Sunday, June 21, 2015
He's been stirring up the unrest starting from the day he won the first election. Along with the Alternative Abnormals, he has agitated up the Wierdos as well. Until then, his motive for "A Change in Direction" was disguised with the notion that he was going to improve the progress we were making, by implying he was going to take 'The American Way' and speed up the tremendous improvement we had strived for as a Whole country of humans since our War of Independence in 1776.
After all, he boasted he had his expertise in supposedly studying the U.S. Constitution, lecturing on it in totally Leftist circles at Harvard, and parading as though he was going to improve on it. Instead, he did the exact opposite!
Now that we have researched his past, and depending on what different story he wants to tell us about it on any given day, his true past was that of a student named 'Barry Soetoro" who entered the United States circa 1983 from Kenya.
In Producing two different Birth certificates at two different times, his deception as to who and what he was, began way back then.
The real indications are, through several investigations, he enrolled in Communist/Atheist Saul Alinsky's founded "Midwest Academy of Atheism" in Chicago. There, he received his Courses on Atheism and "Community Organizing" and sat for two years on it's Board of Trustees before moving on to Harvard.
This took place a decade after Hillary Clinton had taken the same course, and received a Merit of Achievement Award for writing a thesis on the Atheistic Agenda.
As I understand it, no positive proof is found that he actually attended classes at Harvard when he lectured on the U.S. Constitution there.
As it turns out, his Modus Operandi appears to be, to focus on what he thought to be the weaknesses and negativity of it.
Becoming President, he immediately sought out his large band of Anti-American cohorts who had all been "urinating in the same stinky toilet", so to speak, with him.
I know a lot of people are onto this guy, but I'm really amazed how, time after time, his dedicated followers are being led faithfully like the lambs to slaughter.
And time after time, although he's clearly the Devil's advocate, they watch this pandemonium in the USA take place with him blaming everyone else but himself
In this time of desperate need of honesty, he and his T.V. representatives continue to prove how stupid his followers still are.
Of course, there's a lot of people out there who are standing by silently as this lying fake of a human goes on with the spinning of his treacherous web.
Shame on his Representatives for continuing to mislead the American people along with him. FOX NEWS is the only honest Cable station of the works, if you really want to learn the truth about this man and his devoted thugs.
Shame on the silent Sams and Samanthas who are dumb enough to think things are going to get better. Hillary Clinton's rhetoric couldn't be more false in her attempt to seal our fate as a leading nation once she gets in. Just sayin'.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
I can hardly wait for this nightmare to be over!! To recount the horrors of those last 7 years brought on our great Country by a Foreigner from Kenya is almost too much to believe.
With Obama's leaving, it's gonna' be comparable to 'cutting the head off the snake', so to speak, but appropriate as well. Never before in history have we had to suffer through the greatest assault on our Constitution since it's drafting circa 1779.
The surreal Conspiracy that has been laid upon us by the U.N., The European Union and the Muslim Nations, all in unison although for different reasons, was so well disguised by lies, pseudo Church goers praising God, but not believing in him for a 'New York minute', and the now real, "Trilateral Commission" they formed in Europe that was so difficult to recognize, they almost got away with it!. In fact, it was so well planned and executed, no average, unwary 'Joe' could connect the dots to finally recognize that the Organized confusion was really meant to be just that!
Who do I point out to be the REAL culprits?? A conglomerate of Atheist based International Billionaires intent on wrecking our system of Government down to a third World, defenseless Nation that would be the final step in their dream of establishing a "NEW WORLD ORDER" under the command of The prior mentioned, "Trilateral Commission".
Their mission would result in success, but only with the taking down of the one Country that has been a bastion of Freedom for 250 years, "The United States of America", The one Country that has unthankfully but under the good guidance of our Bill of Rights and Freedom saving Constitution, saved other Allied Countries from Atheistic Tyranny.
When I say, 'unthankfully' it brings to mind the words of a Retired 4 star General who coined the question; "I wonder who hates us the most? The ones where we kicked their asses, or the ones where we saved them?? Because it doesn't seem to matter. They have a bone to pick with us anyway!"
My greatest hope is; No one involved in the treacherous betrayal of our nation, from Pseudo Preachers, the lying President and anyone else who bears their bumper stickers on their cars, escapes the due punishment of committing Treason.
GO GET 'EM, DONALD!! Just sayin.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Circa 1973, Henry Kissinger, always prominent in U.S. and Worldly politics, became involved with, and in fact, helped other Worldly figures come up with the idea of a "Trilateral Commission". Goal; True Communism! Jimmy Carter was also part of the Conspiracy and just a few years later, in 1976, became President. (There's a hypocrite for you, in the respect he paraded as an ordained Minister.)
The idea was born that would totally revolutionize an ambition by International Billionaires, regardless of native origin, to bring the modern World together as one centrally controlled business Organization, spearheaded by the group with the idea of a Central World Government called "The New World Order".
An author named Edward Klein researched this notion and followed it to it's conclusion, that would also include the U.S. Billionaires from the United States to be involved. (George Soros, an International Billionaire chased from three prior 3rd World countries after bankrupting their systems, now lives here and supports Barack financially. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, both International Billionaires, support Barack Omama financially!)
It's not widely recognized or deliberately made known to the General Populace of the World, most likely because it is so extreme in it's intentions, that those same people would like to keep the idea under wraps until the plan is executed to the point, we as the peons might not like the results of it prematurely to being implemented, and cause waves in it happening. ( They all parade as Church-goers believing in God as a cover, it seems.)
But first, those involved realized the thought of this materializing would need to take decades to
accomplish. It has!
They would have to slowly change the past history of this Country as it was yesterday, to the history we will read now and about tomorrow. The school Teacher's Union is involved in changing the school curriculum in the class rooms as we write and read! (Have you checked your kids homework lately to see what's being taught?)
They would have to defeat any obstacles that would prevent their plan from happening.
Those are:
(1) Capitalism. which breeds competition in Industry, resulting in 'a better price' for the general consumers, due to more than one company monopolizing any certain Industry.(Only one Corporation would dominate one Industry.)
(2) Christianity or any similar group of people believing in, and following the teachings of a Supreme Being and the rules that were set forth by such mandates as "The Ten Commandments."
(3) The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
They will scrap them all if we let them!
What are they intending to do to your dreams from Yesteryear?? Well....., read on!
() Reduce the standard of living in the North American Continent to bare, essential needs by restricting their ability to increase personal income. (This Country is despised by most of the rest of the world for our ability to work as hard as we want, to achieve the level of living we would be satisfied with, as we were 7 years ago.) As a legal Citizen, what has our Leadership done to bolster your monetary ambitions lately??
(2) Bolster the strength of the Anti-Christ population by changing the laws of the land to protect and encourage the Atheists, Narcissists, Muslims, Homosexuals, Bisexuals and all their weird friends from incrimination.
(3) Eliminate the Constitution and it's friendly attachments that made us what we were 7 years ago; a Nation of modern Industry, Immigrants all included in a "Gov't of the People, By the People, and For the People."
(4) Who's the man the "Trilateral Commission" put forth to do this mammoth job?? Well, you can call him either "Barry Soetoro" from Kenya, or "Barack Hussein Obama" from Hawaii.
(5) Who was his Secretary of State for 4 years during his first term? Hillary Clinton who fell in "lock, stock and barrel" with his "Different Direction" and instead of concerning herself with the Country'saffairs, used her power to fill the coffers of the 'Clinton Foundation' through illegal donations from our "Axis of Evil" enemies to the Foundation? (It's now worth 2 plus billion dollars)
(6) Who's the man to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State for the remainder of Obama's term? John Kerry, Husband of the International Billionairess owner of "Heines" Ketchup.
Need I say more?? NO!! But I will!
Haven't you noticed Barack's constant visits to the U.N.and the European Union? (Already members of "the Trilateral Commission"?) Our Secretary of State, John Kerry heads to confer with them on a continual basis when there's a crisis in the World and in the U.S. as well! When's the last time he conferred with Congress when there's a problem? Never?
George H. Bush was also named in Edward Klein's book as one of the earlier King-pins in the formation of "The Trilateral Commission" in the earlier 70's.
Bill Clinton just happens to be the "Adopted son" (HAHA!) of George H. Bush.
What's in it for Barack Obama and his Entourage?? President of the "New World Order"!
As Americans, do you really want to take a chance on another Bush in the White House?? Really?? Just sayin'
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
And they know it! What's more amazing, they are there to see to it the American People who hired them in the first place, want only one ultimate thing; to see to it the laws of this Country are abided by in accordance with the way they were meant to be written and enacted.
In so doing, we expect them to see the laws precisely as the Founding Fathers laboriously constructed them.
There's nothing difficult about reading and understanding them, since those laws were written in a manner that if all a person could do is barely read, they could understand it. In fact, at the time the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution were produced by those amazing people with such keen foresight for the future, they considered the average learning of the American person's ability to read and understand it at the time. (Their command of English was poor.)
They're there for the Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People" to follow through on, as well.
The President however, has managed in his own Dictatorial way, to place himself above and beyond anything the Constitution stands for. Although he hasn't declared Martial Law officially, he proceeds as though he has!!
In his latest excuse for not abiding by the advice of the Pentagon in handling the ISIS threat, he said he is still waiting for them to fully present him with a plan.
In response to this, a frustrated top Pentagon responded by saying, "What the $%#& is this??", and stated they have presented plans dozens of times to the President, only to have him not respond!
At what point must the People of this Country decide it's time to take our Country back from this Regime that is clearly not doing it's Constitutional job? Just sayin'.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Hillary speaks in 'clouded' generalities for a reason; she has no specifics with which to justify her claims. It's a typical "Progressive" ploy used by the 'Left' whenever they run for elective positions. Why?? Because they have very few specifics to brag about.
One of the reasons I write the blogs concerning the Progressive/Communist 'Left' is for the benefit of the average Joe, Redneck and unemployed who'd rather be at productive work(And being one, I'm proud to say that in an amiable, positive way!) to understand the importance of the reason they go to the polls, and in earnest, why;
But her false claim that Republicans don't want all Americans to vote is just another flat out lie. To justify that claim, she refers to all residents of North America as 'Americans' to cover her statement. . Illegal Aliens are not referred to as U.S. Citizens nor are they Americans. They are of any other Country they were born in, not of U.S. Citizen parents.
Who, in the U.S. today, was born here, or on other soil to U.S. parents, don't know they are eligible to vote? They know that! They aren't denied it and all they need to do is produce proof of Citizenship to register to vote, just as the rest of us did.
Regardless of Race, Color or Creed, they all know if they get off their haunches, produce proof of Citizenship, they can vote here.
The bigger sin here, is for any Politician who knows better, regardless of Party, to stand before a crowd and spout out an outright LIE in order to gain votes enough to win.
Our Constitutional system allows anybody who wishes to run for Public Office, to do so if they qualify as a U.S. Citizen.
But relentlessly and desperately, they pitifully LIE to gain favor. Even the most ignorant of people are still in possession of common sense when taught how to use it. The biggest sin, is one Party of People flat out lying to get their way. The poorest people I know in the poorest parts of America only have to be taught by good, honest, Constitutional abiding teachers loyal to it, to read and write English, and their common sense will be free to prevail. If the pupil hasn't learned, the teacher hasn't taught. Setting all Politics aside, it's a fact.
So for anyone attempting to achieve success in running for Office, it is a travesty and a betrayal for those who have a genuine interest for the poorest of people, to blame their opposition for something that makes them look like mean spirited and selfish. It is sinful and not someone you would ever want to preside over your well-being so important as President of the United States of America.
Her only reason for acting as though she cares, is not for the sake of someone else's welfare, but to encourage illegal voting to put herself in the Presidency to plunder what's left of this Country's wealth. Her and "Horny Bill" have already done their plundering.
I warn you readers; Do not be fooled by someone as deadly dangerous as this woman is!
Just sayin'.
As the Mafia and other Underworld Crime organizations grew and dominated private businesses in the various major Cities, they developed a "Protection" system a private business was 'required' to pay for on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.
It worked very well for the Gangsters of the day, in the respect that, if you didn't pay the required dues to the strong-arm collectors, you probably received an anonymous phone call at first, and then someone popped in on you once in a while unexpectedly. then strange things would unpleasantly happen to your business in devious and sometimes not so devious ways to remind you that you forgot to pay your 'Protection' bill.
Inevitably, you paid it or else your harassment increased until you either complied or your business was disabled to the point you just gave up and shut down entirely.
It all seemed to center around major Eastern 'Kingpin' Cities such as Chicago, under the thumb of Al Capone and his strong-arm Soldiers and Cronies. Baseball bats were often used as persuaders.
Well....., with the progress of modern technology and the evolution of the Internet, the method of reminders became more defined and less physically deadly, but the shutting down of your business is eerily the same.
Eg: With some major adjustments and differences, such as, the Politics that existed in those days still had a semblance of sincerity in the laws that protected the victims of such "Protectionism".
Today, there doesn't seem to be any protection from the modern day system.
It very well may be a result of outsourcing the marketing of many sales techniques used by Countries other than our own. Laws within our borders do not apply to the operations of companies in other Countries, or so it appears.
Maybe these oddities have been simply over-looked by today's elected Servants of the Gov't "Of the People, By the People and For the People", but somehow, I think monetary "Favors" have more to do with it than anything else.
Anyway, HP (Hewlett-Packard) outsourced their guarantees and warrantees through companies in other Countries, who in turn, have total control over the sales of such. Coincidentally, they have the ability, along with other companies such as Norton, to also take control of your printers and computers alike. To the point where a customer can no longer maintain and technically examine, correct and eliminate viruses with their own expertise. In my case, for instance, I own an HP printer that sit's idle with a notice that I have installed a Print-head that is incompatible or installed improperly. I did nothing to the printer except to install the required cartridges each time I ran out.
With no success, I had a licensed, qualified repair technician attempt to fix it, to no avail, with it continually reporting the same problem.
The fact is, no one installed anything in my HP printer, except the fact I was bombarded with notifications my extended Insurance coverage had ran out and required renewal. This was after I had the HP coverage for 2 years from the day I purchased it and had expired 2 months before.
The very curious thing about this was, when I called Walmart to enquire what I needed to do, and very promptly in return, I was told there was nothing they could do, and to buy a new computer!
That frustrated me, because I had just reloaded my Color and black ink cartridges to the tune of $75.00. So then I called HP support and it was answered by a man from India who represented the Warrantee coverage for HP. besides being the HP technician.
I told him my problem and after asking my permission, took control of my computer to investigate my wireless Printer. He then pointed out to me I needed to renew my Warrantee for $149.99. In reply I said I didn't call him to get a sales pitch, but to correct the problem with my Printer. I also told him I had a qualified, Independent technician try to correct it but to no avail.
His response surprised me by him replying that an Independent Technician could not solve the problem. He then told me I had to renew my Warrantee first and then an HP technician could correct the problem.
After recognizing the " Chicago-Al Capone ploy" they were using to market their Insurance, I demanded that he correct the problem. He hung up!!
In checking on the price of a comparable but different HP printer, I purchased another for $90.00 and ink for an additional $60.00.
I didn't win either way, except to say, I have a brand new Printer with another 2 yr Warrantee for the same price as a one year warrantee for the same price.
What bothers me more than anything else is the fact that I believe they have the ability to disable my printer or computer to the point you have to hire them to un-disable it or buy a new one.
So, as I sit in my living room operating my brand new HP printer getting low on ink now, I just have to glance 3 ft. over to see a perfectly good, 2+ yr. old HP disabled printer with new, but different cartridges that don't fit my new one, and wonder; Isn't there something wrong with this picture??
Don't you see the similarity in the Chicago-style rip-off being used by International Corporations and the same techniques used by the "Chicago trained Thugs" in the White house today? They have us between a rock and a hard spot there too! Just sayin'.
Friday, June 5, 2015
As usual, in an attempt to justify their filthy habits they have so deviously filtered into our once Constitutional lifestyle, including what used to be an acceptable Court system, the Atheists, Communists and Homosexuals are jumping on the Anti-Christian bandwagon to destroy a family who, like any other 'normal' Christian family may have had a member in his early teens, step over the moral line. I refer to the Duggar family.
On Fox and Friends this morning, a perfect example of a hypocrite, Geraldo Rivera went on a tirade in his attempt to virtually crush the current efforts of the family. In his usual over-talking, Leftist way, he absolutely ranted out of control on the efforts of the family who have come forward to discuss the revelations of a personal family problem which involved the oldest son, Josh.
Please understand I do not in any way defend the 14 year old's actions in investigating the opposite sexuality of two younger sisters.
But in his Christian conscience and teachings, he voluntarily approached his parents and told them what he did. What they did as a result, was immediately take him to the Police station and report the offense. The boy was 14 years old.
As usual, because of being a juvenile, the file was sealed and placed in a non-disclosure status as required to protect the identity of the two victims. As I understand it, no other offenses were committed until this day by this man who went on to become a well respected Christian Minister. The Duggar family also went on to become the T.V. family of 19 children.
For some unexplained reason to this day, when Josh Duggar became 18, the FBI opened that file and charged him with the offense committed when he was 14. The female Judge presided over the case, and after josh was sentenced to Counselling which he went through, the Judge's discretion was to close the case and ordered the file re-sealed.
Also for no admitted, apparent reason, the Chief of Police took the file and against the Judge's order, released it to the Press. (Now claiming there was no sealed order on the file.) The Press then inappropriately revealed the names of the two younger sisters.
Most of you have probably heard the 'supposed' rest of the ongoing story on the Main Media, but as usual, if you haven't specifically watched the entire story on FOX NEWS in which the Duggar family parents and the two younger sisters have appeared in defense of their now, Minister brother, you probably didn't hear it all.
So my point I want to make here is; In a world that is populated with imperfect humans, some of them more imperfect than others, including the questionable Geraldo Rivera.
Geraldo's total condemnation of the Duggar affair, and expressed assumption that the whole family is probably still taking part in the immoral behavior today, has raised my ire.
I've never cared for this guy anyway, because I've always felt he was a "Plant" by the "Alternative Normal" Left who has fooled the FOX NEWS organization into thinking he is a sincere Republican.
This tirade he went on this morning convinced me of that suspicion.
Since in his 'Off hours', his probable hob-nobbing with people of the "Alternative Normal" bunch leaves him no room to be hypocritical. I've really never liked that over emphasized mustache of his that makes him look like a rat peering over a broom, and that probably smells from sex he had the night before. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Well here are some facts the Democrats can't blame on the rest of America; According to FBI crime stats, you can truly learn some facts The Democratic?/"Progressive" (Communist) Party can't blame onto someone else.
The ten cities of the United States with more than a population of 200,000 or more, and where all of the destruction and vicious rioting is taking place by Community Organizers and their paid followers, are Detroit, Oakland, Memphis, St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Birmingham, Newark and Kansas City.
Most of those have the strictest gun control laws than any other cities in the U.S.A.
Of those, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Milwaukee and Newark, are the most impoverished in the Nation. (without coincidence, the other Cities on the list are Buffalo, Cincinnati, Miami, El Paso and Philadelphia, all ran from top to bottom by "Progressives". (Communists)
Also note; almost all the top 50 Cities in America have been under total Democratic control for a lot of years.
Baltimore, the most recent City of renewed riotous upheaval to protest 'supposed' "Police Brutality", had 43 homicides, the most in more than 4 decades.
Let's face it folks, The "Left's" ploy they've been using to place the blame on the 'Right' and the Republicans has been directly caused by the real Perpetrators themselves, the Democratic Party and their favorite habit of blaming it on somebody else. Just sayin.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
It's bizarre, it's surreal and it's so unbelievably corrupt, we really didn't see it coming; An assault by a worldly group of Billionaires bringing together a perverted bunch of Anti-God, Anti-Christians, Homosexuals and Radical Muslim Terrorists with totally different purposes, but with one thing in common; Jealousy and Hatred towards Americans in General, particularly Whites and the American way!
How could we have been so terribly naïve?? Was it trust in each other as God loving souls, and taking for granted the Constitutional guide that made us the most powerful Country in the World, we turned a blind eye to the fact that there was deception and greed worshipping others out there waiting for the perfect opportunity to take us down?
Bizarre Ideology for sure, but when you stand back and take a good, long look at it, how could it possibly be more surreal than it has actually turned out to be?
Although it's finally, but gradually coming to light, and the more the same people in that devious group expose themselves for what they truly are, we still have a year and a half of putting up with their nonsense, before we can hopefully bring it to an end!
Who would have thought that their brutal attack on our system would come from within, and from where else other than from one of the most infamous, corrupt areas in the Country, Chicago?
It's only now, we're finding that the Chicago influence is tied to most of the Obama Administration in one form or another? And not only there, but the fact that Barack Obama was raised in one of the most corrupt 3rd World Countries on the Globe, Indonesia!!
5 years ago, a friend of mine 'in the know' said to me when I brought up Obama's name; "The Left Wing machine has been nurturing this man for years."
Now I know exactly what he meant! God help us if he succeeds. Just sayin'.
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