy, Bill Richardson was "Out of the Country on official business" somewhere else.
     It was also when an immune Korean Ambassador diplomat by the name of  Lee at the United Nations was caught slipping extremely sensitive nuclear weapons secrets out of the Department of Energy and released and sent back to Korea without consequence. He was ordered not to return.
     Surely most of you are old enough to remember that!
     I believe the meeting was one of the largest gatherings of Modern World Industrialist leaders ever gathered in the history of the business world. It was a meeting to decide on the forming of the "World Trade Agreement".
     As a result of the signing of that agreement, those World Industrialists and International Profiteers began the biggest mass exodus of jobs out of this country unequalled by any other time in history!
     Soon after, the job shortage in America began, and China quickly arrived on the Industrial map. ( Along with there rotten garment thread, and light bulbs that never lasted more than two months ever since!)
     It was the one time, (It's a rarity) that the Anarchists were rioting against that Agreement being signed, and they were right for a change. But it was to no avail.
     But let's get to the main reason I brought this history up! With the economy going for a dump towards the end of the George W. Bush Administration, and due to the great "Industrial recession" caused by the Exodus of jobs, Up pops a mysterious "Know it all" man who had all the answers. The magical, masterful speaker of all time, Barack Hussein Obama.
     A Protective set of regulations to guard the welfare of our workers by our Gov't was non-existent, at that time, and guess what; it still is!
     In the five years that the "Progressives" and Barack Obama have had Complete control for two of the first two years, and two thirds of the Senate for 3 yrs., they were so busy ramming the "Progressive" (Communist) agenda down our throats, they made absolutely no attempt to prevent those raw materials and productive jobs from leaving this Country. No increase in tariffs on leaving or coming into our once productive Nation. No regulation increases whatsoever to correct the outflow that had so sadly deserted our true work force, the people they now refer to as 'The Teabag Party". An insult that would make our Founding fathers turn over in their graves and to the proud workforce of people who were left abandoned by their jobs. The heart of the workforce who objected to their in-action, "The (proud) TEA PARTY OF AMERICA"!
     The flow of raw materials that leave this Country to be processed somewhere outside of it, still steadily flows, when through proper regulation on behalf of the common people instead of the International Billionaires who pay no U.S. taxes and have no reason for loyalty to this America, it could be corrected.
     Why, you might ask?? Well, the only reason that would appear devious but none-the-less sincere in their eyes, would be the eventual graduation of all developmental and Industrial power to a Central World Gov't in the planning of the United Nation and others including China , Iran, North Korea and all the oil-rich Arab States. And at the head of it all, a Central Dictatorial Gov't called "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" with a promise to Barack Obama of the new President.
     All you have to do is look back at the beginning of this mysterious man's political upbringing and it will become glaringly clear to you. We're simply a number in the eyes of the most Narcissistic, grinning man in the world today, Barack Hussein (the King) Obama.
     And all he and his Regime of thugs have to do to cover their butts? Just keep accusing the opposition of Inequality, Racial Bigotry, Religious bigotry, Hateful Whites, Tea Baggers and being ignorant of the facts. It's a cover for the real reason they're taking our beautiful America down. Their followers are naïve enough to think there's something exceptionally good waiting for them in return, when all it's going to be is just another hash tag! (#).      Just sayin'.


     Are we deaf? Are we blind? Are we Stupid? Are we all of the above? Well, only the way we handle a group that has long ago gone from a non-political group to protect all nations from the purge of Naziism and Totalitarianism back to that way of life, are we  going to know what we truly are!!
     Considering what these Nations gathered together for after World war 2, and what they represent now including the re-establishment of the World to Totalitarianism by way of a "New World Order" with Barack Obama at the Helm, (And he already thinks he is now!) they have become the exact opposite of what they came together for in the first place!
     Can anyone point out to me where they have done anything lately to aid the Democracy of this Country here? Or for that matter, Democracy anywhere else in the World? Anybody? Come on, now! THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING!!!
     It appears to me, and to a lot of other bloggers and readers here in America, that all these other members of the U.N. are solidly behind Barack Obama in his attempt to take this Country down. And when I say down, I mean to the point where there will be nothing left but the "shell from the nuts" that they are striving to accomplish!
     Wake up, America! Why on earth are we tolerating this taking place in this country, and on property we provided for them to exercise this dastardly chore?
     They're no longer of any use to us, but to the contrary, and we're continuing to allow them to come and go at will under diplomatic immunity in our country just to undermine the very principles this country was built on in the first place.
     What does the U.N. consist of anyway? As one retired U.S. General said, "I wonder who dislikes us the most; the ones where we kicked their ass, or the ones where we saved them??"
     It seems the whole of Europe looks on us as their enemy, regardless of the deeds we did around the globe, anyway. So what's the point???
     Even Barack Hussein Obama speaks to us in generalities that are unbecoming of a U.S. President who often says "I" instead of "We" when referring to Worldly affairs and the "New Direction" "He" would like to take this Country! Even when he is so thoughtful to say "We", he's doing it in a sense that represents only his Communist backers that got him there.
     Don't you think it's time our Leaders started the eviction process of these despicable, phony "do-gooders" for no one but themselves?  Well I think so, along with a lot of others!
     But it can't be done until we "Take the bull by the horns" and get our 'Republic' back out of the hands of these "enemies within" our borders.
     It's beyond 'Just a joke' now. If the European Union wants to convert our American system to their liking, they should at least be forced to express it from their own soil, instead of living in diplomatic immunity and high on the hog at mostly our expense. At least let them perform their nastiness from their own Countries instead of ours.
     Kick their asses out and tell them, "You're on your own, Jack!!"  Otherwise they're going to sponge off the Taxpayer's dollars and land until we do. We need them about as much as we need another shipment of China's air pollution, and whether some of you know it or not, we already have plenty of it that the EPA isn't telling us about. Just sayin'.

Monday, February 3, 2014


     Researchers are discovering more and more about Barack Hussein Obama. He's turning out to be an even bigger fake than I portrayed him as. And with it comes a sigh of relief for me because, I knew it in my heart right from the time I laid eyes on him, and said it in my writings.
     It's being found that he has done everything possible to hide any information about his past as he could, but now someone else besides me is bringing it out through even more thorough research.
     Researchers nation wide are filling in the blanks, and there's loads of them.
     Research shows that his high priced lawyers have spent 1.4 million dollars doing their darndest to delete any and all facts that he and his bunch don't want us to know. There are documents that, as the President, every citizen should be entitled access to. Why on earth would he want to cover it up in the first place, if he had nothing to hide, why?
     He has sealed records and erased facts about his past that can no longer be found on the internet that just 2 years ago, were there in plain sight to read. I know, because I personally read them too.
     He's not the only one to accomplish that, because I found that information on his infamous backer, George Soros, exposing him and his father as collaborators with the Nazis against the Jews prior to World War two in Hungary where he was born and raised, has been removed from the internet as well. They since changed their Names from Shwartz to Soros after their treacherous deeds. Soros is a major contributor to Obama's cause.
     So as history goes on, it is being erased or changed to suit the needs of the Perpetrators.
     Obama has hidden records of his Citizenship and birth.
     What is Obama trying to hide and why? E.G.; his record of attending Punahou School in Hawaii no longer will reveal records of him. He would have had to produce a birth certificate. His attendance at Occidental College has been blocked from viewing, according to Gary Kreep, an Attorney filing suit for access to his Occidental College information. It's believed he went there on a foreign exchange scholarship under the name of 'Barry Soetoro', as I've pointed out several times in other blogs.
     If he was born in Hawaii, he wouldn't have qualified for the foreign exchange money. So he had to produce a foreign Birth Certificate.
     Also, three fingerprint experts have confirmed the Hawaiian birth certificate his lawyers produced, was obviously a fake. 49 lawsuits have been filed and some have reached the Supreme Court only to be refused for viewing. (Of course we know what influence Obama already has over the Supreme Court, don't we?)
     There also are questions about how his education was paid for at Harvard University, since Michelle claims it was paid for by student loans, but no evidence of that can be found either. They have denied access to the Chicago times for his records there. That's normally Public information.
     Khalid Al-Mansour, advisor to Saudi Prince Al Walid Bin Talah told Manhattan Borough President Sutton, he was raising money for Obama's tuition, and a Foreign source paid for it.
     That's interesting, because Al Walid Bin Talah is the largest contributor to CAIR, a Muslim group the U.S. Government declared an unindicted Co-conspirator in a Terrorist financing trial in 2007 before Obama became President.
     Al Monsour's admission opens the door to speculation Obama was being financed in preparation  for future posts in which he would eventually be able to help them in return.
     Now there's the current issue of Obama supplying arms to the Rebels in Syria, Libya and Egypt, under the pretense he is supporting the Rebels 'Democratic' cause. (That's a laugh, because !/3 to 1/2 of them are "Al Qaida" fighters wanting to impose Shariah Law once they win. Egypt was a shining example of that!)
     Everything points to a Co-ordinated effort by a group of individuals with an Agenda they had chosen for Barack Obama to lead, and is leading even now.
     It was discovered recently that upon examination of his Selective Serrvices Card, (Required Draft Registration) it had been doctored. Federal law requires all American males to comply. Stephen Coffman, a former high ranking Federal Agent, found it it was not submitted when he was required to in the early 1980's,as he should have, but done on a 2008 altered form his lawyers didn't take notice the form date in small print. That is a fraud and a felony! The earlier 1980 date was while Barack Obama was thousands of miles away, attending Occidental College, Los Angeles.
     It's appearing consistently that all of his documents from the past that would show he was a foreign student, such as a foreign birth certificate, Selective Service Registration, school applications etc. would be contradictory to his qualifying to run for the Presidency of the United States of America.
     As another independent report said; "Its' not a coincidence, that every document which contains information about his birth or citizenship is either missing, sealed or has been altered".
     There has been a far more coordinated process to conceal or hide evidence from the past about this mysterious man than anyone standing on the sidelines would ever imagine or expect, and it has been in the planning far longer than we would normally imagine.
     Obama's Social Security number is no less strange and perplexing. It seems he has been using several different Soc. Sec. #'s to suit his situation at other times. In many different lawsuits filed by attorney Orly Taitz contesting his eligibility for President on behalf of military officers refusing to serve under an ineligible President, private Investigator Neil Sankey was hired to look into Obama's prior addresses and Social Security #'s. Through the use of Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Checkpoint and various public records, he found several Soc. Sec. #'s connected with Obama's name.
     Many of the Soc. Sec. #'s can be verified as related to him because at the time they were used, Obama lived at those particular addresses.
     In Obama's home State of Illinois, Sankey found 16 addresses Obama was known to live at. Addresses '042 up to 364.
    There are 6 different addresses for him in California where he attended Occidental College while he was there in handy proximity of  Occidental College. There are3 Soc. Sec. #'s associated with the numbers, 2 beginning with addresses 999 and one to 537.
     In Jackson, N.J., one address connected to him with a Soc. Sec. # starting with 485.
     In Harvard Law school, Massachusetts, Three addresses all with the # 042.
     He moved into an apt. at 300 Massachusetts Av. N.W. under a Soc. Sec. #042 as well. Then 3 years later, he moved into another address; 713 Hart Senate office building, his Senate office. Once again under a different Soc. Sec. #282. The year was 2008, also the year he was elected to the Presidency of the United States of America.
     The mystery grows even Stranger as the numbers grew in dozens of other States. The numbers on record go on and on.
     I have no reason to doubt the information provided by this independent writer. In his latest topic he mentions the Social Security #042. that Barack used when he was fifteen or sixteen and living in Hawaii at that particular time.
     The story about his younger years came to me in my research three years ago from the internet and also can't be found there today. Strangely though, the story I read between the time I read it and the time the researchers found nothing, fits in quite comfortably with the previous writer.
     Barack Hussein Obama was raised mostly by his Grandparents but his very early years were spent jointly between his mother and his South Africa,Southeast Asia, but mainly Indonesia.
     His Grandparents mainly took charge of his upbringing while his mother was often away. She did meet Barack Obama Sr. while in college in Hawaii. There she became pregnant, but before his birth she moved to Indonesia with her Parents who were working at a hospital where her father was a Doctor and Philanthropist. Although from America originally, they seemed to feel they fit in better where they performed their teaching and philanthropy work. (Usually people do things like that when they don't agree with the American way to begin with.)
     Judging by the previous writer and associates' research, Barack's mother's living was made somewhat on the frivolous side which kept her away from home often.
they enrolled Barack in a Muslim School in Indonesia where he spent eight years learning and becoming a believer in Islam.
     Upon discovering Barack's father was a drunk, a bigamist and had several wives and children already, she divorced barack's father and remarried to a man named Soetoro. He was adopted by this man and his name was changed to 'Barry Soetoro'. After another 8 years, his mother also divorced his Stepfather and Barack Stayed once again with his Grandparents. That would fit in at the point where he was using a Soc' Sec' # 042.
     Barack Obama Sr. sometime along the way, was drunk and died when he drove into a tree in South Africa.
     Circa the age of 18, Barack Obama applied for and received 3 different passports, for each of which, he produced a birth certificate stating he was born in Kenya, South Africa. He received those passports to Britain, Indonesia and Pakistan. Since Pakistan at the time was under a no-entry order to Pakistan by the United States, he couldn't have possibly produced an American born Birth Certificate and received entry to Pakistan. (Remember, Osama Bin Laden Established his infamous "Al Qaida" training camp in Peshawar Province, Pakistan,. in 1981.  ( Coincidence? Maybe!)
     Now back to the previous writer's research;
     The lack of documents about Barack Obama's past, his mother and Grandparents past, their birth certificates, their marriage licenses and their exact whereabouts while they were alive, are found to be non-existent.
     Also Barack's boast about his Grandfather's Military career in the United States  cannot be found either. Not a sign of it!
     In other research, it has also been found that people who use several Social Security numbers, are very heavily prone to committing fraud of all sorts, including voting situations and money laundering.
     If you think about this devious, mysterious man, everything he has done or purposefully hasn't done, leaves him open to having committed something illegal. It's only his position he's in, that allows him and his cronies to be able to change anything they want, and by ignoring the Constitution, there seems to be no one to stop him or his Regime. Just sayin'.