When will they? Try as they might, through the Centuries, others have tried to exceed Democracy with something other than what it is, and time after time, and Century after Century, they fail miserably in their attempt to have something other than what "Democracy" does for us that "Brings home the Bacon". There's that constant deception, that there must be an easier way of doing that, than having to work for it! The short-cut to achieving wealth and comfort at the expense of somebody else's toil.
It's an Ideology promoted by people who look at the working man and woman as 'stupid' for not looking for a "better way" than going to work every day. It's also a product of what I call "The Line of Least Resistance" (I speak of it often in my blogs.)
It seldom works if ever, but they're forever going to keep trying it, as the precious years on Earth keep sauntering on by.
But those are the same people running our affairs in this Country right now, and instead of recognizing our success as the way for others to achieve it by following suit in their own countries and uplifting the standard of living there, it's easier to continue their system and graduate ours down to the level of theirs. But they gotta' get what we earned first!
And who did they appoint to that chore? An Un-American man who presently sits as the President of the United States of America. How? By taking from the "Productive" People and giving it to the Non-productive Poor of the rest of the World. Then "Equality" will prevail.
How successful is he at doing that? Well look at it this way; All he has had to do is, convince enough poor people if they support him long enough, he'll take it from us and give it to them. (And there's plenty of "poor" people to go around right now, don't ya' think?) He's just gotta' Qualify them to vote!!
As Margaret Thatcher once said; "Socialism works just fine, until you run out of other people's money!" Remember that?? Just sayin'.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
When you realize the money that finally reaches actual Charitable means only amounts up to 10% or less of what's collected, you'll then wonder what happens to the rest of it.
Well, it's amazing to realize that somehow, they manage to spend 90 % of it on Administration costs supposedly connected to the benefit before it ever reaches the reason they're given tax exemption for; College awards and Tuitions.
So when Hillary claims they were 'virtually' broke when they left the office of the Presidency, there really wasn't much virtue in it at all, since every dime they spend in their high falootin' lifestyle is charged to the Foundations expenses that they didn't have to pay a penny's taxes on. Neat, huh???
You see; When they left the White house, their fortune was all attributed to the Foundation so their personal worth, WAS probably nothing!
If you take into consideration all the money they've been paid for speeches recently at 3 to 5 hundred thousand per speech, plus all the huge donations from the Arab Countries who are normally considered part of our 'forever and a day' enemies including Iran, they have received billions into their phony Foundation. They're laughin', folks, really laughin'.
A lot of it was while she was the Secretary of State for 4 years, supposedly on our Taxpayer's dime. Strictly against proper Protocol, and a felony to anyone else! Oh well......., Just sayin'.
Monday, May 25, 2015
But guess what?? The Protestors are protesting because they got the message, "The checks are in the mail" kind of thing. Apparently, no one has the legal authority to pay them! Rumor has it, there's a bankruptcy taking place.
So,.....In order to continue, and they are continuing from Major City to Major City, Who's gonna' foot the bill now?
Somebody's gotta' by gosh! Do any of you happen to be fortunate enough to be paying taxes?
It's kinda' curious, because I understand the employees of the infamous "Acorn" were defunded, so they simply got hired by the Obamacare fund and were recently getting paid to be "experts" in directing applicants in their processing and filling out of Obamacare coverage requests.
You don't suppose they're stuck between a "Rock and a hard spot" in finding the money through a different Agency or whatever, do you??
Otherwise, they might riot and break some more windows!! Oh well!! They're probably gonna' do that, anyway!! Just sayin'.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Well......, stop looking any further, Folks! Hillary IS the "Smoking Gun"!! How much more needs to be re-discovered about her shady antics before you really see this woman for what she is?
Any decent Pastor of any Christian Church, would meet her at the foot of the stairs, and show her the gate going from whence she came. Never mind your overwhelming urge to 'believe' this lady's false rhetoric, as she spins her way along like some ballet dancer with her 'plastic faced' smile on a Broadway stage, because she is an Atheist from the get-go. She has been, and will continue to be.
With the effort of proper research, you will find that Hillary Rodham, (Before she met 'Horny Bill') entered the "Midwest Academy" of Atheism in Chicago, Illinois, and wrote an award winning thesis on the advancement of "Atheism". She advanced to other Liberal Colleges after that.
In case you don't know, the "Midwest Academy" was founded by the Marxist-minded Saul Alinsky in his Godless belief that the World would be farther advanced without religion, than to be restricted by the limits of common decency in Christianity and the "Ten Commandments" contained within them!
So as she continues to mesmerize her crowds with her well practiced speeches, gestures and theatric smiles about how she will bring America back again to prosperity, keep in mind how she has been in lock-step with the Devil's advocate himself, Barack Hussein Obama ever since he arrived at the Presidency.
And also bear in mind that Barack Obama himself, although a decade behind Hillary in so doing, attended the same Saul Alinsky sponsored "Midwest Academy", graduated from, and sat on it's Advisory Board for two years before advancing to Harvard to be a lecturer on how to be critical of the U.S. Bill of Rights and Constitution.
So at least keep reminding yourself as she 'smiles' along in her bid for the most important job in the well being of the future of this great Country; Do you really want her in your home, your personal and financial life and your Christian or Protestant church, posing as something she really isn't?
Is this the best you can come up with as your first woman President? Can't you find someone with a past just a little less tainted than her's? Someone who could speak the truth and still repeat it the following day? Just sayin'.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
When will you realize what this Devil's advocate is doing or not doing?
Well,.....All you have to do is look at what's happened in an 'over-all' sense from the time just before Obama entered the office of the Presidency.
It HAS to become apparent to you that there isn't anything he says or does, that makes any sense.
Based on several premises; "What we don't know, won't hurt us", "what we do find out we won't believe anyway because it will sound too bizarre to be believable", and last but not least, "Divide and conquer", which although deceitful and sinister at times, works very well just the same. He has success in all of those objectives.
I can speak for my own family in that regard, because in regard to today's Politics, he definitely accomplished that division up until now.
I defy any one of you to give me a commonsense explanation for what he says and does from day to day that is consistent from the day before. The only way you could, would be to forget what he told you the day before. E.G.; ISIS is not Islamic! Yet he has, in several calculated instances, seen to it that they are using almost completely American War equipment they have "Captured" or acquired through Al Qaida and the Rebels fighting in Libya, Iraq and Syria. You don't think he 'engineered' that??
It seems "unbelievable" and surreal to think that he, and his whole Administration, along with Iranian Valerie Bowman Jarrett, would be all together in this betrayal, but they are!
Once again, seeing is believing, but if he tells you you're not to believe what you see, like Sheeple, you don't! He's got you right where he wants you! Just another slash of the scimitar oughta' take care of it! Just sayin'.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
I guess I better quit telling people who read my blogs, although I research my information on the Internet, to look for it there if they have doubts about my sources. I say this because, as other researchers have warned me lately, if it pertains to the deviousness of a famous or infamous character or characters on the "Left", the information isn't there anymore.
Just as it has concerning the International Billionaire George Soros. The scary thing about it is; To what lengths the powerful "Left" will go to suppress the information, and where do they get the arm bending power to accomplish it? It's money power of course!!
To actually change the course of history by eliminating certain facts of the past, is eerily similar to the tactics being used by the same people in their everyday Politics. that is; to cause the unwary citizens who are naively trusting, to believe the twisted information as it's currently presented, but minus all the facts.
It's really a sad state of affairs to think the People of this once great Country are being set up for the biggest let-down of their lives.
It's even sadder to know, it's so bizarre and so well planned, they actually don't see the reality of it all through the "Trust me!" façade that the Communists on the Left are screening themselves with.
If they indeed do take control of this Country as planned, and allow the rest of the World to take our last hope for continued Freedom away by means of destroying the Constitution, our last bastion of strength, we will never again in our existing lifetimes, have it again. Along with us, the rest of the Free World will be subdued as well. Just sayin.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
In his speeches, he promised to present the most clairvoyant Gov't in the history of the Country.
Remember that??
To hide his true Agenda of destroying Our Constitution, instead he claimed to be the Champion of knowing our Constitution and lecturing on it at Harvard and other important education facilities. All as though he was going to bring us back to it's original intent.
He did nothing of the sort!
Realize mind you, this plan he has acted out, was not his idea at all! In a very sequestered way, and in lock step with this hidden Agenda that was dreamed up, not even by the Political Party he supposedly represents but stands behind it, but by the Organizations that exist outside the boundaries of the United States itself. ( I understand the property the United Nations sits on grounds, here, was gifted to them for International affairs that include often times, America.) It was originally intended, in America's mind, to bring civilized Countries of the World together to keep it's members "United" in communications in a neutral sense of togetherness.
Instead, it has become a threat both morally and physically to our American way of life as we used to know it.
So put them now, along with the European Union, Russia, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood of the World including ISIS and it's butchering of God loving Christians, and what do you have?? And who has been spending most of America's money and time to bring them all together, since he was elected President in 2008? An un-American Puppet and chameleon from Kenya, named Barry Soetoro, (Alias Barack Hussein Obama!) Let's not forget the International Billionaires who back him for their own greedy purposes.
Be honest about it! did anyone of you Sheeple who voted for him on his Agenda of "Change" have any idea what would develop from his election, and that he and the "Progressive" Party would intentionally ignore the Constitution, except to hide behind the 5th Amendment when caught at their Shenanigans??.......Come on now! Did you?? Just sayin'
Particularly with Howard Kurtz and some of his guests he invites to his show on a frequent basis.
E.G.; While supposed pointing out the mistakes being made on the now notorious, Left and especially Hillary Clinton's bid to be the next President, they correctly point out the errors of her way, but stupidly, suggest what she should do instead, if she wanted to win.
How subversively idiotic is that? Or are they, like Howard Kurtz, really setting up the Conservative base for another let-down when it comes to the 2016 election?? The "wanna' be" Geraldo Rivera has been doing this since he came on the FOX NEWS network, with the appearance on the other hand that he is in opposition to the ideology and mis-intentions on the Left.
It brings to mind the question, "Who's side are they really and truly on, here??" At least it's certainly MY question, right now!
We criticize Obama's tactics of signaling to the Radical Muslims Terrorists, as to what our next moves are in order to combat them as he speaks his phony "converted to Christian " rhetoric to the unsuspecting Sheeple of this Country. Is this the same underhanded thing happening at FOX NEWS to make their employer think they're against the Atheistic Ideology of the Left but at the same time be for it??
Are Obama's failure after failures as the United States President, really mistakes? Or one intentional deception after the other? Having researched and followed this man since his entry to the U.S., I must say I'm convinced it's the latter.
Since the earnest intentions of FOX NEWS are to bring us ALL of the truth, which I'm sure they are attempting to do, are they letting some obvious misgivings slip through the cracks with these serious, 'accidental' signals that the 'Left' are benefiting by in their desperate fight for survival?
Should we be giving them corrective guidance in that regard??? Just sayin'.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
I miss you, Son. I wish you well! I look forward to someday seeing you, your brother Allan and Your Grandma Ella Jean should I be fortunate enough to come your way! The loss of you comes to me like a ton of bricks and I grieve at what the both of you never got to enjoy in life as you should have. God bless and keep you in the ranks of the Angels he needs so badly right now.
I go to bed often with the memory of when I was raising you alone in Revelstoke ,B.C. and the two of you would pitter patter from your bed to mine in the middle of each night, without fail. I smile myself to sleep with that beautiful snuggle-up memory!
Just prayin'.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Otherwise, you're playing right into the hands of the "Left wing Conspirators", because their main ploy in the first place is to create a defeated attitude in the hearts of the Sheeple. They LOVE it!!!
If you look at the "End of days" as a good thing, fine. Somehow I don't, because personally, I feel there's still too much to be done, and can be! (Just my own perceptive, of course.)
If it isn't a "Good thing", then we should at least go down by fighting back against the forces that could lead to us being there!
Right now, I think most of you agree; Those evil forces are the same people who, by hook or by crook, are attempting to take us away from our belief in God and the "American Way" right at this very moment.
Iran is the Chief Conspirator at this point, in their quest for Nuclear dominance. (Not a Good idea!)
Have you stood back and had a good look at ISIS and the sympathetic relationship with the leader of our Country lately??
If we're depending on God to take up the fight against the evil we're faced with today, I believe he'd want us to defend the 'right' he intended for all of us to have! It's called "Religious Freedom".
Just sayin'.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
I keep them there lest I forget the reason I enjoy them both, for what they represent to me; I proudly stand with feet on both sides of the International border.!! I am one of those unique people who can proudly claim Citizenship to both Countries. How neat is that?
After all, how many come from a family who had relatives and siblings who fought in 4 major International wars, and on behalf of the endangered Democratic freedom of other countries who lived according to the true Democratic process in the regions which they lived?
Then sadly, having fought on behalf of the Canadians and the Americans, were and are treated with disdain in both Countries. Even more sadly, by the 'defective' and "Alternative Normal" citizens who were then allowed the privilege to assert themselves into power so they could crap on them even more.
Today I drove up to my house and as I stopped, I noticed the American flag, which was more exposed to the wind than the Canadian one.
As I pondered for a few moments, looking at the "Stars and Stripes", I couldn't help but notice how faded the stars had become. The first thought was to hurry and replace it. The more I stared at it though, it came to me that it didn't only represent the proud history of our nation, but ironically was, with the tattered-ness of it all, accurately portraying the abuse and beating up of our Country it is getting from "The Enemy Within".
It's a sickening thought to know, when you send your kids to the Public Schools to be faced with the philosophy set forth to exclude the very thing that made us Independent and safe: The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution is replaced with the cowardly 'Alternative' they intend to bestow upon us!; The desecration of our "STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER" Just sayin'.
Friday, May 1, 2015
That's just what we all need right now, is a Black journalist deliberately throwing more wood on the fire! Especially with everything happening with the death of that truly earned monicker for Freddie Gray! After reading his rap sheet from the past, he can hardly be considered a Martyr or a Saint, now could he??
18 prior drug related arrests that range from selling to being in possession of such. What else did this guy do in his spare time?? Seems to me, "Thug" fits his description to the "T", and not the "N" as the Journalist would like to imply.
Since we all know by now, whenever a non-Athletic major public event takes place where there's bound to be drugs involved, such as a pre-arranged, destructive riot, or a guitar smashing, stage burning display by a band such as Nervana, drug pushers are always the precursor to, and during those events. Mostly though, to get the crowd all hyped up to the "max" for the main event!
So in all fairness, when you consider that the "Community Organizers" ("Thugs") leading the riot affair are out there having already been inspired by "Community Organizer" and professed Drug pusher turned FBI informer and tax-evader Al Sharpton ("Thug") spurring on the affair, wouldn't you say to yourself; "There's something "Fishy" here!!"
Ask yourself; How many drug pushers (Thugs) were arrested the day the riot really got started? How many Correspondents covering the whole mess reported the drugs being freely passed around and taken by the Drug-pushing "Thugs" inspiring the event? Did I miss the word "Drugs" being mentioned by anyone at all in the Press? Did you?? (Drugs rhymes with "Thugs")
And did you happen to notice the Mayor of Baltimore being personally protected from the Press by the afore-mentioned, former Drug-pushing Al Sharpton ("Thug") who was making sure no one could have access to the Mayor, (An elected Public Official) who instead should have been surrounded by the Chief of Police and duly appointed body guards?
Or was the former "Thug" Al Sharpton appointed by the President himself, who is formerly from the "Thug City" of Chicago along with his "Thugs" he appointed to his Administration?
Well......, Lets wait 'til the lid really blows off to see!!
And there's lots of White "Thugs" in his Administration to go around too!!
No! the term "Thug" is by no means only connected to the "N" word. Just sayin'.
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